Geneva Township Park Commission

Regular Meeting Minutes

December 12, 2016

The meeting was called to order byMs.Salataat6:30pm.

Those present were: Ms. Salata, Ms. Hamilton, Ms. Everson, and Fiscal Officer

Long and ParkManager Dudeck

Minutes from theNovember2016meeting were approved on a motion by Ms. Everson

and a second by Ms. Hamilton.

Bills in the amount of $2,212.89, covered by electronic payments E46-50and

Warrants 7446-7452 were approved on a motion by Ms. Salata and a second by Ms.Hamilton.

Mr. Long covered the financial report and the payment of bills. He reviewed our revenue year to date. We have presently exceeded our Budget by over $1700. A discussion took place in respect to the present Levy of .28 mils. Mr. Long indicated that it will be put on the Ballot next November as a replacement Levy . If approved it will increaseour revenue from about $24,000 per year to $56,000. This will allow us to make needed improvements to the Park. Mr. Long presented Resolution 2017-01 (Annual Appropriations for 2017). On a Motion by Ms. Salata and a second by Ms. Hamilton, roll call resulted in 3 yes votes.

Mr. Dudeck reported that the Water had been Mr. turned off and the restrooms closed down for the season. Waste Management has been notified to halt trash pickup on November 30, 2016 and to resume on April 1, 2017.

New Business: Ms. Everson reported on the new memorial bench to be placed near the old school house. On a motion by Ms. Everson, Mr. Dudeck was hired as Park Manager for 2017, at a Salary of $12,600 and Mr. Long was hired as Fiscal Officer at a Salary of $5,600. Ms. Salata seconded the motion and it was passed. On a motion by Ms. Hamilton and a second by Ms. Eversion, Mills Extreme was hired to mow the park at $5035 for 2017 and $5,200 for 2018.

There being no future business the meeting was adjourned at6:55pm


Fiscal Officer