The Stanford Forum. Meeting held at P&S Watson home

7.30 PM, 10th May 2017

1Apologies Received from Cherie Sargeant, Vikki Girling & Shane Hebb

Attending were Peter & Shirley Watson, Trevor & Jackie Robe, Dave Sargeant,

Terry Piccolo & Alan Farenden

2Minutes of the last meeting

Proposed Dave Sargeant, 2nd Peter Watson, signed Terry Piccolo.

3Police Crime Report

Date, time, locationcrime typedescription. Suspects unknown in most cases.

140417Grove rdburglaryShed lock forced & 2 bicycles stolen

170417 1800Addington clburglaryentry via car port, items stolen from kitchen

170417 1600St Marg. avcriminal damageBrake cables cut under Ford Transit

210417 1930Corr. rdburglarysuspect took purse, confronted, made off

290417 2200Mucking Whf rd theftC max window smashed dash cam stolen

300417 2000London rdmaking offVauxhall Astra, £30.08 fuel, no attempt to pay

290417Stanford rdtheftexcavator stolen, gate lock cut off.

4Councillors report, Terry Piccolo.

Not much I can report, election Purdah, tour of Stanford with chief executive officer next week. Negotiations with Highways re: grass verges, if council own verges then section 61 powers can be used immediately on illegal encampments.

Squibb have been issued with an enforcement notice re: abnormal load movements without correct notification. Keep left bollards repeatedly removed or destroyed; junction of Corringham Road & Wharf Road.

HGV parking on the manorway. Report reg no, date, time, location to

5Treasurers Report, Jackie Robe.

Music festival£1967.War Memorial£2119.09Forum £3282.69

Total account£7368.78

8Planning Reports, Terry Piccolo

Webster Haulage application for Stanford Industrial Park has been called in to committee.

Nothing major, a few side extensions only.

9Stanford Blooming Marvels, Shirley Watson.

More plug plants in, watering every day. Lots more plants coming on, more perennials; 400+ in cold frames & greenhouse. Planting out Bank Holiday weekend.

11Future Projects, Initiatives.

Music festival, police planning OK met Tuesday, 4 officers, cadets in afternoon. Do police need a copy of the plan? Beer tent, has licensee & licence been granted?

12Any Other Business

Car parking in Stanford; people drive round & round looking to park, 2nd most air polluted area in the country!

New flags needed for War Memorial

End of WW1 party; plan after music festival. Memorial needs to be cleaned and sealed.

Meeting closed 2100

Date of next meeting 14th June, at the Sure Start Centre.