Sample AIAA Grant Proposal for Model Rockets

Type of Purchase:

Model Rockets and launching supplies

What is the goal/benefit(s) of this purchase?

The purchase of model rockets will allow sixth grade students to supplement their space education with hands-on experience. This experience will instill in the students a love for learning and a curiosity to discover more in the aerospace field.

Grade Level of Student Benefitting from Grant?
(Grade Level or Type of Students):

The rockets will be used by students in the sixth grade.

Numberofstudents? 24

Amountofmoneyneeded: $179.68

Any matching funds from other sources: No

Description of this purchase with a suggested retailer’s price.

This purchase will be for 24 rockets, 48 rocket motors, and two launch sets. This will allow each student to construct his or her own rocket and launch it twice.

Item / Company / Quantity / Unit Price / Price
Up Aerospace Spaceloft Rocket / / 2 / $38.72 / $77.44
Alpha III STARTER SET (E2X) / / 2 / $19.43 / $38.86
1/2A3-4T Engines / / 2 / $31.69 / $63.38
Total Price / $179.68

Proposal Summary of how you plan to use this grant.

The mission of AIAA is to advance the state of aerospace science, engineering, and technological leadership. The fundamentals of these principles are taught best when they are instilled in the minds of young students. Here at Valley View Elementary we teach our sixth graders about space and exploration. The students will better understand and more fully appreciate these concepts if they are given an opportunity to experience them for themselves.

The money from this grant will be used to purchase rocket kits and engines for just that kind of experience. While teaching the space section in the sixth grade curriculum, the students will spend time constructing and launching their model rockets. We will discuss the principles that allow model rockets to fly and how these principles are applied to real rockets today. This hands-on portion will supplement the in-class instruction and prepare young minds for bright aerospace futures.

Grant Instructions from AIAA Website

This is a competitive grant program to educate students about math, science, technology, and engineering. Before submitting your proposal please consider these objectives and make sure that your grant fulfills this mission.

The following guidelines must be adhered to in order to receive the AIAA Foundation Classroom Grant:

1. Teacher must be a current AIAA Educator Associate member or an AIAA Professional member actively engaged as a K-12 classroom educator prior to receiving the grant.
2. One grant per teacher will be considered under this program. An Educator Associate may apply for up to $200 of grant funding. (NOTE: THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO LEGO GRANTS). LEGO GRANTS: Grants will be made for up to $100 per team for participation in robotics competitions. The AIAA Foundation should be acknowledged as a team sponsor. A maximum one-time grant of up to $200 (two Educator Associate members) will be granted to each school for participation in a robotics competition.
3. The grant proposal must include:

a. a full one-page synopsis of project including
i. how the project relates to the AIAA purpose
ii. how the funds are to be used
b. itemized price list of the items proposed for purchase

4. Failure to complete any of the required information will result in the rejection of the proposal.
5. Grants are limited to a maximum of five Educator Associates per school. Requests may not be combined to purchase a single item in excess of $200. The purchases must be separate items (i.e. cannot be one $1,000 item) with the following restriction: The grant proposal must be accompanied by a full one-page synopsis of how the requested funds are to be used, and a separate itemized price list of the items proposed for purchase from each teacher requesting funds.
6. Grants will be considered on a quarterly basis in January, March, June, and September. Grants must be received one month prior to be considered for the upcoming cycle. For example, grant proposals to be evaluated in January must be received by AIAA by 30 November.
7. Funds must be spent on the proposed items. The AIAA Foundation reserves the right not to reimburse items that were not on the original proposal, unless the item is no longer available and prior approval is given by the AIAA Staff Liaison.
8. Upon approval of the grant, a letter of commitment will be sent to the teacher. Reimbursement for items purchased after the grant approval will be made upon submission of receipts to AIAA Headquarters. A check will be mailed to the school within three weeks.
9. Funds must be used within six months of approval or the funds will revert back to the AIAA Foundation.
10. Teachers are encouraged to send pictures of the purchased items in use by students as well as copies of any publicity involving the purchased items and related activities. The AIAA Foundation reserves the right to allow/disallow other items not listed above at the discretion of the Precollege Outreach Committee.

allowable uses for classroom grants

Funds will be considered for the following materials needed to promote the teaching of science, mathematics, and technology:

Preference will be given to proposed activities relevant to aerospace sciences and technologies similar to those defined by NASA missions, which include, but are not limited to:

a. Aerospace Technology
b. Earth Science
c. Human Exploration and Development
d. Space Science

Acceptable materials include:

·  Classroom math or science demonstration kits

·  Classroom science supplies

·  Math and science software for K-12 use

·  Math manipulatives

·  Supplies for making flying objects

·  Supplies for robotic programs

Funds WILL NOT be considered for the following:

·  Books intended for school-wide use

·  Ancillary equipment such as: PCs, computer scanners and other hardware, printers

·  Video equipment, digital cameras, white boards, machine shot tools, etc.

·  Registration fees for competitions

·  Travel associated with field trips or competitions

·  T-shirts or promotional materials for competitions

·  Teacher workshop fees

·  Field trip fees that are not directly related to a hands-on aerospace related activity

·  Grants that effect less than 15 students

Note to Home Schools
Due to funding limitations, individual home school proposals cannot be considered. However, proposal requests from home school groups or clubs of 15 or more students will be considered.

Guideline Revisions
Revisions to these guidelines may be made at any time.