(Deadline Date: January 4, 2010)

Please provide the following information saved in pdf format. You may use extra space if necessary.



(Last) (First) (Middle)

Current Mailing Address: ______

(Street) (City) (State) (Zip)

Local Phone: ______E-Mail: ______

Gender (Optional): ______

Racial/Ethnic Background (Optional):

_____ African American/Black

_____ American Indian/Alaska Native

_____ Asian

_____ Caucasian

_____ Hispanic/Latino

_____ Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander

_____ I prefer not to answer

Are you a United States citizen? ___ yes ___no

If not, are you a permanent resident? ______

(Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the US to be eligible.)

College(s)/University(ies) attended, dates, grade point average (please indicate graduating or current), major, and degree earned:

College/University 1: ______

Location: ______

(City) (State/Province)

Major: ______

Degree Received: ______Year of Graduation: ______GPA: ______

College/University 2: ______

Location: ______

(City) (State/Province)

Major: ______

Degree Received: ______Year of Graduation: ______GPA: ______

College/University 3: ______

Location: ______

(City) (State/Province)

Major: ______

Degree Received: ______Year of Graduation: ______GPA: ______

Employment Information

Employer 1: ______

Title of Position Held: ______

Description of Duties: ______

Dates of Employment: From ______To ______

Employer 2: ______

Title of Position Held: ______

Description of Duties: ______

Dates of Employment: From ______To ______

Employer 3: ______

Title of Position Held: ______

Description of Duties: ______

Dates of Employment: From ______To ______

Employer 4: ______

Title of Position Held: ______

Description of Duties: ______

Dates of Employment: From ______To ______

Archival Education and Research Doctoral Fellowship Participating Programs to Which You Have Applied or Plan to Apply* (Please mark an X for all those to which you have applied or plan to apply; you may apply to as many as you choose):

___ University of California, Los Angeles

___University of Michigan

___ University of Pittsburgh

___ University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

___ Simmons College

___ University of Maryland

___ University of Texas, Austin

___ University of Wisconsin, Madison

*You are advised to inform programs of interest of your application for an Archival Education and Research Doctoral Fellowship program. You must complete the application process for programs in compliance with their deadlines.

Please describe your membership in societies and professional organizations along with any offices held:




Describe your leadership, community, civic, and volunteer experiences:



List any awards, scholarships, prizes, or honors received:




Provide information on individuals who have written, or will write, letters of reference (Your three references must include at least one past academic instructor):

Reference 1: ______

Title of Position Held: ______

Name, City, and State of Institution: ______

Phone Number: ______Email: ______

Reference 2: ______

Title of Position Held: ______

Name, City, and State of Institution: ______

Phone Number: ______Email: ______

Reference 3: ______

Title of Position Held: ______

Name, City, and State of Institution: ______

Phone Number: ______Email: ______

A complete application includes the following:

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Online Application Form
  3. Curriculum Vita
  4. Personal Statement
  5. Writing Sample
  6. Official Transcripts from all Educational Institutions
  7. Three Letters of Recommendation (at least one from an academic instructor/faculty). References should be instructed to enclose letters of recommendation in sealed envelopes with their signature across the seal and to return the letter to the applicant well before the deadline. Applicants are encouraged to notify their references immediately in order to allow ample time to receive letters and include them in the single packet of supporting documents.

Please send items 1-5 electronically in pdf format to the following email address: . All other materials must be postmarked by January 4, 2010 and mailed to the following address:

UCLACenter for Information as Evidence

UCLA Department of Information Studies

208A GSEISBuilding, Box 951520

Los Angeles, CA90095-1520

Applicants are urged to contact individual participating doctoral programs ahead of time stating their interest in the Archival Education and Research Doctoral Fellowship program, and to request information regarding the application process for their respective program and other requirements prior to applying.

Important: All Fellowship application packets and parts thereof must be received on or before January 4, 2010.

A Reminder:You must apply to at least one of the doctoral programs of the participating universities. All application materials corresponding to those applications – including possible duplicate materials such as transcripts and letters of recommendation – are to be sent separately from the Fellowship application and delivered on time to the respective school’s (or schools’) deadline.


All information on this form is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that to be eligible for this Fellowship I must apply to and be accepted in at least one of the eight graduate Archival Science Ph.D. programs specified. I also understand that receipt of funding is contingent upon continual full-time enrollment and institutional requirements.

Signature ______Date ______

Archival Education and Research

Doctoral Fellowship Personal Statement

In a personal statement of no more than 1,000 words, please address the following points (You may use extra space if necessary):

1)Why you want to earn a Ph.D. with an Archival Science focus.

2)Describe your research experience and the projected research area(s) you would like to pursue in the doctoral program.

3)Your commitment to, and potential for, an academic career in Archival Education.