Sink or Float

Lab Report Expectations


  • Title, Name, Class, Block
  • Essential Question: When placed in a tank of water, will a can of Coke/Diet Coke sink or float?
  • Hypothesis : must be written before collecting lab data


  • Procedure: For your information, do not need to write out in report.
  • Mass a 10 ml graduated cylinder, record
  • Fill graduated cylinder to the 2.0 ml mark with Coke
  • Mass the cylinder, record.
  • Subtract to find the mass of the soda.
  • Continue to repeat these steps for volumes 4.0ml, 6.0 ml, 8.0 ml, 10.0 ml for Coke.
  • Repeat the entire process with Diet Coke.
  • Data Tables: Use a ruler to set up the lines. Record all units and measurements precisely. You should have two data tables.

( 4pts)

Coke Volume / Soda + Cylinder Mass / Soda Mass
0.0 ml
2.0 ml
4.0 ml / This is only a sample / Create Your Own !
6.0 ml
8.0 ml
10.0 ml
  • Graph: Prepare two graphs one for Coke and one for Diet Coke on different pieces of paper. Each graph should have a descriptive title, labeled axes and properly spaced numbers on the x and y axes. Mass should be on the y axis and Volume on the x axis. You must use a ruler to draw the best fit line for each graph and calculate the slope of the line. This should be shown on the graph.


4pts for each graph including best fit lines and slope

  • Conclusions:
  • Restate your hypothesis. What do you expect to happen when the cans are placed in water? Explain your answer.
  • Based on your data, what would you expect to happen when the cans of soda are placed in the water tank? Explain your answer by referring to the data collected.
  • What really happened when the cans were placed in the water ?
  • Why did the cans behave the way that they did ? Be sure to refer to information from class discussion.
  • How do the actual results compare to your hypothesis and the data collected? Explain by referring to each.
  • How might you expect other sodas to behave ? Choose two different ones to cite and explain what you think would happen and why.
  • What sources of error were there in this experiment? Explain by referring to specific events that took place during your experiment. Do not give generic errors…like it could have been this, might have done….that.
