Tortoise and Lizard Bash RR Open House, Sept. 18

Todd and Linda Brody are pleased to invite you, your family, and your guests to the Last Run of the 2011 Season for the T&LB Garden Railroad on Sunday, September 18, from 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Address: 10232 Overhill Drive, Santa Ana
Phone: 714-669-9799
Thomas Guide Map: Page 800, H6
The landscape covers about 1,200 square feet with about 600 feet of track and six bridges, including a 14-foot long trestle. Using simple track power, the railroad can run itself fully automated with up to seven trains that slow and/or wait for each other as necessary to avoid collisions at crossing points.
The layout is built around two volcanic areas that spew into various lakes through waterfalls. The volcanoes also result in geothermal activity and the Chameleon Caverns hot springs area let the towns' folk "take the waters" for both health and recreational activities. All vegetation is real and to scale. The entire layout is detailed with dozens of structures, over 300 people and animals, cars, motorcycles, etc. all at a scale of ½ inch per foot.
The major urban area is Tortoise Town and all structures are named for their reptilian counterparts. When sheriff "Chuck Walla" isn't getting a soda at Dragon Lizard Drugs, he may be getting a haircut at Cooter's Clip Joint or calling on Ms. Lizzie at Collard Lizard Clothiers. The "Lounge Lizards" jazz band is featured entertainment in the town circle. Many of the wooden structures are now falling into disrepair and this may be their last showing prior to town renovations.
Brody's B&B (Booze and Babes) includes a "red light" district and is next to the Bear Whiz Beer Brewery and the hot air balloon launch facilities. Two farm/ranches operate in the area as well as a feed and grain facility for the chickens, cows, sheep, and horses. An active gold mine is continually conducting blasting. New for 2011, an aerial tramway takes passengers out to the island to view the falls and for horseback ridding at the nearby stables. Additionally, the Bear Whiz Beer Icing Facility is now in full operation. There may even be a visit from the local, loco cholos trying to hoist their beer on the townsfolk.
Don't forget to bring your camera.
Todd & Linda Brody
The following link will take you to our web site showing the railroad and its history.