Citadel Family Association
Annual Board Meeting & Annual Meeting
Shamus Gillen, CFA Liaison
Michael Givens & Nicole Givens, CFA Co-Chairs
Amy Russo, CFA Secretary
Lori Cook, CFA Communication Chair (elect)
Jeannine Rodgers, CFA Vice Chair (elect)
Don & Tracy Blagburn, CFA Volunteer Chairs(elect)
Shamus welcomed everyone. There has been much accomplished by the outgoing members of the board however the incoming board has much to do.
The By Laws have not been updated since 2001. There are a few items in the By Laws that were outdated and need some new ones to add social media (Communication Chair if elected). We are appointing a Constitutional Review Committee to make these changes to the By Laws. Michael will be the Chairman of the Selection Committee and install new members. We need to remove verbiage Article 4 Clause 2 and Article 5 Section 2.
We will be presenting the new board and the new Chair committees, Volunteer Chair and Communication Chair to be approved by the group during the Annual Meeting today at 2 pm.
Citadel Family AssociationAnnual Meeting:
Shamus Gillen, Liaison of The Citadel for the Citadel Family Association, welcomed everyone to our Annual Meeting. How fortunate The Citadel is to have a parents group as involved as the CFA. Shamus introduced Michael and Nicole Givens Co Chairs of the CFA.
Michael welcomed everyone and spoke about how important parents are to Matriculation Day and paying it forward for the help we all got as our children matriculated. We have parents from all over the US coming to help. Nicole added that no other schools have anything as special as our parent organization. Michael made everyone aware that there was an agenda and a copy of the constitution.
Shamus thanked the Givens for being at the Pre Knob visits because the parents and potential cadets find it so helpful having the CFA represented for these visits.
Battalion, Company, and Area Reps are the front line of this organization. We want to create a training program for these people we are asking to represent the CFA.
The Constitutional Review Committee would like to bring forth to vote
- Create the Communication Chair board position.
- Elevate theVolunteer Coordinator position to a board level position.
Michael called for a vote and a unanimous decision was made.
The above Chairs will be Board Members having a vote and expected at Board Meetings either held face to face or teleconferencing.
The Board Nominating Committee is presenting their nominees for positions becoming vacant from members whose cadets are graduating and the new Communication Chair
- Jeannine Rodgers to Vice Chair
- Kimberly Montanari to Secretary
- Lori Cook to Communication Chair
Michael presented the motion a unanimous decision was made.
After some discussion about the different positions on the board, Battalion and Company Reps were explained Shamus then wanted to recognize the outgoing Board members.
Amy Russo, Secretary
Jill Campion, Vice Chair
Outgoing Business:
There will be a board meeting early June to start the process for Matriculation Day. The discussion was brought about the shirt for Matriculation Day because they are so hot. Wayne Boulware offered to get some samples and prices for a contact he has in Winnsboro, SC.
Shamus also brought to the attention of the group that we will actively be looking for sponsorship to fund the CFA because we are losing funding from our current sponsor.
If anyone knows of a business that might be interested please contact Shamus or a board meeting.