

Our nurseryisdesigned toprovidechildren with asafe,secure,happy,healthyand stimulating environment.Weoffera child-centeredapproach where children areencouraged to develop theircreativity,individualityand self-confidencein securesurroundings,led by fully trained staffthat havea realrapportwith the children in their care.

Children need to feela senseofsecurityand belonging when theyareawayfrom their parents,and thisiskey to thephilosophyofour nursery. Westrivetoensure thattheyallfeel happy,relaxed and safe,and encourage them tofeel confidentinco-operating and developing good relationshipswith theadults caring for themaswellastheother children in thegroup.

You'll find a widerangeofappropriatelearning materialsand stimulating,high quality toys and activities,both indoorsand outdoors. Childrenareprovided with a varied, healthysnack, fresh air,exercise,restand play,all contributing positively to theirphysical,emotionaland educationaldevelopment. Surrounded by theirpeers, they can develop at theirown pace, playa fullpartin activitiesdesignedfor theirage, and enthusiasticallylearn new skills through playallwithin theEarlyYearsFoundation StageFramework.

Everychild isrecognizedand treated as an individual,within a frameworkofthehighest ethicalstandardsand equalopportunities. Weworkcloselywith parents toprovidea levelof care thatmeetsthehigh standardsyou'd expectfor your child.

Full DayCare Fees

Feespermonth:September 2016/2017

Howmuch are the daily fees?

We have designed our day to meet your needs.

Hours / Fees
9am-12pm / £20
1pm-4pm / £20
12pm-1pm / £10 (lunchincluded)
9am-4pm / £50

Children will be provided a hot lunch from Zebedee’s, a very well-known catering company You can choose the sessions to meet your needs. Please see the website formenu

Toassist budgeting,feesarecalculated onacalendarmonthbasisandreviewedevery

Septemberandaresubjectto change. We offer 10% discount for children doing full time hours.

Sibling discount

Siblingsattendingfivefulldays perweekoffereda10% discount.

Joining ourwaiting list

A non-refundable administrationfee of £50.00isrequired tojoinourwaitinglist register, which is not applicable to the funded children.

Securing a place

Onceyouhave beenofferedaplaceforyourchildadepositof £150.00is required tosecure theplace.Thedepositisrepayablewithin12 weeks ofyourchilddepartingfrom thenursery,andissubject toa term’swrittennotice ofyourchildleavingthenurserybeingreceived.Thedepositandonefullmonth fees are not refundable should the place at the nursery not be taken.


All feesare payableby the 1st week of every month by standingorder, cash orcheque.Anyreturnedchequesorremindersfor non-paymentof fees willresultinadministrationfee of £25per reminder. If youraccountstaysoutstandingformorethanfiveworkingdays,thenyourchild maylosetheir placein thenursery.Norefund or day swapisgivenfordaysunattendedduetosickness, familyholidays,orbankholidays.

ChildCare Vouchers

Weare affiliated toandacceptmost of theChildcareVoucher Schemesoffered by employers.The current allowancefortax savinghasbeencappedat£55.00 per week/£243.00permonthper parent/guardian. Pleasecheck withyouremployer.


Please visit for additional financial support youmayqualify for. For further information,please contacttheTax CreditHelplineon0845 3003900.


Thenurseryisopen38weeks of theyear, Term time only.

FeesincludeextraactivitiessuchasCooking,Yoga, Dramas, Wild fangsas wellasahotlunch and snacks.

Parents arerequestedtosupply nappies,wipes,andformulamilk if your child is using any of the above.

There is specific timing to drop of your children this is between 9.00am and 9.30 am for the morning session and between 1.00pm and 1.30pm for the afternoon session. Children arriving after the allocated time will not be accepted in the session and will be asked to come in next time they are due in.

The pickup time starts from 11.45am for the morning session and from 3.45pm for the afternoon session. Please ensure the prompt pick up from the nursery because that will allow us to run the other sessions on time. If you need to pick up your child early, please talk to manager to arrange that.

Late collection charges apply when you collect your child late from the nursery. Please call the nursery if you are going to be late to pick up your child, so the nursery is aware that you are still coming otherwise emergencynumbers will be contacted and the late collection child’s policy will be followed.

Full DayCare:2-5-Year-OldFee and FundingInformation

Questions &Answers

From whichmonth ismy childeligibleforthe 2-5-year-old governmentfunded fee rate?

2yearsoldby 31March will beeligiblefrom1st April(summer term)

2yearsoldby 31Augustwill beeligiblefrom1stSeptember (autumnterm)

2yearsoldby 31Decemberwillbeeligible forfrom1stJanuary(springterm)

Howmany weeks per yearismy childfunded for?

2-5-year-oldgovernment fundingentitlement isfor38 weeks of theyear.

Howmany hoursismy childfundedfor?

Thegovernmentwillfund2-5yearold’sforupto15hoursper week

How willI receive the governmentfunding formy child?

