Noun Review

Name ______

Underline the nouns in each sentence; circle all collective nouns:

1.  Our class is preparing to give book talks in a couple weeks.

2.  Volunteers helped clean roads so that supplies could get to villages that need them.

3.  Charity groups around the world collaborate to help those in need.

4.  When it rains, rivers overflow, and neighborhoods nearby flood.

5.  Sue was nervous for the choir concert tonight because she had a solo.

6.  TV images of homeless and hungry people touched many Americans, who responded generously.

7.  Sunflowers, a famous painting by Van Gogh is my favorite still life.

8.  Each of the students will be allowed to contribute a sculpture for our art show.

9.  The entire class will be participating in this year’s triathlon.

10.  The news was on everyday this month when Paul walked into history class.

Underline the subject of each sentence. Then, put a S next to each sentence that uses a singular subject; put a P next to each sentence that uses a plural subject.

_____ 1. The public is encouraged to visit the art show before the end of May.

_____ 2. The students’ art work was displayed at the state fair in Huron.
_____ 3. Collectors are raising prices on trading cards because they are so rare.

_____ 4. The staff at Mitchell Middle School will decide who will participate next week.

_____ 5. Charles and Mary are going to be our next homecoming royalty.

_____ 6.Small Steps by Sachar is a sequel to his novel Holes.

_____ 7. Ceramics is the art of making objects from clay.

_____ 8. Most addresses can be found in the phone book.

_____ 9. Jumping spiders can be found in almost every environment from your windowsill to
22,000 feet up the side of a mountain.

_____ 10. The Robertsons are headed to Colorado for a ski trip.
Write C next to each sentence that is written correctly; write an X next to any sentence containing errors. Make all corrections needed.

_____ 1. The Seattle Science Center was famous for their children’s Water Feature.
_____ 2. Californias’ beaches are some of the best destination vacations in the world.

_____ 3. I held corey’s camera as she climbed Harney Peak in South Dakota.

_____ 4. Terry peak is a nice Ski Resort in the Black Hills of South Dakota.

_____ 5. The student council is holding a Jill McCormick Dance at the end of April.

_____ 6. The Monuments’ façade needs to be polished before the ceremony.

_____ 7. An incomplete sculpture of Chief Crazy Horse stands in the Black Hill’s several Miles
from Mt. Rushmore.

_____ 8. In 1998 the Statues massive face was unveiled.

_____ 9. The Lakota’s chose to celebrate the great warrior’s spirit with this sculpture.

_____ 10. Disney World’s attractions are a favorite to children and teenagers alike.