Historical Person/TopicPage - Research Project

Focus on events and historical context from 1605 – 1740

In American New England colonies

Project Description:

Students will research and compile information on one historical person or topic from a list to be provided. Students complete a four square worksheet and then write a one-page(letter sized paper, i.e., 8.5” X 11”), word processed single spaced paper of at least four paragraphs about their historical person or topic. The paper must include one or two pertinent pictures or illustrations, and the text must wrap the pictures/illustrations.

Project Guidelines:

Students need to collect facts and accurate information about the historical person or topic chosen. Research is required. Indent paragraphs and use best word choice, past verb tense, and correct spelling. Do not use “I,” “we,” “you,” “us,” “things,” or “stuff.” The researchpaper will discuss the historical significance of the person or topic in early Colonial America.

Process: Students will use computers to do research, complete a four square worksheet with facts about their historical person or topic. Take notes from websites in bullet format onto a four square worksheet. Students must not copy sentences found, for that is plagiarism. The paper must be prepared using standard margins and Times New Roman, or Arial 12-point font. The paper must include one or two pertinent pictures or illustrations, and the text must wrap the pictures/illustrations.

Historical Person guidelines:

Find important facts and information in the following areas for historical person:

Occupation and accomplishments of the historical person;

The person’s purpose for coming to the British colonies;

The person’s beliefs on religion, government, life in the colonies, and English royalty;

The person’s contributions to American independence;

The movements and organizations to which the person belonged or his/her other political


The person’s friends, partners, conflicts, problems or area of interest.

Avoid irrelevant personal facts (omit research on siblings, wives, children, childhood, parents)

Historical Topic guidelines:

Find important facts and information in the following areas for historical topics:

How did your topic contribute to life in the English Colonies, for whom, and how;

Explain who, what, where, why and how your topic was started in the 13 colonies

Highlight important people, places, influences or impact your topic had in the colonies

Explain the importance of your topic to colonial America and any connection to America today

Find ideas, actions and inventions of important persons who were involved with your topic,

Include interesting facts that add depth from a critical lens perspective to your project.

End of Project

Word-process your name, class period, and the date, single-spaced, at the top in upper right of your page. A bold-faced title centered at the top of the paper is required, above your text (may be a larger font size).

Due Date: Periods 2,3,4 Tuesday October 25; Periods 5 & 6 Wednesday October 26