On occasion, the use of electronic or social media may be the preferred vehicle for external communications (Facebook, Twitter, blogs, or other social networking sites). Any and all electronic communications to the public by any CRLA employee shall be reviewed and approved by CRLA senior management1 prior to issuance or publication whenever the communication includes information that may be reasonably perceived to indicate that it is a communication representing CRLA’s position or the position of a CRLA employee in the performance of CRLA duties.(See Appendix 1).

The Development & Communications Department is currently utilizing some forms of social media. We have a social media strategy and are working on integrating our social media approaches.

Staff who would like information posted on Facebook or the public website should email the Development & Communications Department (). The Development & Communications Department will then determine if the information supports the communication and development goals of CRLA, and if it does, content will be posted within a few days of receipt of information on Facebook and within a reasonable timeline on the website.

With the rise of new media and next generation communications tools, the way in which we can communicate internally and externally continues to evolve. While this creates new opportunities for communication and collaboration, it also creates new responsibilities for CRLA staff.

Guidelines apply to employees who use or make comments on the following:

Multi-media and social networking websites such as: Facebook, Google Groups, Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube and similar sites; andBlogs (both future CRLA blogs and blogs external to CRLA),

Wikis such as Wikipedia and any other site where text can be posted.

All of these activities are referred to as "postings" in these guidelines.

  1. Your postings should not disclose any information thatviolates confidentially with your client, or violates the attorney/client privilege.
  1. Post must be clear that the views expressed our your own. When posting on social media it is prohibited to or imply that you are posting on behalf of CRLA, nor make references toyour position with CRLA when commenting on prohibited activities underunder LSC regulations1612, which include grassroots lobbying, training, organizing, and attempting to influence legislation, executive activity, or administration decisions, without written approval from the Executive Director. It cannot appear that CRLA is supporting or endorsing your opinions and ideas. Further, you are also not allowed to make posts that discuss prohibited actives duringworkinghours.
  1. Examples of violating this rule would besigning yourtitle and CRLAon a post or making references of yourposition and/orCRLAin your post.For example:
  1. Trump's policies are terrible and needs to be stopped.

John Doe, CRLA Staff Attorney; or

  1. Working at CRLA has taught me that the immigration system is broken, and hereatCRLA we agree that theonly way to truly help farmworkers is to oppose all of Trump's proposals.
  1. Ethnic slurs, offensive comments, defamatory comments, personal insults, orobscenity will be viewed that same as if they were spoken in the office.
  1. If a member of the news media or another blogger contacts you about an Internet posting that concerns the business of CRLA, please treat this contact as you would treat a media or other inquiry about CRLA by telephone or email, i.e. be professional and inform the Development & Communications Department.
  1. If you become aware of Internet posting that may require a response or other action by CRLA, please notify the Development & Communications Department.
  1. Caution and Good Judgment for On-Line Posting.
  1. Reminder, all post will remain on sites forever even if removed from a site.

Appendix 1: CRLA Policy on External Written Communications

Written communications to the public by any CRLA employee shall be reviewed and approved by CRLA senior management prior to issuance or publication whenever the communication includes information that may be reasonably perceived to indicate that it is a communication representing CRLA’s position or the position of a CRLA employee in the performance of CRLA duties; and:

  1. The communication purports to describe a particular legal or factual position on a matter in which CRLA is directly or indirectly involved;
  2. The communication purports to describe CRLA’s general operations and/or CRLA’s application of federal and state law regulating the provision of legal services; or
  3. The communication may be reasonably perceived as a statement of fact about a natural person or entity that is unfavorable to that person’s or entity’s interests; or
  4. The communication will be reasonably perceived as a statement of position or opinion about public policy (including but not limited to legislative and regulatory concerns) by CRLA or a CRLA employee in the performance of CRLA duties.