Faculty : Mechanical Engineering

Type of Study : Magister

Study Discipline : Engineering Technology

Direction : Material Engineering

Subject : Obligatory

Semester : 8th

Extent : 2/2 exam

Garant of Subject :Assoc.Prof. Karel Daďourek, Ph.D., M.Sc.

Lecturer : Assoc.Prof. Karel Daďourek, Ph.D., M.Sc.

A N O T A T I O N :

Degradation of surface at heat treatment, diffusion into material surface, oxidation and decarburization, artificial atmospheres, basics of vacuum technics, chemico-thermal treatment baoth classical and in glow discharge, concept of diffusion layers and coatings, CVD methods, ion plating at heat treatment, rapid heating of metals, lasers in engineering technology, thermal spraying.

L E C T U R E S:

1. Introduction to problematics of surface treatments. Importance of the surface. Surface layers, classification by thickness, transition to base and function. Degradation of surface at classical heat treatmentí. Oxidation and decarburizing.

2. Artificial atmospheres. Classical furnaces with protective atmospere. Active artificial atmospheres.

3. Basics of vacuum technique and vacuum technology, hardening in vacuum furnace, tempering without oxidation.

4. Principle and method of case-hardening. Vacuum cementation. Another vacuum processes of heat treatment in the vacuum.

5. Chemico-thermal treatment at anomalous glow discharge. Principle and properties of anomlous glow discharge. Equipment for anomlous glow discharge.

6. Principle and methods of nitridation. Ionic nitridation. Types of iron nitrides and other metallic nitrides. Surface and diffusion layer vrstva and regulation posibilities of their thickness and composition.

7. CVD methods. Principle and properties of CVD. Used layers and substrates. Evaluation of contemporary position of CVD methods. PE CVD.

8. PVD methods. Evaporation .Electron gun. Principle of low-voltage arc. Ion plating.

9. Sputtering. Principle of planar magnetron. Reactive methods.

10. Properties of thin layers. Growing diagrams. Texture of layers. Epitaxal growth. Layers of TiN, TiC, Al2O3, ionic carbon.

11. Ionic plating. Principle ionic implantatione. Created layers and their application. Comparison with diffusion layers. Combining of various methods.

12. Lasers and their application in metallurgy. Principle of laser. Transformation hardening by laser. Surface microalloying. Cutting and welding. Possibilities of creation of amorphous surfaces.

13. Plasma spraying. Application of flame, plasma and detonation to creation of sprayings. Plasma guns. Properties and application of plasma spraying. Basic types of plasma sprayings.

14. Another development of surface treatment. Boriding. Combining of processes. Multilayers. Surface engineering and its importance.

S E M I N A R S :

1. Safety rules. Heat treatment - repeating.

2. Chemical equilibrium on surface of solid matter. Oxidation, decarburizing.

3. Diffusion into solid matters from surrouinding medium and on the contrary.

4. Diffusion surface layers.

5. Principles of vacuum technique. Vacuum processes of heat treatment.

6. Case hardening and its various types.

7. Nitridation and its various types.

8. Thickness determination of layers and coatings.

9. Hradness and microhardnes of thin layers.

10. Adhesion in thin layers and its measuring.

11. Internal structure of thin layers - difraction. Chemical analysis iof thin layers.

12. Impuls heatings and their aplications.

13. Excursion.

14. Credits.

L I T E R A T U R E :

Eckertová,Z.: Fyzika tenkých vrstev (Physics of thin layers), SNTL Praha 1973

Sedláček,V.: Povrchy a povlaky kovů (Surfaces and coatings of metals), skripta ČVUT Praha 1992

Musil,J.,Vyskočil,J.: Tenké vrstvy nitridu titanu (Thin layers of titanium nitride), ACADEMIA Praha 1989

Groszkowski,J.: Technika vysokého vakua (High vacuum technique)

Engst,P., Horák,M.: Aplikace laserů (Application of lasers)

Hrubý, V.: Iontová nitridace (Ionic nitriding), SNTL Praha 1988


Physical Metallurgy, Theory of Heat Treatment

C R E D I T :

Active presence at seminars, eventual appologgized absence is possible compesate after consultation with chief of seminars.

E X A M :

Exam is oral. Necessary condition is obtaining of credit.