GVSU Assessment of Student Centered Outcomes (SCO)
As we transition from using WEAVE online to a different system to report Student Learning Outcomes* (SLOs), we are utilizing a Word template to record each unit’s SLOs for the 2016-2017 academic year. Please add any additional SLOs as needed, however we ask that you focus on 2-4 SLOs per academic year. If you would like to look at data from past years, please refer to the attachment which outlines how to download your reports from WEAVE. If you have any questions, please contact Chris Plouff at or (616) 331-2400.
While planning your Student Centered Outcomes, suggested references include:
  • High Impact Practices
  • Learning Reconsidered
  • Council on the Advancement of Standards (CAS) in Higher Education
  • Other recognized resource in your field

Student Centered Outcome 1
Describe the Outcome:
Best practices in assessment indicate use of 2 or more measures per outcome be used. Include a Target (can be related to student learning, student satisfaction, services provided, or review and improvement of programs and services.)
Please provide a written response for each question:
  1. Findings since last reporting:
Include date or semester to attribute to the findings, source of the data (course/survey/etc.) and other important information such as population source, number of samples, etc. (as applicable).
  1. Provide an analysis of findings:
What did you learn from these findings? In what ways do the findings inform your understanding and achievement of the outcome?
  1. Next course of action:
What are the next steps relative to achieving the outcome based on the analysis of findings?
  1. Sharing what has been learned:
Who have/will the findings, analysis and action steps been/be shared with and when? What are the next steps relative to achieving the outcome(s) based on the analysis of findings?

*A measurable outcome based on intentionally designed activities, programs, and services that foster and support student success outside of the classroom environment.

Student Centered Outcome 2
Describe the Outcome:
Best practices in assessment indicate use of 2 or more measures per outcome be used. Include a Target (can be related to student learning, student satisfaction, services provided, or review and improvement of programs and services.)
Please provide a written response for each question:
  1. Findings since last reporting:
Include date or semester to attribute to the findings, source of the data (course/survey/etc.) and other important information such as population source, number of samples, etc. (as applicable).
  1. Provide an analysis of findings:
What did you learn from these findings? In what ways do the findings inform your understanding and achievement of the outcome?
  1. Next course of action:
What are the next steps relative to achieving the outcome based on the analysis of findings?
  1. Sharing what has been learned:
Who have/will the findings, analysis and action steps been/be shared with and when? What are the next steps relative to achieving the outcome(s) based on the analysis of findings?
Student Centered Outcome 3
Describe the Outcome:
Best practices in assessment indicate use of 2 or more measures per outcome be used. Include a Target (can be related to student learning, student satisfaction, services provided, or review and improvement of programs and services.)
Please provide a written response for each question:
  1. Findings since last reporting:
Include date or semester to attribute to the findings, source of the data (course/survey/etc.) and other important information such as population source, number of samples, etc. (as applicable).
  1. Provide an analysis of findings:
What did you learn from these findings? In what ways do the findings inform your understanding and achievement of the outcome?
  1. Next course of action:
What are the next steps relative to achieving the outcome based on the analysis of findings?
  1. Sharing what has been learned:
Who have/will the findings, analysis and action steps been/be shared with and when? What are the next steps relative to achieving the outcome(s) based on the analysis of findings?


Fall 2016 1