April 2007IEEE 802.22-07/0210r0

IEEE P802.22
Wireless RANs

Spectrum Sensing Tiger Team Minutes
Date: 2007-04-18
Name / Company / Address / Phone / Email
Steve Shellhammer / Qualcomm / 5775 Morehouse Drive
San Diego, CA92121 / (858) 658-1874 /


April 11 / April 18
Edward Au / X / X
Danijela Cabric
Ed Callaway
Winston Caldwell / X
Dave Cavalcanti / X / X
Soo-Young Chang / X / X
Hou-Shin Chen
Gerald Chouinard / X / X
Chris Clanton
Carlos Cordeiro / X / X
Neiyer Correal
Upkar Dhaliwal
Charles Einolf
Wen Gao
Monisha Ghosh / X
Wendong Hu / X / X
Baowei Ji / X / X
Sang-Won Kim / X / X
Gwangzeen Ko
Steve Kuffner
Spyros Kyperountas
Augustine Leng
Ying-Chang Liang / X
Kyutae Lim
Suahs Mathur
Apurva Mody / X / X
Peter Murray
Steve Shellhammer / X
Myung-Sun Song / X
Kathyayani Srikanteswara
Carl Stevenson
Rahul Tandra
Victor Tawil / X
Anh Tuan / X
George Vlantis
Kelly Williams
Tianyu Wu
Ray Wang
Kwon Yeong-Hyeon
Yonghong Zeng / X / X

2Minutes from April 11 2007 Conference Call


  • Attendance (Steve)
  • Proposed Resolutions for Comments Related to Sensing (Dave and Carlos)
  • Is a variable sensing threshold is needed (Wendong)
  • New Business


  • We reviewed the document on “Proposed Resolutions for Comments Related to Sensing”
  • Suggested that the text explain that the quiet period parameters are sent every super frame
  • We were only able to go through a portion of the document so we will need to continue this discussion at future sensing calls

3Minutes from April 18 2007 Conference Call


  • Attendance (Gerald)
  • Resolutions Sensing MAC Harmonization (Carlos and David)
  • Continued discussion of MAC text on Sensing (Steve)
  • New Business


Document 7-0163r3:

  • Need to align the definition of in-band with in-band sensing from Wendong’s MAC definition
  • If sensing is done in channel N, do we need to ask the adjacent WRAN cells that work on N+1 and N-1 to quiet down. How will it be done? Need to send the CBP information on adjacent channels?
  • Need a definition for inter-frame and intra-frame
  • Need to update the diagrams of Fig. 57 to be able skip the intra-frame sensing and go directly to the inter-frame sensing. And fine sensing.
  • Do we need to include authentication in the CBP to make sure that the request for quiet periods from an adjacent cell is legitimate in order not to bring the WRAN systems down.
  • Dave will prepare a new revision (probably the last) of this document and send it on the reflector.
Document 7-162-1
  • It was felt that a number of questions raised in this document have now been resolved through the discussion on doc. #7-163r3.
  • It was suggested that Steve Shelhammer review this document in verifying what was decided in doc. #7-163r3 and bring out the questions that still seem to be uncovered for discussion at the next week’s conference call.

Submissionpage 1Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm