The Wrath of Grendel

Lines 1-29

  1. How is Grendel described at the beginning of the selection?
  2. Why is he impatient?
  3. What are the poets singing about?
  4. What does Grendel’s reaction reveal about his nature?
  5. List at least five words used to characterize Grendel.
  6. Where does Grendel live?
  7. What was Grendel’s ancestry?
  8. What happened to his ancestors?

Lines 30-78

  1. What does Grendel wonder about as he goes up to Herot?
  2. What does he find?
  3. What action does Grendel take?
  4. What is the reaction of Hrothgar and his men when they discover what Grendel has done?
  5. Why don’t any of Hrothgar’s men challenge Grendel?
  6. What happens for twelve years following the first attack?

Lines 79-103

  1. Where does Grendel live after the attack?
  2. Why is Grendel afraid of touching Hrothgar’s throne?
  3. Why do Hrothgar and his men start to worship the old stone gods?

The Coming of Beowulf

Lines 104-124

  1. How is Beowulf introduced?
  2. Why does Beowulf volunteer to help the Danish king?
  3. Why don’t the “wise ones” object to his going?
  4. Who accompanies Beowulf?

Lines 125-143

  1. Choose three images of Beowulf’s travels and arrival at Herot that directly contrast that of Grendel’s.

Lines 144-227

  1. What items are Beowulf and his men asked to leave behind as they enter Hrothgar’s presence?
  2. Who is Beowulf’s father?
  3. Who is Hrothgar’s father?
  4. What effect do Beowulf’s words have on the mounted officer?
  5. Describe Herot.

Lines 228-

28.Who is Higlac?

29.What deeds does Beowulf recount to prove his qualifications for the task?

30.What is the one request that Beowulf makes of Hrothgar?

31.What reasons does Beowulf give for not using weapons against Grendel?

32.How does Beowulf say that the outcome of the encounter will be decided?

33.What instructions does Beowulf leave if Grendel wins?

Unferth (This section is not in your book. I will give this to you)

  1. How did Edgetho, Beowulf’s father, know Hrothgar?
  2. What had Hrothgar done for Edgetho?
  3. What does Hrothgar’s speech reveal about him and his situation?
  4. What does Hrothgar do officially to welcome Beowulf and his men?
  5. What is Unferth’s motive for challenging Beowulf?
  6. What is Beowulf’s simple response to Unferth?
  7. What does he say enables him to defeat the monster at the bottom of the sea?
  8. In what ways does Beowulf compare his defeat of the sea monsters to a feast?
  9. What does Beowulf reveal about Unferth’s background?
  10. How does Hrothgar respond to Beowulf’s boast?
  11. Based on the description of Welthow, what seems to be the position of women in the time of Beowulf?
  12. What does Hrothgar promise Beowulf?

The Battle with Grendel

Lines 285-365

  1. Where does Grendel come from?
  2. Describe Grendel’s thoughts as he approaches Herot.
  3. What sight does he relish?
  4. What does fate have in store for him according to lines 309-311.
  5. Whose eyes are watching his evil steps?
  6. What action does Grendel take when he sees the Geats?
  7. Why do you think Beowulf allows Grendel to slaughter one of the Geats before taking action himself?
  8. Who is the “strong-hearted wakeful sleeper” in line 322?
  9. What kennings associate Grendel with evil?
  10. What is Grendel’s one thought as he encounters Beowulf?
  11. What specific verbs are used to create a tone of fierceness in Beowulf’s confrontation with Grendel?
  12. Why is Herot able to stand firm throughout this battle?
  13. What sounds make the Danes cower in their beds?

Lines 365-411

  1. How is Beowulf described in line 366?
  2. What do Beowulf’s men do to try to assist their leader?
  3. Why are their efforts in vain?
  4. What does Grendel discover about his real enemy?
  5. How does the battle end? In other words, what happens to Grendel?
  6. Where did Grendel go?
  7. What do the warriors do
  8. How do the people feel about Beowulf?
  9. What is the proof of victory?

The Monster’s Lair

  1. Who is responsible for the next attack on Herot?
  2. Who is the victim?
  3. What is carried off?
  4. What imagery in the description of Grendel’s lair associates Grendel with death and darkness?

The Battle with Grendel’s Mother

Lines 450-529

  1. Who is Edgetho’s brave son?
  2. If Beowulf should die, what should happen to the gifts he received from Hrothgar?
  3. What does Beowulf bequeath to Unferth?
  4. What is Hrunting?
  5. How long does it take Beowulf to get to the bottom of the lake?
  6. What kenning is used to identify Grendel’s mother?
  7. How does Grendel’s mother “welcome” Beowulf?
  8. What protects Beowulf?
  9. Where does Grendel’s mother take Beowulf?
  10. What does Beowulf struggle to do but then fails?
  11. Who/what accompanies the two on their descent?
  12. Where does Grendel’s mother take Beowulf?
  13. What happens when Beowulf swings Hrunting?
  14. What else fails Beowulf?
  15. When Beowulf angrily tosses his sword aside, for what does he long/
  16. What is the worst moment for Beowulf?
  17. Once again, what saves him?
  18. How is judgment decided in this battle? Who decides it?

Lines 530-622

  1. What does Beowulf take from the wall?
  2. What makes Beowulf seem heroic at this point even though he has to use a weapon against Grendel’s mother?
  3. How does the struggle end?
  4. What does the brilliant light symbolize?
  5. For what does Beowulf then search?
  6. What is Beowulf’s final act of justice?

The Last Battle

Lines 623-713

  1. Where does the final episode of the epic take place?
  2. What are Beowulf’s position and age in the concluding part of the poem?
  3. What is Beowulf’s final challenge?
  4. Why does Beowulf choose to use weapons in this situation?
  5. What Anglo-Saxon code of valor does Beowulf demonstrate in lines 624-626?
  6. What two concerns motivate Beowulf to fight the dragon?
  7. What kenning describes Beowulf in line 656?
  8. What greets Beowulf at the entrance to the dragon’s tower?
  9. How does Beowulf announce his arrival?
  10. What is the first indication to Beowulf that fate is against him in this battle?
  11. What is the second?
  12. How does Beowulf respond when he realizes that glory is denied him?
  13. How to Beowulf’s men act in this battle?
  14. What parallel and/or contrast have you seen to this desertion elsewhere in the poem?

Lines 714-771

  1. What one person stands with Beowulf?
  2. What motivates him to stay?
  3. Of what boast does Wiglaf remind Beowulf’s followers that they made in the mead-hall?
  4. Why had Beowulf chosen these particular men?
  5. What reasons does Wiglaf give fore Beowulf’s inability to kill the monster himself?
  6. In lines 763, what would Wiglaf rather do than see flames swirling around his lord?

The Spoils

Lines 775

  1. Why does Beowulf ask Wiglaf to go back into the dragon’s cave?
  2. What does the dragon’s treasure represent for Beowulf? Why was it worth his death?
  3. What two responsibilities does Beowulf bestow on Wiglaf?
  4. What does Beowulf give to Wiglaf?
  5. What seems to have happened tothis warrior society during Beowulf’s reign?
  6. What proof is there that the scop (minstrel teller of tales) considers Beowulf a hero even though he dies in this contest?
  7. Why does Wiglaf berate the warriors?

The Farewell

  1. What happens to Beowulf’s body?
  2. What happens to the dragon’s treasure?
  3. Describe the ceremony that concludes the epic.