TITLE / Progress with Affordable Housing Target
DATE / 21st October 2015
BY / Lesley Griffiths AM, Minister for Communities and Tackling Poverty

I wish to update Assembly Members on progress with the affordable housing target. In 2014-15, Local Authorities reported 2,218 additional affordable homes have been delivered across Wales. This means, over the first four years of this administration, we have delivered a total of 9,108 additional affordable homes,representing 91% of our target of 10,000 additional affordable homes within this term of Government. This is excellent news and demonstrates the Welsh Government’s, and the housing sectors commitment and determination to increase affordable housing supply. The figures released today are a clear signal we are on track to meetour 10,000 target.

Partnership working is vital to achieve the right housing outcomes for people in Wales. The original target was 7,500 additional affordable homes which was extended to 10,000 in 2014. The establishment of the Pact with Community Housing Cymru (CHC) was developed to support the delivery of the increased target of10,000 affordable homes. Our performance against this target demonstrates what can be achieved through effective collaborative working.

There is an acute need for more homes across Wales. As the Minister with responsibility for Housing, I have been very clear, increasing the supply of housing is a priority for me, as well as maximising the benefits from construction through local jobs and apprenticeships.

The Welsh Government has been able to continue to provide capital investment through the Social Housing Grant and the Smaller Properties Programme to support the delivery of additional affordable homes, whichwill meet a range of needs. It also supports our wider objectives of tackling poverty and mitigating the impact of welfare reform.

The delivery of housing goes wider than just affordable housing, with market housing having an important role to play in increasing the supply of homes. The delivery of market housing through initiatives such as our Help to Buy – Wales scheme are also important in sustaining delivery.

I believe there is still more which can be done to meet the housing demands across Wales. I look forward to working with the sector to further increase the supply of affordable housing and ensure the people of Wales have access to the homes they need.