Native Speaker AP Research

University of Washington:

Spoke to Brent in the Admissions office – 1/13/2016

If they complete a course level 2 or higher, they are considered eligible for admission. For non-native speakers, if they receive a level 3 or higher, they also meet the requirement for college graduation.

From the Admissions website:

Two credits are required. The two credits must be devoted to a single language, and applicants must progress through a second-year level course.

  • The World Languages requirement will be considered satisfied for applicants who complete their education through the seventh grade in school(s):
  • where English was not the language of instructionand
  • in countries other than Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the UK, and the U.S.
  • International applicants who entered the U.S. education system prior to the 8th grade must satisfy the world languages requirement.

From the AP section of the Admissions website:

Spanish Language / 3,4,5 / SPAN 201,202,203 (5,10,15 cr., respectively). / Intermediate Spanish.
Counts toward Visual, Literary, and Performing Arts general education requirement for graduation.
Also satisfies foreign language graduation requirement of the College of Arts and Sciences.
No credit awarded for native speakers of Spanish.

Washington State University

Spoke to Franklin in the Admissions office – 1/13

If the students do not take an additional year after the AP course, it is considered a “missing” CADR, but as long as it is their only “missing” requirement, they should be okay. There is a box that can be checked where the student can explain that there were no additional levels of courses available.

Admissions requirements follow the CADRs.

From the Admissions website:

Spanish Language & Culture / 3 / Spanish 101 (Counts toward College of Arts and Sciences Foreign Language requirement) / 4
4 / Spanish 101, Spanish Elective (1 credit) (Counts toward College of Arts and Sciences Foreign Language requirement) / 5
5 / Spanish 101, Spanish Elective (2 credits) (Counts toward College of Arts and Sciences Foreign Language requirement) / 6

Central Washington University

Spoke to Matt Cziske - 1/13

If a student has completed an AP level 4 class, it is assumed that they have the knowledge of levels 1-3, and so would meet the requirement. That said, it would be helpful if the school could provide a letter to the students for inclusion in their application so that it is clear why the student has not take more than the one year.

Use the same CADR requirements as the other universities, per their website.

From the Admissions website, how AP credits are applied:

World / 3 / Credit for 251.
Languages (all) / 4 / Credit for 251, 252.

Edmonds Community College

Spoke to Mark in the Admissions office – 1/13

There is no World Language requirement for students at the community college level

Gonzaga University

Spoke to Mike in the Admissions – 1/13

Students who take the AP level course are viewed to have met the World Language requirement for admission, even if it is their sole course.

From the Admissions website:

The following pattern of coursework is recommended for admission to Gonzaga:


4 years


3-4 years (including algebra I, geometry, algebra II / trigonometry)

History or Social Studies

3 years

Foreign Language

2-3 years of the same language; world languages preferred, American Sign Language accepted


3-4 years (natural or physical laboratory science)

From the AP section of the Admissions website:

Spanish, Language / 4 / 4 / Spanish 101
5 / 8 / Spanish 101 and 102