Jubilee Mennonite Church

812 28th Avenue, Meridian, MS

(601) 693-8073 | jubileemennonite.org

Jubileefollows Jesus Christ through Nurture, Evangelism, Worship, and Service, offering God’s healing and hope to our community and the world.

Co-Pastors: Duane & Elaine Maust (917-2249; 917-2248)

Elders: Fern Diener, James Dominici, Anita Wansley

Youth & Young Adult Minister: Joel Beachy (604-5979)

Ministry Coordinator: Anita Wansley (482-7995)

January 13, 2013

Sunday School: 9:30

Bible Study Anita Wansley

New Beginnings Class Joe Martinez Sojourners Class Mike Clymer

Worship Service: 10:45

Greeter William Colton

Worship Leader Duane Maust

Song Leader Brittany Wansley

Nursery Melody Clymer (SS), Abigail Shelly

Order of Service

Call to Worship

Worship Songs

Children’s Story Brett Scruggs


Offertory Brett Scruggs

Sharing & Pastoral Prayer Duane Maust

Scripture Reading – Luke 21: 25-36

Sermon – “Bad News, Good News” Kevin Farmwald

Response – “Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen” Hans Thogersen




After the Children’s Story, children ages 3 and under may go to the nursery.

A special welcome to all of our guests!Please complete the visitor card in the pew and drop it into the offering plate. Plan to join us for worship again soon!

This Week at Jubilee

TODAY Pot Luck; Care Group leaders @ 6:00 at the Mausts’ (see Duane or Elaine)

TUE Mom’s Group @ 9:00 (see Christine Maust Beachy);

Pastors/Elders team meeting @ 6:30 (see Duane Maust)

WED Bible Study (see Anita Wansley)

THU Community of Hope board meeting @ 7:00 (see John Opel)

FRI Men’s Prayer Breakfast @ 6:15 (see Duane Maust);

Cantore Singers @ 7:00 (see Duane Maust)

SUN Welcome! Class (see Elaine Maust)

Mark Your Calendars…

Feb 16 GSMC Women’s Retreat at Jubilee

Feb 20 Congregational meeting @ 6:30 (see Mike Clymer)

Please join us for thepot luck in the gym after the service!Questions? See Rachel Seibel.

Jubilee’sPastor/Elder Teammeets Tuesday evening to pray for Jubilee and to lead NEWS! (Nurture, Evangelism, Worship, and Service).If you have matters you hope this group addresses, please see Duane Maust.

The Board of Directors forCommunity of Hopemeets Thursday evening at 7:00 in the Conference Room.To learn more, talk to John Opel.

Please join us for a special treat at 7:00 on Friday evening! TheCantore Singers, an a cappella men’s group, will perform a program of hymns, jazz, bluegrass, spirituals, and more.An offering will be taken to help cover their expenses. To hear some of their great music, check out their website, cantoremusic.com. For more info, please see Duane Maust.

Need a midweek spiritual boost?Wednesday Night Bible Study resumes this week. Supper starts at 6:00 and classes start at 6:45.Come join the fellowship and hear what God’s word might be saying to you! Questions, see Anita Wansley.

Welcome to our friends from 8th Street Mennonite in Goshen, Indiana! They are coming for the eighth year to serve Jubilee, Pine Lake Camp, and this community! This week they will be painting, cleaning, organizing, serving, and repairing. Thank you for all the work that will bless our facilities and ministries!

Jubilee is hosting the Gulf States Mennonite Conference annual women’s retreat February 15-16.Christine Beachy, Jenny Bowers, and Anita Wansley are planning this event, and all Jubilee women are invited to help host!Please let Anita know if you are willing to help with preparations, decorating, set up, or in other ways.

Aneighborhood prayer serviceis being planned as a response to the shooting on Monday. To join us or for more information, please see Elaine Maust.

Are you interested in leadingVacation Bible Schoolthis summer? If you are available to coordinate this ministry or want more information about what is involved, please talk to Anita Wansley by January 20.

Offering for 1/6/13: $3,099 (budgeted $2,376). Year to date (8/1/12-1/6/13): $62,846 (budgeted $54,651).

Happy Birthday to Teresa Harris (Jan 19)!