Use Case: UC06.06.03 / Update Status of PVRDR/Jury Wheel Request
Use Case: UC06.06.03 / Update Status of PVRDR/Jury Wheel Request
Attribute / Details /System Requirements: / S26.1 VoteCal must allow authorized SOS administrators and authorized county users to input, track and review Public Voter Registration Data Requests (PVRDRs), including:
§ Requestor name;
§ Requestor ID number and type;
§ Requestor organization;
§ Requestor residence and business addresses;
§ Requestor contact information (phone, fax, email addresses);
§ If Requestor is acting as an authorized agent for a qualified party, the name, address and contact information for the party legally qualified to purchase the data;
§ Requestor’s stated purpose/use for the data;
§ Date of application;
§ Date application received;
§ Basis for qualification (election, party, academic, journalist, etc.);
§ Date of application fulfillment or denial;
§ Status of application;
§ Criteria used to select/exclude records for the extract; and
§ Filename(s) and number of records provided in the extract.
S26.2 VoteCal must allow authorized SOS administrators and authorized county users to log the date, time, and administrator ID of activities and events related to processing and fulfillment of a PVRDR.
Description: / The purpose of this use case is to allow a user the capability to update the status of requests for Public Voter Registration Data Requests (PVRDR’s) and Jury Wheels. (Jury Wheel Extracts are a subset of PVRDRs, differing primarily on the formula for extracting voter records.)
Actors: / SOS User, County User
Trigger: / User initiates the use case when the status of a request for a PVRDR or Jury Wheel Extract has changed.
System: / VoteCal Application
Preconditions: / § A PVRDR or Jury Wheel extract request (a PVRDR record) has been entered into VoteCal.
§ All global preconditions apply.
Post conditions: / § Organization Transaction History records will be created as needed, storing the information about the PVRDR status change.
§ At this point, the PVRDR record has a status of approved in the system. A user may revisit the PVRDR at a later time to set up the extract criteria and schedule the extract.
§ All global post conditions apply.
Normal Flow: / 1. Update Status of PVRDR/Jury Wheel RequestOnce it has been determined that the PVRDR is valid and that the requesting organization or individual is entitled to the data, a user goes to update the status of the PVRDR in the system.
2. User accesses the Organizations Management section of the system. User drills down to the specific PVRDR to update, following the general flow outlined in Steps 16 to 19.
3. System presents the Enter PVRDR/Jury Wheel Extract Request screen.
4. User updates the Status field to “Approved”, and enters the “Approval Date”. User then selects the “Save” command to update the PVRDR.
5. System validates that no business rules are violated, and then stores data.
5.1. The PVRDR record is updated with status set to “Approved”.
5.2. An Organization Transaction History record will be created that contains information about the PVRDR request being approved, and the user that performed the action.
6. System presents message confirming success, and that the PVRDR is approved.
7. At this point, the PVRDR record has a status of approved in the system. A user will revisit the PVRDR at a later time to set up the extract criteria and schedule the extract.
Alternative Flows: / 4a PVRDR request was determined to be invalid (e.g. it was determined during investigation into the PVRDR that the requesting organization does not exist)
4a.1 User updates the Status field to “Rejected”, enters the “Rejected Date” and “Rejection Reason”, then selects the “Save” command to update the PVRDR.
4a.2 System validates that no business rules are violated, and then stores data.
4a.2.1 The PVRDR record is updated with status set to “Rejected”.
4a.2.2 An Organization Transaction History record will be created that contains information about the PVRDR request being rejected, and the user that performed the action.
4a.3 The use case ends. The PVRDR extract can’t be generated according to business rules.
4a.4 With the appropriate security role, County Users should be able to add comments to the statewide organization, especially if the PVRDR request was rejected on the county level.N/A
Exceptions: / N/A
Includes: / 06.06.02 Enter Activity on PVRDR/Jury Wheel Request
06.06.04 Schedule PVRDR/Jury Wheel Extract
Frequency of Use: / TBD. PVRDR requests are expected to occur more frequently during election years. Jury Wheel Extract requests come in once a year for each court.
Business Rules: / N/A
Assumptions: / N/A
Notes and Issues: / N/A
Revision History
Date / DocumentVersion / Document Revision
Description / Revision Author
04/06/2010 / 0.1 / Initial Draft / Kimanh Nguyen
mm/dd/yyyy / 2.0 / Submit to Client for Review (Deliverable 2.3 Draft) / {Name}
mm/dd/yyyy / 2.1 / Incorporate Client Feedback / {Name}
mm/dd/yyyy / 2.2 / Submit to Client for Approval (Deliverable 2.3 Final) / {Name}
Version: 0.1 / Page 3