Honda PACT Advisory Committee - Meeting Minutes

Thursday, November 16, 2017 * 11:00am -12:30 p.m.

Penguin Union Building 258C

Honda Advisory Members:

Rich Purinton – Dick’s Hillsboro Honda: Committee Vice Chair

Emre Wilson - American Honda Motor Co.

Alex Bassett – Dick Hannah Honda

Ron Hollenbeck – Town & Country Honda

Daniel Legg – Portland Training Center

Jose Moreno – Parker Johnstone’s Wilsonville Honda

Bruce Wagstaff – Tonkin Gresham Honda: Committee Chair

Clark College:Tonia Haney, Automotive Professor & Department Head; Mike Godson, Automotive Professor; Brian Tracy, Automotive Instructor/Honda PACT Lead; Drew Marques – Automotive Instructor; Michaela Loveridge, Recruitment & Retention Specialist; Cathy Sherick, Assoc. Dir of Instructional Planning & Innovation;

Guests: Roy Stiff, American Honda Motor Co.; Maggie McKinney, Office of Instruction

Meeting called order by Brian Tracy in absence of a committee chair at 11:08 and introductions were made.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Motion to approve minutes by Alex, seconded by Bruce and passed by the committee.

Next Meeting Date

Committee chose to table setting thenext meeting date until they know when Shoreline Community College is holding their meeting so American Honda representatives could attend both meetings (the meeting was tentatively set for Friday, April 13 at 11am).

Nominate/Elect Committee Chair

Bruce was nominated by Emre and elected by the committee.

PACT Report

Brian reported that there are 5 students in the second year of the program, and 5 students in the first year. He asked dealers for feedback regarding students. Ron mentioned his student is great except for punctuality. Would like to get someone at Jose’s dealership. Alex’s students are doing well. Rich is impressed with his student. Rich mentioned that he allows his student to spend time doing coursework. Brian appreciated his perspective. Emre asked how many students are placed at Acura locations, and there are 3 total.

Job Shadow

Report from Michaela:


First year: 5, we started with 7 but we lost two due to academic concerns and some personal issues.

Second year: 5

Trying some new things this year:

  • Inviting directors to every high school visit this year based on the vicinity of the high school near the dealers. This is an opportunity for dealer to participate in the recruiting process and meet future interns early on.
  • What has been successful for some of our other dealership partners is talking to entry-level techs before they hired about going through the program. Stressing how going through the program will fast track their career.
  • We had our Automotive Open House on October 26th and the turnout was fabulous. We had about 100 prospective students and family members attend. Special thanks to Dick Hannah Honda, Tonkin Gresham Honda, and Wilsonville Honda who participated at the event.

Job shadow:

  • As students are interviewed for the program, they will be asked to complete a job shadow as a requirement of being accepted, and dealership input on the job shadow document would be appreciated. Technicians will be asked these questions, so any feedback is helpful. A copy of the job shadow document was passed around for review.Will discuss feedback at the April meeting.

Roy asked if there was a partnership with any high school to be a feeder into the Clark PACT program – not officially though many high schools do work with Clark. If high schools are affiliated with AYES/NATEF they get free program content and can get practice vehicles. This might be a way to create a feeder into Clark. Brian said Cascadia Technical Academy (the former Clark County Skills Center) does have the Honda curriculum. The challenge in the region is a lack of NATEF certified schools – with only one in the vicinity currently certified, and one other seeking recertification. Drew mentioned that one of the problems is that schools are getting away from NATEF certification. Feels that Portland’s view on blue-collar workers has changed and it’s hard to get students interested. Roy mentioned automotive programs are now being considered STEM programs. Wants to get students involved at earlier ages. Wants to be able to push down older vehicles to HS students that would not be as valuable to PACT students. Ron asked if schools need to be NATEF certified – Roy said they are. Alex mentioned that many programs cut due to funding. Roy asked if corporate could get an invite to future Open House events – Michaela confirmed. Asked about getting a national PACT video – corporate working on a video to use at open houses. Alex asked if dealers can use them on the websites and Roy confirmed. He mentioned there is a section on the PACT website for dealers.

Roy asked if the marketing kit material was received – Michaela said that it was. She mentioned an enrollment folder she gives to students during interviews which holds the student agreements. If PACT had a branded folder like the one T-TEN provides, she feels it would make a good marketing impressionon parents and students. Michaela will send Roy a sample. Mike asked if the PACT logo was available to use and Roy confirmed.


