Big AskFeeding & Fuelling Europe

At the strategy meeting Groups will spend time building and refining the content of this project template. We are not expecting the perfect project plan in advance of the week, however each group is asked to come to the meeting with a good first draft.

Before the FFE Strategy Meeting

All Groups are asked to make the following advance preparations:

1)  Transfer all relevant information from any other project plans that you have made for the FFE project into this template. If you haven’t made any formal plans yet then fill in as much of the template as you can based on your current thinking.

2)  Think about all of the questions that are posed in the template, involving anyone else in your Group who is likely to have a role in your FFE project – it is important that your thinking takes their views into account, and also that people at the strategy meeting are empowered to advance the project planning. A meeting of all interested people is recommended for this.

Also – please bring a laptop to the strategy meeting, with your project template loaded as well as any other relevant documents you have.

About filling in the template

You are asked to complete as many of the ‘thinking required’ boxes as you can do. There is no need to go into detail – the idea is to include all of the key information, but not to describe anything in depth. In terms of style, you should write this in a way that most people could understand. The current text in the ‘thinking required’ boxes is explanatory, so that you can see what information is asked for and with questions to help your thinking. Please delete this text once it has served its purpose.

Heading / Thinking required
1. Aim(s) / What do you ultimately want to achieve?
1. Raise public awareness
2. Increase public support for mainstreaming environmental issues and food security into poverty reduction policies and contribute to these issues being included in relevant National Policies
2. External strategic context / How big a challenge is this?
In Poland these topics are completely new. Also the knowledge of the NGOs is very weak. It’s difficult to evaluate the feelings to our views, because of lack of knowledge and information. So we have to start from basic level provide information using different media and tools. It wouldn’t be so difficult for Polish Ecological Club, because the organisation is very old and well known in Poland. We have very good contact with journalists who work in different media and we also publish three bulletins within our organization in different regions of Poland. It’s difficult to estimate amount of activities, which is necessary, because raise public awareness is measurable in not direct way and after years. However the budget is very modest we are going to find other funds which will support campaign.
3. Internal strategic context / What resources and commitments do you have to deliver the FFE project?
In Gliwice there are 7 people as a staff members and 20 volunteers, but the information and materials we are able to disseminate all over the country within 10 PKE Braches and about 100 PKE Chapters.
In the beginning of 2009, we are going to send proposal to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where other activities will be predicted to strengthen campaign in Poland. It’s realistic source of money, because we have got money from this source to provide some projects at Ukraine.
4. Objectives / What do you need to do in order to achieve your Aim(s)?
1a. Providing informational materials on campaign topics
2a. Working with different media (influencing magazines, radio and local TV)
3a. Dissemination materials within PKE Branches and Chapters and other NGOs
1b. Organization public awareness events (connected with speakers tour)
2b. Advocating to stop import agrofuels and animal feed base on soy bean
5. Milestones / How will you know you are on track with the project?
1aa. Preparation web page with campaign information
1ab. Preparation two leaflets in Polish language
1ac. Publication four reports in Polish language
1ad. Preparation report base on Polish data on import soy been, palm oil
2aa. Publishing six articles on campaign issues in PKE Bulletins
2ab. Publishing 6 articles on campaign issues in magazines and local newspapers
2ac. Preparation eight broadcasts in local radio on campaign issues
3aa. Dissemination 2000 leaflets on two campaign topics within PKE Branches and Chapters
3ab. 500 copies of EU food prints;
500 copies of Biofuels in Africa;
500 copies of Killing Fields;
500 copies of Monitoring soy expansion
1ba. Presentation campaign issues at conference for PKE members
1bb. Event for speakers tour – Soy expansion
1bc. Event for speakers tour – Feeding Africa
2ba. preparation public debate on Food Prints
2bb. preparation public debate on Alternatives to imported feeds
2bc. preparation public debate on Who benefits on GM crops
6. Allies and Enemies / Who’s help do you need to make the project a success (if anyone)?
Most NGOs, Organic Farmers Association, partly journalists
Who is likely to oppose the project (if anyone)?
Partly Ministry of Agriculture, some journalists, owners of industrial animal farms
7. Messaging and priority audiences / What are the public messages of the campaign?
The message in the campaign should be directed to consumers and farmers and politicians. Consumers should realise that because their overconumption special meat, they impact on food security and environment. Farmers should realize that there is alternative to soy bean. Politicians should know that using subsidise instrument within Rural Development Plan support country legumes could limit soy import. So the name of campaign “Food and Feeding” translated into Polish language sounds good and simple “Pasze i paliwa”
8. Project style, tools and tactics / What are the key tactics involved in running your project?
There are some tactics and tools which we will use in the project. At first we need support other NGO despite PKE is big organisation. It will be associations of organic farmers, and may be the Chamber of Agriculture. The tools which we are going to use are following: web page, radio broadcast, public debate, article to newspaper, magazines describing stories, or case studies.
9. Resources (optional) / What resources do you need to succeed, in addition to what you already have?
If you considered that there are realistic possibilities for gaining more commitments and resources for the project in Section 3, then elaborate in this section about what exactly those could be and how you plan to secure them.
Of course these resources are in addition to what FFE is providing, and anything else your organisation has already agreed to provide.
10. Delivery projects (optional) / What are the key projects/activities needed to deliver the project?
This Section only applies to those Groups that are running very large FFE projects and/or where FFE is closely related to other activities. In this case you might have specific, discrete projects that effectively sit between your Objectives and Milestones. If that is the case:
What is the purpose of the projects, when do they start and finish?
How do they relate with meeting your Milestones and Objectives?
11. Project structure / How will the project be run internally?
There are two persons who is responsible for the project. For the first ½ year the person who is responsible for the project is Maria Staniszewska, for the next time, person responsible will be Marek Pyc with Maria’s support. During dissemination materials we will use our payment staff and our contacts with members of other PKE groups. Also during event preparation PKE groups will help us in Warsaw, Krakow and Wrocław. The Board monitor progress of the project and tried to solve problems if they are exists.
12. Collaboration with FFE Consortium and other groups within the project / What do you need from the FFE Consortium to make your project a success?
What (if anything) can you offer to make the overall project a success?
Contact and assistance during the all project time is much appreciated. Very important is help during the speakers tour events which are the crucial element of the campaign.


Feeding and Fuelling Europe: Project Template