Project or Mission: Graduate Research at Kasitsna Bay Marine Laboratory

Dates: June 1 – June 30, 2007

Divers Qualifications:

Huey Lead Diver, Active UA Scientific Diver, Certified to 100 ft.

Louie Active UA Scientific Diver, Certified to 60 ft.

Dewey Active Reciprocity Diver from UW, Certified to 60 ft.

Emergency Plan:

Emergency Contacts

Huey – Donald, Uncle xxx-xxx-xxxx (hm), xxx-xxx-xxxx (cell)

Louie – Daisy, Aunt xxx-xxx-xxxx (hm)

Dewey – Pluto, Friend xxx-xxx-xxxx (hm)

Recompression Chamber/Hospital/Transportation


Chamber Operator: American Marine 907-565-4600

Chamber Supervisor: Robert Thompson, MD 907-565-4600

Providence Hospital 907-261-3120

Providence Hospital Emergency 907-261-3111

Providence Hospital Air Ambulance 907-261-3070

Outside Anchorage 800-478-5433

Alaska Regional Hospital: Air Ambulance 907-276-1131


Anchorage USCG 907-271-6700


Juneau USCG Coordination Center 907-463-2000



Bartlett Memorial Hospital 907-796-8900

Bartlett Memorial Hospital Emergency 907-796-8427

Recompression Chamber Supervisor:

David Job, MD 907-796-8446

Kodiak USGC Air Station 800-833-3489

Seldovia Fire/Ambulance/Clinic 907-234-7812

Police 907-234-7640

Homer Fire 907-235-3155

Police 907-235-3150

Hospital 907-235-8101

Alaska Maritime Wildlife Refuge 907-235-6546


Transportation (Homer /Kasitsna Bay)

Mako’s Water Taxi 907-235-9055

Approximate Number of Proposed Dives:


Location of Proposed Dives:

We will be diving at locations in the vicinity of Kasitsna Bay Lab. Primary dive sites will be Kasitsna Bay, Jakalof Bay, Yukon Island and Hesketh Island.

Estimated depth(s) and bottom time(s) anticipated:

All dives will be less than 100 ft. for variable times.

Decompression status and repetitive dive plans:

All dives are planned for no decompression.

Notify chamber if decompression diving is anticipated:

Not applicable.

Proposed work, equipment, and boats to be employed:

Dive from shore or skiffs to collect plants and animals for benthic faunal composition and contaminants. The equipment to be used aside, from the standard cold-water dive gear, includes UW digital photo and video, GPS, and outboard motors.

Any hazardous conditions anticipated:


All diving will adhere to the University of Alaska Diving Safety Manual. Emergency oxygen for first aid will be available aboard the skiffs, on shore if shore dive, and at the Kasitsna Lab. We will adhere to the UAF Policy on Alcoholic Beverages on Research Vessels Owned or Chartered by the University of Alaska for the Purpose of Conducting Research.