Chapter 1, Lesson 3 Review Sheet

  • Vocabulary
  • Irrigate
  • Federation
  • Clan​
  • Advanced cultures also existed in North America before Europeans. The Adena, Hopewell, and Mississippian, also known as the Mound Builders, lived in central North America beginning around 800 B.C. Many different groups built thousands of mounds of earth that served as burial chambers or had other religious functions.
  • What were Mound Builders?
  • When and where did the early American cultures exist, how did they secure food, and what types of homes and structures did they build?
  • The Hohokam culture lived in the dry, hot desert in what is now Arizona from about A.D. 200 to 1400. They created hundreds of miles of irrigation channels to water their crops. They also made pottery and carved stone.
  • The Ancient Puebloans lived at the Four Corners, where Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico meet, around a.d. 1 to 1300. They built large stone dwellings called pueblos. They also built dwellings in the walls of steep cliffs, which were easy to defend and offered protection from the weather.
  • What is a well-known Pueblo?
  • What is a well-known cliff dwelling?
  • After these early societies faded away, other cultures arose. Many unique societies existed in North America before Europeans arrived. These cultures were excellent at adapting to their environment.
  • A Northern people called the Inuit settled near the frigid Arctic Ocean, building igloos for shelter and hunting both on land and at sea. Western peoples settled all along the western coastline, from what is now Canada down to California. Mild climate and dependable food sources were valuable to these groups.
  • Who were some of the western peoples in the Pacific Northwest?
  • Who were some of the western peoples from the plateau region?
  • Who were some of the western peoples from the Great Basin region?
  • In the Southwest, the Hopi, Acoma, and Zuni farmed maize and built homes out of adobe, sun-dried bricks. Peoples of the Plains were nomads who lived in tepees and hunted antelope, deer, and buffalo.
  • How did the roles of men and women differ for the Plains Peoples?
  • What were the three uses the Plains people had for buffalo?
  • Eastern peoples such as the Iroquois and Cherokee had formal codes of law. Groups were often at war with each other. Five Iroquois groups established the Great Peace in the 1500s.
  • What was the Great Peace?
  • What was the Great Binding Law?
  • Women were not permitted on the Grand Council. Explain how women were able to have a voice in the government?
  • Southeastern peoples such as the Creek and Chickasaw depended on farming in what is now Georgia, Alabama, and the Carolinas.