Sioux Falls Argus Leader, SD


Corn growers to hold seminars next week

By Staff Reports

Argus Leader

The South Dakota Corn Growers Association, in partnership with Farm Credit Services of America and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Risk Management Association, will present “Growing Forward 2008,” a two step risk management series for farmers looking at growth opportunities in 2008.

The seminars will be repeated five times next week in separate cities. On Monday there will be sessions at the Sioux Falls Ramkota at noon and the Watertown Events Center at 5:30 p.m. On Tuesday the seminar will be offered at the Aberdeen Ramkota at 5:30 p.m. Other sessions will be Nov. 28 at the Huron Crossroads at 11:30 a.m. and Nov. 29 at the Yankton Minerva’s Convention Center at 11 a.m.

Steven Johnson, farm and ag business management field specialist at Iowa State University, is the featured speaker. He will offer insight related to grain marketing, government farm programs, crop insurance and other risk management strategies. His presentation will address increasing corn acres, maximizing grain storage, managing higher costs and improving crop marketing strategies.

He will cover income tax alternatives, ways to deal with higher 2008 input costs, grain storage as a marketing strategy, decision tools to manage crop margin and increase profit per acre, and he will offer updates on key federal programs.

“All of the information provided through our education seminars will enable producers to be proactive instead of reactive, allowing them to avoid or mitigate many of the risks associated with agricultural production,” said Reid Jensen, president of the SDCGA.

Also during the programs, a Farm Credit Services of America crop insurance specialist will discuss affordable ways to manage risk, tailored coverage to assist cash flow and ensuring maximum protection not maximum cost.

The programs are offered at no cost but pre-registration is required. To register go to For more information contact the SDCGA office at 605-334-0100.