Dannie introduced himself. He has been remodeling some of the internship programs and has been out visiting the students in the programs. He will be working on a program to visit during breaks to keep engaged with students. He shared that he has a breakdown of the 1st year course if anyone wants a copy. Mike added that they are going to start implementing mentor training. Ron asked if there would be a course for mentoring techs – Mike confirmed. Roy asked if students have a checklist regarding what is covered – Dannie confirmed. Mike mentioned that if something happens with interns, they need to know about it so it can be addressed. Dannie added that he makes sure all the students know that they can talk to him. Emre asked about the instructors dedicated to each programand how they are organized at the college. Mike explained dealers programs are separate but quantity of students dictate that students in all programs work together. Drew mentioned he felt this was an advantage because it gives students a wide range of experiences.

Industry Discussion/News

Brian – NATEF certification: finishing 2nd year student and will begin certification process next fall. Tonia added that members from local dealerships will need to be part of the certification committee, as advisory board members cannot be part of the NATEF review committee. Tonia asked Roy when the Honda review would occur. He didn’t know but will report back.

Brian mentioned 5 out of 12 first year students passed the A6 ASE for Electrical. Drew added that the current cohort is very impressive. It has been daunting developing while teaching and once Winter term is complete, curriculum development will hopefully be complete. Brian thanked Michaela for the quality of the cohort.

Roy asked dealers if there was anything that PACT could do different to help dealership. Alex mentioned that having techs present at advisory meetings has made a huge improvement. Drew said a focus on soft skills is important – feels that many programs lack that.

Drew asked if interns are with the same mentor or if they work with different mentors. Ron answered that currently his student is just with one, but he wants them to work with others to get different perspectives. Drew noted that the students who are most successful are the ones who have access to multiple perspectives. Bruce added that his shop foreman assigns the students different areas depending on what is going on. Ron mentioned that it’s important that the mentor views the student as a student and not as a helper.

Brian was told that towards the end of the 2 year program, they can send students to the training center for a week. Daniel will discuss with Roy. Brian’s goal is to have students pass all ASEs by the time they leave Clark.

Bruce made a motion to go past 12:30 meeting time. Rich motioned, Brian seconded.

College Announcements

Welcome back to 2017-18 we are excited to be rolling up our sleeves and delving in to the second year of work of our Academic plan.

The new “Areas of Study” have been adopted and approved these will provide the framework for organizing the different degree paths for students. The link is Here

Advisory Committees will begin to see how they fit in to the implementation work of Pathways. The goal is to improve rates of completion, transfer and attainment of jobs. The American Association of Community Colleges (ASCC) has developed a model that articulates the implementation process. Advisory members are encouraged to review the model for understanding.

Academic plan Goal 6: Infuse the study of Power, Privilege and Inequity throughout the curriculum. Last year advisory members asked why this was happening at Clark. To answer that question, we have been working with the Office of Diversity and Equity to put together some basic information that can help frame the issue for further discussion. Watch for it on meeting agendas.

The new McClaskey Culinary Institute (MCI) is open and teaching students this term! The link to information about the program is Here. We are looking forward to being able to provide our advisory members with menu items from the cuisine and baking programs.

Clark continues to see enrollment declines, which may have budget impacts. We do not anticipate further program cuts at this time, but cannot rule out the possibility of changes in the future should this trend continue. Your help in letting community members know about the great programs at Clark is appreciated!

As programs are taught out, we have terrific Advisory volunteers we hate to lose. Often we need to infuse current committees with new members, and sometimes new programs are developed that will need new advisory committees. We are working this year on the development of a Master Advisory Committee that will help us with three tasks.

  1. Visiting current committees to talk to members and get an idea of how things are working.
  2. Planning and hosting annual Advisory event.
  3. Reporting to the Board of Trustees every year on the great work of Advisory Committees.

Let us know if you are interested by contacting Nic. You can be on two committees, or if you want to step away from your current committee work that is fine too.

We also wanted to thank everyone who was able to attend the annual recognition event held on July 13 at the new STEM building. We had beautiful weather, many cold beverages and a great time. We look forward to planning the event next year with our new Master Advisory Committees.

We will be undertaking an updated Ethics training at the Spring advisory meetings.

The annual Clark College Career fair will be held in April. Advisory Committee members will be provided additional information from the career center in upcoming meetings.

Prepared by Maggie McKinney

Edits by Michaela Loveridge 12/12/17