Explanation of 5 Es Science Lesson Plan Template

Instructor: Burch / Course: Life Science 6 / Date(s): October 17-21, 2016
Essential Question and Learning Outcome:What determines the expression of traits? How can inheritance be modeled?
NGSSS Benchmarks:The student should be able to …
Construct an explanation from evidence to describe how genetic variations occur between parent and offspring. Construct and analyze the data from a model to predict the outcome of specific genetic crosses involving one trait (monohybrid cross).
Instructional Activities***
However, an informal assessment must be completed at the end of each class period. / Learning Strategies To check box, highlight box and right-click; choose Properties and then choose Checked or copy & paste a checked box
KWL or Anticipation Guide
Vocabulary Strategy (Frayer Model or Concept of Definition or ______)
Reciprocal Reading
Other reading strategy______
Graphic Organizer/Concept Map
Cornell Notes/Two Column Notes
Expository Writing
Higher Order Questioning
Cooperative/Collaborative Learning Groups
Think, Pair, Share
ESOL Strategies
Paraphrase; simplify grammatical structure of sentences; summarize sections; highlight or underline key words
Pronounce words clearly; explain meanings; model key or difficult words in lesson
Teach study skills, use of textbook structure, scanning technique
Ask students to perform simple tasks and observe their understanding
Use manipulative materials, hands-on activities, and multimedia materials to support content
Provide alternative instruction via computer-assisted instruction or tutoring
Provide alternative assessment such as drawing diagrams or demonstrating
Provide accommodations per IEPs

AVID Strategies

SQ3R for reading
Socratic Seminar to discuss a reading
Philosophical Chairs discussion
Developing written procedures
Response to Intervention (RtI) and Florida Continuous Improvement Model (FCIM)
Assess individual student progress daily
Provide remediation or enrichment
Engage(Day 1):
E.Q.:What are genotypes and phenotypes?
Bell ringer:What are genotypes and phenotypes?
Activity:1) Genotype and Phenotype practice: write genotypes and phenotypes for different traits; 2) Go over SFP Research Plans
Homework:“What do you think?” agree/disagree with statements
Opening (Day 2, Day 3, etc.):
Explore (Investigation) (Day 2):
E.Q.:What are homozygous dominant/heterozygous/homozygous recessive?
Bell ringer:What are homozygous dominant/heterozygous/homozygous recessive? Write an example of each.
Activity:Notes: Genetics – make a brochure; Quiz: Genetics
Explain (Day 3):
E.Q.:What is a Punnett Square?
Bell ringer:The tall allele, T, is dominant to the shortallele, t, in Mendel’s pea plants. You examine apea plant that exhibits the tall phenotype.What is its genotype?
Activity:Punnett square practice – complete Punnett squares and analyze probability chances for genotypes/phenotypes
Homework:Spongebob Genetics worksheet
Extend (Day 4):
E.Q.:How do we analyze Punnett squares?
Bell ringer:Complete the Punnett square; analyze probability chances
Activity:“Clyde and Claire” lab, part 1: determine traits for your “Clyde” or “Claire” character; write genotypes/phenotypes for each trait
Evaluate (Method) (Day 5):
E.Q.:How do we predict offspring traits?
Bell ringer:Complete the Punnett square; analyze probability chances
Activity:“Clyde and Claire” lab part 2: use Punnett squares to predict offspring characteristics, draw a picture of their offspring.
Assessment:lab report
  • Gene, Allele, phenotype, genotype, homologous, homozygous, heterozygous, Punnett square, incomplete dominance, codominance, polygenic inheritance and monohybrid cross

Materials Needed:
Monday – “What do you think?”
Wednesday – Spongebob Genetics

***Teacher should be able to identify where students are reading, writing, listening, and speaking within this lesson plan.

DCPS Science Department 10/13/09