Leaders Resources

There are some great web resources out there for Scouting Leaders, the only problem is that some times they are very hard to locate.
This site provides a launching point for Leaders to make a start; not surprisingly it has a Victoria-Australia focus, but Leaders from all over should find something of use from the links here.


World Organisation of the Scout Movement
WOSM: The home of World Scouting

WOSM Library
WOSM Library: Publications for Leaders in Scouting.

US Scouting Service Project
The US Scouting Service Project: Start your online Scouting Adventure with the U.S. Scouting Service Project, the Scouting Web Portal!

The MacScouter
The MacScouter -- Scouting Resources Online: A whole heap of Scouting Resources! The MacScouter is a member site of the US Scouting Service Project.

ScoutBase UK Scout Fact Sheets
ScoutBase - Scout Fact Sheets: Fact sheets in PDF format for a whole range of topics.

ScoutBase UK Games Database
ScoutBase - Games Database: A searchable games database with games for all occasions.

ScoutBase UK Clipart Library
ScoutBase - Clipart Library: Here you will find many electronic resources to help you with newsletters,

websites, leaflets etc..

Boy Scouts of America
The National Council of the Boy Scouts of America: Here you will find information on Scouting and the BSA.

Gaelic Wolf Scouting Pages
Gaelic Wolf Scouting Pages: where you can find all sorts of information about Scouting in many different places.

Scouting Resources UK
Scouting Resources: This website aims to provide useful information and resources for those in the Scouting movement.

International Activities

World Events: JOTI
JOTI Jamboree on the Internet

World Event: JOTA
JOTA Jamboree on the Air

Scoutlink is a global non-profit organisation that aims to connect scouts and guides worldwide. We provide a safe and supervised chatting environment for them, using the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) technology. Scoutlink is online 365 days a year and has created friendships around the planet. Our main event is JOTI and we enjoy connecting with new people each year.

Scouts Victoria

Scouts Australia (Victoria)
The Victorian Branch Scout Site. It includes links to major Scouting activities such as Cuboree, Jamborees etc.

Info Book 2005
Info Book 2005 - Leader Information & Resource Manual 2005 Edition.

Leader Resource Manual
Leader Resource Manual (Date of Issue November 2001)

Victorian Branch Forms
Forms and Certificates You can now download the Branch Forms from the web. Just make sure you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed. These forms are printable, only.

Snowgum has a long history, having started as Australian Scout Shops, which first opened soon after Scouting came to Australia in 1908.

Scouts Australia

Scouts Australia (National)
The Australian National Scout Site.

Australian Scout Magazine
Australian Scout is a national magazine produced by Scouts Victoria from the contributions of Leaders and readers throughout Australia.

Scouts Australia On-line Library of Publications
These publications have been made available for your use from the National Headquarters of Scouts Australia.

Policy & Rules of Scouts Australia
Policy and Rules (P & R) has been adopted by the National Council of The Scout Association of Australia in accordance with the Royal Charter, as a statement of policy and practice for the conduct of Scouting in Australia and is binding on all formations, members and supporters of the Movement.

Leaders Resource Centre
A library of useful resources for Scouting folk shared by Scouting folk!

The Campfire Circle
The Campfire Circle is the place to have a quiet chat about well... almost anything really! Unlike an ordinary campfire, this one burns for days, weeks and even months.
Ask questions... argue the point... solve the world's problems... all things are possible around the campfire.

Other Resources

Australian Scouting Resources
The site contains a myriad of resources and documentation regarding Scouting in Australia including links, documentation, forms, Guest books and related Scouting information.

Australian Scouting Newsgroup
The Australian Scouting Newsgroup.

Australian Cub Scouts
Australian Cub Scouts - Yahoo Group

USSSP: Baloo's Bugle
US Scouting Service Project [USA]

American Scouting Newsgroup
The US Scouting Newsgroups.