The numberof fundedhourswillbe your free entitlement goes directly to the provider and you will be charge for only the additional hours you taken up. We are currently offering hours of 9-12pm and 1-4pm for your free entitlement. Please don’t forget to sign your funding form along with your Registration Form.

WhatifI wanttosend my childto thenursery forall your around?

That isnot aproblem. Even thoughthenursery operates38weeks ayear, wecan accommodate your child at our Sister Nursery, Kingswood Day Care Nursery where we can offer you all year around care. We will try our best to accommodate your needs so that your child gets continuous care from Kingswood. Please make it clear to our manager when you register your child.

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1) How long willthesettlinginperiodlast?

Yoursettling intimeswillbebooked either duringyourfirst visit oronthetelephone.

Settling inwill lastoneweekdependingonyourcommitmentsbutlittleandoften is advisableratherthan bookinglengthy sessions.

Thistransition periodenablesyoutomakeshort periods ofseparationfromyourchild, whichcan bealittlebitofastruggle forthefirst few days andcan evenresultinparents needingtheoddcuddle!

Meetingother parentsduringthisperiod will helpyoubecomepart of network of parents inthelocalarea.Childrenattending2 daysorlesscan needconsiderably moretime toadjustto nursery life and that’s the reason we do not allow any child to do less than 3 sessions a week.

Rememberit isaperiodofchangeand bothyouandyourchildwillneed timetoadjust to the nursery environment.

2) How oftencanIcalltocheckonmy child's progress?

Pleasecallus asoftenasyouwish. BUT pleaseavoidcallingbetween10.30amand2.00pm. Ifyou would liketodiscuss yourchild’sprogress, pleasecalltomakean appointmentwith themanagerandyourchild’s key worker.

3) WhoshouldIspeakto if my childisnot happy?

Ifyoufeelyourchildisnot happy then pleasedonot hesitatetospeak to thenursery manageroramember of staff. Throughregular communication,wecan normallyresolveany issuesandfindsomerelevantsolutions that suits your child and you.

4) WhatshouldIdoif my childwillnot eat?

Your child maytakeafew weeks toadapt tothenurseryenvironment.Notwishingtoeatis asignof eitherteething/illnessor feelingalittleunsettled.Don'tworry, withsupport,love andlotsof cuddleswewillsupportyourchildduringthistransition period.

5) WhatdoIneedto bring intonursery?

Pleasebringasmall clearly labelledbagcontainingachangeofclothes, wipes,nappiesanda comforter/dummy (ifyourchildhasone).

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6)Labellingyour child'sbelongings?

You can easily labelyourchild's clothingandotherbelongings using iron on labels. Itisvery important tolabelyourchild'sbelongingstoprevent themgettingmixed up withtheotherchildren atthenursery- especiallychildren's bottlesandlids.

7) WhatshouldIdoif my child's belongingsaremissing?

Please label all the belongings of your child so thatwe canask all parentstocheck iftheyhave/haven'ttaken yourbelonging’s homeandwewillrequestforits return. Pleasenoteclothing,bottlesetc. will gomissingandwecannot beheldresponsibleforany losses, but labellingallitems willreducethis. Please helpushelpyou.

8) WhatdoIdoif my child is ill?

Ifyour child isrunningatemperature,then wewilllet youknow immediately. Through you’re consentwewilladministerapre-agreedamount ofCalpol. Wecanonly administer onedose ofCalpolduringtheduration of theday soif your childisstillrunningahightemperature thentheywillneedtobetaken home. As part of our policies and procedures ifyourchildhassicknessordiarrheayourchildwill need tostayat homefor48 hours before returning to nursery.

9) Whathappenson bank holidaysandatChristmas?

Thenurserywillbeclosedforallbank holidays. We follow the Merton council term dates, so please refer to Merton council websites for more information.

10) CanIaskthe stafftobabysit?

Inoneword, No -wedo not permitstaff tobabysit for clients in their nursery forprofessional reasons.

11) WhatdoIdoif my child hasmultiplecareers?

Ifyouhavemultiple careerslookingafteryourchild,pleaseinform the

Nursery. Thiswould includeprovidingphotographsof thepeoplethat maypick upyour child.Wemayrequire thatperson to haveapasswordof your choice. We like to work hand in hand with you for the best possible progress for your child.

12)Whatwilla typicalday be like formy childinthe nursery?

A tasterof ourdaydependingon theageofyour child….

Morning Sessions

9.00am-9.30am:Drop offs and Free play

9.30am- 10.00am: Registration and circle time

10.00am-10.30am: Themedactivities

10.30am-11.00am:Wash Hands andSnack Time


11.30am-12.00am:FreePlay, pick-ups and story time

12.00pm-1.00pm:LunchHour + sleep/rest time for full time children

Afternoon Sessions

1.00pm-1.30pm:Drop offs and Free play

1.30pm-2.00pm:Registration andCircletime

2.00pm-2.30pm:Themed activities

2.30pm-3.00pm:Wash Hands andSnack time

3.00pm-3.30pm:Outside play

3.30pm-4.00pm:Free play, Pick-ups and Story time