CP English I Syllabus

Mrs. Staffen

How to Reach Me:

I encourage both parents and students to communicate any concerns, questions, or needs as they arise. I encourage you to use email, as it is a very convenient and effective way to reach me, but you may also call the school. I also have a class webpage set up and I highly recommend checking it periodically for updated class information.

Phone: 883-4500 6th period planning (1:24- 2:12)



My goal is to develop your interest in and commitment to the power of the printed and spoken word. I will help you to improve your ability to communicate effectively in various modes (verbally, visually, written) to the world around you. I believe that you will leave this classroom with the tools to continue to grow and develop into positive members of your community who continue to learn beyond my classroom.

Course Objectives:

Students in this course will:

  • Expand their vocabulary using glossaries, dictionaries, and thesauri. They will also learn how to use context clues to find the meaning of words.
  • Demonstrate mastery of Standard English mechanics, grammar, usage, and spelling.
  • Use critical thinking skills to demonstrate their understanding and formulate questions about a variety of texts.
  • Write a multi-paragraph essay using a variety of writing strategies.
  • Write about literature.
  • Use various strategies to organize and write clear and concise summaries.
  • Apply effective listening skills and strategies for various audiences and purposes.


BINDER- you will need a small three-ring binder with three dividers

PENS OR PENCILS- we have computers, but you will also be filling out wksts and keeping notes

PLANNER- the student planners is your only way out of my room during class. It also is very handy for keeping track of assignment due dates. We will have a lot of different things going on at one time so have this with you to remember.

JUMP DRIVE- I am not requiring this, however you will most likely find this an irreplaceable resource

Class Overview:

We will be covering a lot of material in our classes this year. In order to accomplish all the objectives set forth by local, state and federal governments, we will cover certain objectives every four weeks. I will post these objectives on the class webpage. At the end of each of the four week sessions, we will take a common assessment. This is a test that is common among all English classes. We will also have a performance event, which will be a writing assignment of some kind.

There will be assignments both in class and outside of the classroom that we will use as practice for these tests. We will also complete various projects throughout the year. It is very important that you create a class binder to help you keep track of all the work we will be completing.


The High school English Department will be implementing a new grading policy this year. 60% of your grade will be comprised of independent work such as quizzes, tests, and common assessments. That leaves the remaining 40% to be consist of homework, class work, presentations, projects, etc. The CP classes also take a semester final which will be 10% of their semester grade. This means that the quarter grades are 45% and the final is 10%.

Late Work Policy

In a College Preparatory class late work should NOT be an option. However, if you have an excused absence, you will receive one day to make up the assignment.

Other late work will be docked 10% each day that it is late and a late work sheet will have to be attached.

Classroom Rules:

  1. Be in your seat and prepared to begin class when the bell rings.
  2. Stay in your assigned seat daily, unless you have permission to do otherwise.
  3. Follow directions the first time they are given.
  4. Do not use vulgar or offensive language.
  5. Be respectful of the people, supplies and furnishings in this room.

Computer Rules:

C- computer settings can only be changed by school faculty

O- only go online if you have been given permission to do so

M- make sure the websites you visit are educational

P- passwords cannot be shared

U- you are responsible for any accidents

T- tell the teacher if there is a problem with the computer

E- email and powerschool are not allowed unless you have been given permission

R- remember to log off the computer before leaving the classroom

S- snacks and sodas are not allowed near the computers


1. You will receive a verbal warning

2. You will fill out a written form; this is documentation of your behavior

3. A Misconduct Report will be sent to the office

Severe Disruption: will result in immediate removal from class and a letter or call home.


praise (daily), positive notes/phone calls home (random), whole class music time or free time (weekly), various other positive perks (throughout the school year)


STUDENTS: I have read this classroom syllabus and understand it. I will honor it while in Room 13.


PARENTS: My child has discussed the classroom syllabus with me. I understand it and will support it.

Signature:______Date: ______