Extract from Performance Review and Planning Proforma: An Example of a Completed Form for the Teaching and Learning and Summary Sections


Teaching and Learning Staff Member:

University/Faculty Goals / Individual Performance Objectives (set in 2006) / Achievement/Reflection (2007) / Evidence (Portfolio Reference) (2007) / Action/Follow up (2008)
Student centred-practice
Develop student attributes - intellectual, professional and values in the Catholic tradition.
Identify and respond to student needs. / ·  Develop opportunities in two units for students to develop critical reasoning skills
·  As Course Coordinator organise with colleagues two meetings with first year students during semester about their progress and needs / · Tried new assignment in unit R requiring students to evaluate two different approaches to problem. Students found it challenging.
· Main issues were that most of the unit readings for the new units were not in the library at the start of semester and that there is overlap between some units. / ·  Unit outline for R (Ref #) and my journal notes on discussion with students after completing assignment (Ref #)
·  Raised matters at School Committee - see minutes and HOS memo re early submission of unit outlines ((Ref #). End of year Course Meeting with staff addressed overlap issues (Ref#) / ·  Refine these strategies in next iteration.
·  Monitor submission of first year unit outlines to library.
·  Provide feedback to students at next meeting re action taken.
Assessment and evaluation practice
Ensure that assessment approaches and procedures demonstrate an appropriate pedagogical strategy to enhance learning.
Foster critical reflective practice through ongoing evaluation of teaching and learning. / ·  Assessment criteria detailed in unit outlines conform to assessment policy requirements
·  Written reflections on unit evaluation data are provided to the HOS each semester
·  Improve unit evaluation data on questions about lecturer feedback on assessment / · In unit E semester 2 students said the assignment criteria were ambiguous
· Completed. Preparing a written reflection was especially good for the team taught unit
· Data for 3/4 units indicated improved lecturer feedback on assessment / · Unit evaluation comments (Ref #)
· Reflections on unit evaluations (Ref#).
· Unit evaluation data (Ref #) / · Get peer feedback and improve clarity of assessment criteria
· Will continue written reflections on unit evaluations
· Focus on unit where feedback did not improve and try different strategy.
Professional development (research, curriculum development, community engagement and administration)
Ensure that all staff are actively engaged in ongoing professional learning.
Develop appropriate and effective curriculum approaches that integrate the use of technologies and support the needs of diverse learners.
Ensure that academic programs are informed by research and scholarship.
Develop community engagement as an integral component of teaching and learning. / ·  Attend WebCT training course
·  Learn and trial a new tool in web-enhanced unit
·  Mentor new lecturer
·  Develop paper and submit to First Year Experience Conference / · Attended WebCT training course
· Included new webtool in unit in semester 2
· Mentored new colleague in how to use new webtool
· Attended Faculty Course Coordinator Conference
· Conference paper has been submitted / ·  Training Certificate (Ref #)
·  Unit outline (Ref #)
·  My journal notes (Ref #)
·  Faculty Staff Development Certificate (Ref #)
· Copy of submitted paper (Ref #) / · Use this tool in other units
· Discuss online issues with new colleague regularly
· Seek conference funding and develop article for refereed journal from conference paper
· Seek teaching in Clemente/Catalyst program
Performance Objectives / ¨ Not Met / ¨ Partially Met / ü Met / ¨ Exceeded / ¨ Excelled
Supervisor’s Comments: XXX has met the agreed Performance Objectives for 2006 and has agreed follow up actions. The focus on resolving issues raised by first year students has been helpful. The improvements in the provision of student feedback in assessments and the increased expertise with online tools are pleasing.

Summary Staff Member:

Professional Learning/Career Goals
·  Attend First Year Experience Conference
·  Participate in next cultural awareness workshop
·  Submit refereed paper following conference
·  Work with colleagues to seek Faculty research grant for joint project
·  Plan OSP application for 2010
Work/Life Balance Goals
·  Planning four weeks leave in mid 2008
·  Attend project management workshop
·  Attend campus retreat in 2008
Overall Performance: / Objectives were : ¨ Not Met / ¨ Partially Met / ¨ Met / ¨ Exceeded / ¨ Excelled
Supervisor’s Comment:
Staff Member’s Comment:
Supervisor’s Name: / Staff Member’s Name:
Signature: / Staff Member’s