Fr. Michael Sezzi


During this semester you will be asked to prepare a news-worthy report of one of the events, a parable or miracle story, in Jesus’ life. The goal of the project is for you to produce a scholarly report within a “newspaper/newsletter” format on what has been learned in the class as well as to arrive at an appreciation for the Incarnate Word—the life of Christ in our own lives and in the lives of the world community.

The semester project will consist of the following parts:

Stages / Due / Percent of semester project grade
Choose a Parable or Miracle / February 16 (per. 7) & 17 (per. 1, 2) / 10%
Project Idea & sources / March 2 / 15%
Rough draft with visual component / March 15 (per. 7, 1) & 16 (per. 2) / 20%
Final draft with visual component / April 6 (per. 7) & 7 (per. 1, 2) / 45%
Oral presentation / April 18 (per. 1, 2) & 19 (per. 7) / 10%

Stage 1

Choose a Parable or Miracle

From this list provided on this sheet select a Parable or Miracle. Copy it onto an 8 ½ X 11 sheet of paper and in your own hand (not a Google image or computer clip art) create a visual representation of the Parable or Miracle you selected. Stage 1 is a creative element of the semester project. Be sure your name is printed clearly in the upper right corner of shorter edge of the paper (portrait orientation).

●  On February 16/17 students will be required to commit to a parable or miracle from the list provided here. There will be a limit of 2 students per parable or miracle.

Stage 2

Project Idea

The parables or miracles you selected in Stage 1 will be the major headline of your “newspaper/newsletter” page.

To complete stage 2

1.  Put your name and period at the top right of the page.

2.  Type out the parable or miracle story.

3.  In one paragraph answer the question: What did you learn from the parable or miracle story that you can apply to your life? This should be typed in Time New Roman Font (12 point font), and follow the MLA citation and essay structure taught to you in your English class.

4.  You should have one outside reference and the citations should be in MLA format. The textbook can be one of the sources. [Citations should be from reputable published sources—i.e. encyclopedia, books, online (for example:; (Wikipedia does not count)].

Stage 3

Rough draft with visual component

Using Microsoft Word or Publisher, create a “newspaper/newsletter” about the events in Jesus’ life. The parable or miracle story should be the headline/major story of your semester project. Your visual component should connect with the story and it should have a caption. Your rough draft “newspaper/newsletter” should have an outline using Microsoft Word or Publisher for the following:

Component in your newspaper/newsletter

●  1-2 advertisements (not more that 2) for something related to Jesus in a positive manner. The total size of advertisements should not be more than a ¼ of the page.

●  Major headline story

●  Word search (entertainment section)

●  Time-Period related story (based upon a story in the Gospels or early Christian history)

** use your local newspaper for an example of creating this semester project.

Stage 4

Final draft with visual component

The final draft should have all the completed elements described in stage 3 with all corrections duly noted. The majority of the grade will depend on the written work, it should follow the essay structure taught to you in your English class.

Stage 5

Oral presentation

Students will present the major story of their “newspaper/newsletter” and what they learned about Jesus: His Mission and Ministry.

If at any time you have questions see Fr. Mike as soon as possible. You can also email Fr. Mike at with your concerns/questions.

Miracle – “A deed or an event that cannot be explained by ordinary human intervention or know natural forces.” Page 287 – Glossary, Jesus Christ: His Mission and Ministry

Man with the Withered Hand / Mark 3:1-6 / Luke 6:6-11
Healing the Paralytic / Matthew 9:1-8 / Mark 2:1-12
Heal the Deaf Mute and Many Others / Matthew 15:29-31 / Mark 7:31-37
Healing of the Crippled Woman on the Sabbath / Luke 13:10-17
Jarius’ Daughter and the Woman with a Hemorrhage / Mark 5:21-43 / Luke 8: 40-56
Blind Man is Healed at Bethsaida / Mark 8:22-26
Healing the Demoniac in the Synagogue / Mark 1:23-28 / Luke 4:33-37

Parable – “He (Jesus) told parables to underline important points.” Page 47 – Jesus Christ: His Mission and Ministry

Parable of the Lost Sheet / Luke 15:1-7
Parable of the Prodigal Son / Luke 15:11-32
Parable of the Unjust Steward / Luke 16:1-9
Parable of the Unjust Judge / Luke 18:1-8
Parable of the Great Supper / Matthew 22:1-14
Parable of the Talents / Matthew 25:14-30 / Luke 19:11-27
Parable…Flood and Exhortation to Watchfulness / Matthew 24:37-44 / Luke 17:26-36
Parable of the Ten Virgins / Matthew 25:1-13
Parable of the Rich Fool / Luke 12:16-21
Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus / Luke 16:19-31
Parable of the Sower / Matthew 13:1-9 / Mark 4:1-9