Village of Oakfield Board of Trustees October 22, 2012 Page 3



October 22, 2012

A regular meeting of the Village of Oakfield Board of Trustees was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Mayor Rick Pastecki followed by the Pledge to the Flag and Prayer. The following Trustees were present: Shelly D’Alba, Jason Armbrewster, Joan Stevens and Jeremy Yasses.

Also present: Clerk/Treasurer Joyce Grazioplene, D.P.W. Supervisor Dave Laney, Attorney Reid Whiting, Katie Manges from the Oakfield Betterment Committee.

Katie Manges – Oakfield Betterment Committee The Betterment Committee would like to move the Majestic Lights in the Park to Triangle Park this year, with any overflow to go to the Library grounds and then the Methodist Church. They provide all the stakes and cords for the trees. This year they are planning “Christmas in Oakfield” and are coordinating the Majestic Lights with Santa in the Park on December 1st. They are getting the businesses involved and offering coupons. They would also like permission to have a contained fire in the park again.

A Motion was made by Trustee Joan Stevens to approve Majestic Lights in the Park on December 1, 2012 along with a contained fire. The motion was seconded by Trustee Jason Armbrewster.

Ayes: Yasses, Stevens, Armbrewster D’Alba.


Reid Whiting, Attorney The school has still not signed the Intermunicipal Agreement. Their attorney is requesting a revised agreement. Attorney Whiting feels the changes are minor. One of the issues concerned exempt status not being effective until after construction. Attorney Whiting said this will involve a very small amount of money – approximately $20-$30. Trustee Armbrewster feels this has been unfair to the taxpayers to pay attorney’s fees for revisions that concern such a small amount of money. The Board agreed to have Attorney Whiting draft a revised agreement for the next meeting. He will contact the County and Town to see if they would be agreeable to signing a revised agreement.

PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments.


1.  Water Tower Update The water tower has gone out to bid. The bid opening will be November 9, 2012. The bid specs include alternate bids for two different styles and three sizes.

2.  Capital Improvement Project MRB group has been back to take additional pictures of the roof and air conditioning unit. They will be putting a proposal together. There was some concern about the electrical panel in the basement of the medical building. Trustee Armbrewster will contact an electrician to check it out. Supervisor Laney also discussed solar panels for the sewer plant with MRB.

3.  Zoning Officer Vacancy Trustee Yasses will contact the Town of Oakfield Zoning Officer to see if he is interested. Responses to the questions submitted by Richard Robinson are: 1. The Board prefers the Zoning Officer respond to violations only when there has been a complaint. 2. The Village does not pay mileage. 3. Hourly rate is paid for the length of time it takes to process an application. 4. He is not required to come to Board meetings, but will need to submit a monthly report.


1.  Approval of Minutes – A Motion was made by Trustee Shelly D’Alba to approve the minutes of the October 9, 2012 meeting. The motion was seconded by Trustee Jason Armbrewster.

Ayes: Yasses, Stevens, Armbrewster, D’Alba.


2.  Financial Reports The Board reviewed the September financial reports.

3.  Sewer Plant Facilities Plan Mayor Pastecki contacted Steve Mountain to submit a proposal for evaluation of the sewer plant and development of a short and long term plan. Trustee Armbrewster said it would give the Board a good idea of where we are with the plant. The proposal was for $6,200. A Motion was made by Trustee Joan Stevens to approve the proposal by Steve Mountain in the amount of $6,200 to do an evaluation of the sewer plant. The motion was seconded by Trustee Shelly D’Alba.

Ayes: Yasses, Stevens, D’Alba.

Abstain: Armbrewster.


4.  D.P.W. Report

Training Seminar Supervisor Laney requested approval to attend a water seminar sponsored by the Genesee County Health Department on October 30, 2012 from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. There is no cost.

A Motion was made by Trustee Jason Armbrewster to approve Supervisor Laney’s request to attend a water seminar on October 30, 2012 from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.

The motion was seconded by Trustee Jeremy Yasses.

Ayes: Yasses, Stevens, Armbrewster, D’Alba.


Hydrant Flushing The D.P.W. will be flushing hydrants November 5-9, weather permitting.

Lighting Replacement Supervisor Laney has been working with Countryline Electric to replace the outside lights on the D.P.W. building with LED bulbs. The cost is $125.00 each. He is planning to replace all four lights at the D.P.W. building. The projected savings per light is $185.00/year. He is going to contact National Grid to discuss converting the Main Street lights to LED.

Sewer Plant Repairs Supervisor Laney reported that one of the clarifiers has been drained, and they have found some maintenance issues. He has been working with Camden Group to get the repairs done. The Village of Corfu has been helping through shared services. Trustee Armbrewster had pictures of the bottom of the clarifier. Support pipes had broken off and dropped down to the floor. The sweeper arms had also dropped down and were not doing their job, and sludge was not getting totally out. Corfu is working on fabricating parts. Camden employees will be putting in additional hours to get this fixed. They said would not charge for the additional hours.

Backwash Pump Removal Supervisor Laney ordered the gaskets to remove the pump. The gaskets came in, but they were the wrong ones. He has been in contact with the company. The said based on the model pump they are, the gaskets should be the right ones. He was able to find some information on the pumps in the records room that he sent to the company. They are checking into it. Trustee Yasses suggested he get Camden Group involved.

Culvert replacement – North Pearl Street The County hit the sewer main while repairing the culvert on North Pearl Street. They were supposed to contact Supervisor Laney before they made the repairs so he could run the sewer machine through. They did not do that, so he had them video the main to be sure there were no problems. It appeared to be an adequate repair. They said they would guarantee it. Trustee Yasses suggested we send a letter to the County noting our displeasure.

Brush Pickup Supervisor Laney scheduled the last day for brush pickup for November 13th. Leaves will continue as long as weather permits. Trustee Armbrewster asked that they pick up limbs that have fallen due to stormy weather. Supervisor Laney said they have always done that.

Snowplowing Trustee Yasses asked what the plan was for snowplowing this year. Supervisor Laney said he would be doing it.

Executive Session A Motion was made by Trustee Joan Stevens to go into Executive Session at 7:02 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter relating to the discipline of an employee.

The motion was seconded by Trustee Shelly D’Alba.

Ayes: Yasses, Stevens, Armbrewster, D’Alba.


Close Executive Session A Motion was made by Trustee Jeremy Yasses to close Executive Session at 7:57 p.m. The motion was seconded by Trustee Joan Stevens.

Ayes: Yasses, Stevens, Armbrewster, D’Alba.


Maintenance of the Sewer Plant A Motion was made by Trustee Jason Armbrewster to transfer the maintenance of the sewer plant to Camden Group effective immediately. The motion was seconded by Trustee Joan Stevens.

Ayes: Yasses, Stevens, Armbrewster, D’Alba.


Zoning Amendments The Board will review the recommendations on sandwich board signs that Trustee Yasses submitted for discussion at the next meeting.

Having no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m. on motion by Trustee Joan Stevens, seconded by Trustee Shelly D’Alba and carried by unanimous vote.

The next meeting will be November 12, 2012.

Respectfully submitted,

Joyce Grazioplene
