
Travel Training

Travel Training Assessment

Travel Cards


Teaching Notes

  • When students are travelling to work experience, it needs to be determined how this is going to happen – e.g.

– independently - on public transport or by walking,

– parent or guardian drives the student,

– taxi.

  • Duties of care in regard to student health and safety must be understood and taken into account when work experience travel arrangements are determined.

Please refer to the Department of Education & Training Work Experience Manual.

  • Valuable lesson content in regard to Travel Training can be gained by using Certificate I in Transition Education Modules VBG760 Travel Orientation and Mobility and Module VBG778 Guides, Directories and Timetables.


Activities on using phones-public using coins, phone card and a mobile.

Ensure students have mobile switched on, not on silent ring, and that important numbers are keyed in.

Provide comprehensive hands-on activities using phones, and role play situations they might use them in.


  • Activities on using timetables - gather current and local area train. bus, tram timetables and create relevant fact finding lessons.

Learning Outcomes from Module VBG778 Guides, Directories and Timetables.

Travel Cards

Some examples of information cards students can carry with them in case of emergency are included. Role play situations when students might use them.

Travel Training Assessment

Student Name: Date of Birth: ____ / ____ / ____

Travel Trainer Name:Destination:

Travel Tasks

/ To
Date / From
Date / To
Date / From
Date / To
Date / From
Date /


Ready at agreed time
Crosses roads with care and obeys laws
Locates station or tram/bus stop
Purchases tickets at machine/teller
Gives money to teller/into machine-Waits for change
Puts wallet/purse in safe place
Uses concession card correctly
Validates ticket correctly
Keeps ticket in a safe place
Finds correct bus or tram stop / train platform
Boards and alights from bus/tram/train independently
Sits in the front carriage or as close to driver of tram/bus as possible
Sits in seat facing direction that bus/train/tram is travelling
Awareness of landmarks along route
Identifies the stop activate signal for driver to stop on bus/tram/train
Knowledge of timetable, TV information screens, announcements and information button
Arrives at organised destination
Asks for assistance if needed from a MET employee
Ensures that all belongings are taken when alighting from the bus/tram/train

Travel Cards