Greenhand Conduct of Meetings Score Card
Team Name:______
Pres. / VP / Sec. / Trea. / Rep. / Sent. / Adv. / Pts.Poss. / Pts.
1. Demonstration of opening ceremonies Pts. Possible
(based only on correct memorization)
Pts. Received / 9 / 6 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 30
2. Debate (It should be difficult to receive all points possible)
* convincing, realistic, logical, orderly & efficient
* voice, poise, & grammar
* all members should participate nearly equally
* 5 pts./member / 30
3. Demonstration of closing ceremonies Pts. Possible
(based only on correct memorization)
* Teams are to move into closing ceremonies
following one of the two options listed in
contest procedure #4 Pts. Received / 4 / 1 / 5
4. Demonstrated knowledge of parliamentary procedure (See rubric supplied in judges packet)
(10 pts./ ability)
A. ______
C.______/ 30
5. Conduct of business/solving the problem
(completeness {who, what, when & where}, realistic,
responsibilities are delegated, finality)
6. Correct arrangement of station markers by the sentinel or designated team member if the sentinel is absent.
(2 point deduction if sentinel does not return items to storage table) / 5
7. Correct use of the gavel
3 taps- standing during open and closing ceremonies
2 taps- start meeting
1 tap- sit during ceremonies, announcement of result of motion (pass/fail), meeting adjourned / 5
8. Ability of president to preside / 5
9. Questions concerning the conduct of meetings (2 pts/question) / 20
10. Minutes
A. completeness and accuracy (6 pts.)
B. Format: date, time started, presiding officer, place, Secretary signature (2 pts.)
C. legibility (clarity) (2 pts.)* Examples of shorthand notations and styles can be found on the attached secretary minutes grading sheet.
* Minutes that exceed the minimum criteria should not be marked down (i.e. discussion could be included). / 10
11. Deduction of 15 points per missing team member. The president and secretary positions must be
covered to compete.
Deductions for time
(4 pts./minute{or fraction of} under 7 min. 30 seconds) (2 pts./minute{or fraction of} over 10 min. 30 seconds)
Deductions for official dress (0, 2, 5, 7 or 10 pts.) FFA Official Dress consists of: Female Members: Black skirt or dress slacks, White-collared blouse, Official FFA blue scarf, Black dress shoes with a closed heel and toe, Black nylon hosiery or socks and Official FFA jacket zipped to the top and worn in the manner prescribed by the National FFA Constitution. (The skirt is to be at least knee length, hemmed evenly across the bottom, with a slit no longer than two inches above the knee, excluding the kick pleat.)Male Members: Black dress slacks, White-collared shirt, Official FFA tie, Black dress shoes, Black socks, Official FFA jacket zipped to the top and worn in the manner prescribed by the National FFA Constitution.Grand Total / 170