22nd September 2016
Another maximum 350 lot auction, this time with a slightly different feel. Instead of Nepal, a number of Vendors have moved down the alphabet to “Newfoundland” and, appropriately, “Olympics”. There’s also plenty of Germany, a sprinkling of decent looking covers and a nice glut of catalogues, which always appear to be popular.
We also have a number of (mainly large) albums that have been submitted at £5 each. Those that I have looked at suggest the estimates are fairly low and most will sell for a fair bit more, I suspect. Quite a few of these have loose stamps between the pages, so please be careful.
As usual:-
a) if you cannot get to the auction, or may get there late, we can bid on your behalf, but if possible, bids should be made at least 24 hours before the start of the auction. Please place bids on a book bid form, but if that’s not possible, please give me a ring or send an e-mail. My e-mail address is on the last page of the catalogue.
b) descriptions are primarily those supplied by the Vendors (except where the auctioneers have expanded them in the interests of clarity or to point out faults which they have found but which were not mentioned by the Vendors). They were pretty good this time round, thank you all.
Please remember that, unless otherwise shown, all prices shown in the last column are reserves, the lowest price at which the lot will be sold.
Bidding steps:- These are at the discretion of the auctioneer, but the normal steps will be:-
Up to £2 – in steps of 10p £2 to £5 – in steps of 20p £5 to £10 – in steps of 50p
£11 to £50 – in steps of £1 £50 to £100 – in steps of £2
£100 upwards – in steps of £5 or at the auctioneers discretion T15
Please take great care when viewing material
A – Box LotsLot / Ven / Description / Reserve / Sale
1 / Germany (mainly) – Shotgun cartridge box with 4 small stockbooks, a tin of stamps on piece and 2 envelopes of stamps. / £7.00
2 / Glory Box – Pardy and Son box with old albums, club books, a stockbook including some old GB stamp booklets, album pages, and a packet with stockcards. Good cat lot. / £5.00
3 / Glory Box - Kent Cartridge box full of material including club book remainders, covers, cards, packets, stamps. Not all Rubbish!! / £5.00
4 / World – Box with world stamps on hundreds of pages. / £5.00
5 / World – Dealers remainders in a square box. Various items, mostly on 50+ cards. / £3.00
6 / World – Biscuit tin full of thousands of all world stamps off paper. Not much GB. / £3.00
7 / World – Shoebox of all world stamps on/off paper. Thousands. / £2.50
8 / Germany – Cartridge box full of mainly German covers plus a few postcards. / £2.00
9 / New Zealand – Cheesecake box with 3 packets of New Zealand all periods off paper. / £2.00
10 / Peru – Plastic tub with hundreds of (mainly) used issues from early. Will have decent cat. / £1.60
11 / World – Box with stamps (including Macau), covers (including 1937 Cyprus coronation FDC), and catalogues / £1.50
12 / GB – Chocolate biscuit box with Commemoratives (mainly) on (and a few off) paper. Probably way underpriced given the cat value of some of what is in there, but the I’d prefer the biscuits. / £1.20
13 / World – Box with foreign selection on and off paper including some mutiples, postcards, etc. / £1.20
14 / World – Postage labels (Frama etc) in an Athletico Madrid tin. / £1.00
15 / World – Christmas card box with world stamps on paper. / £1.00
16 / China – Small box of (mainly used) China including some PRC. / £1.00
17 / Box with a number of scrapbooks recording holiday visits to (inter alia) Rye, Bexhill (postcards in a packet), Wales, England beyond Wales, Edinburgh, Southampton. Most sections have postcards (presumed stuck in fairly loosely given that some have fallen out). There’s even a Welsh phrase book. / £1.00
18 / Box with four old photo albums. Includes sections from a trip to Ypres, Belgian trenches, Paris etc etc in the 1930’s, 1935 Jubilee, newspaper clippings including a large article on the blitz on Croydon. The larger album isn’t quite as exciting. / £1.00
19 / World – Junk box of odds and ends including magazine articles (first ABPS News noted), unused mounts, postal bulletins, binder with reams of information about Hawaii and its posts, folder with lists of flights to and from Hawaii, 3 detailed auction catalogues, pack of leaves for Apex/Trident album, copy of information about Brighton Post Boxes from Brighton Library, printed pages for 1981 Royal Wedding. Sold for Club Funds / £1.00
20 / World – Glory Box with lots and lots of Machins (which haven’t been sorted out but just appear as they came of envelopes) and some other bits and pieces off and (mostly) on paper. A must if you collect Machins. / £1.00
21 / Box of Philatelic bags. / £1.00
B – Country Lots “A – J”
Lot / Ven / Description / Reserve / Sale
22 / Aden – 1951 surcharge set. The complete used set of 11. / £5.00
23 / Albania/Space – Hagner card with 5 x unmounted sets from 1961-1966 with a space theme (plus an extra space stamp). SG 688/90, 740, 828/31, 884/72, 902/5 and 1027/31. Total cat £43.10. / £7.00
24 / Albania/Space – Hagner card with 3 more unmounted sets from 1962/3 with a space theme. SG 708/11, 763/8 and 780/4. Total cat £41.50. / £6.50
25 / Albania – Hagner card with 5 x fine used sets from 1983-1990. SG 2159/62, 2297/2300, 2414/4, 2457/9 and 2461/3. Total cat £13.10. / £2.00
26 / Albania – Stockcard with 2 x fine used sets SG 1450/2 (Chinese Space Achievements) and 2417a (Anniversaries in a block). Cat £10.50. / £1.70
27 / Albania - Collection in KABE Album containing 1953-72 used collection, previously owned by smoker. 100’s Beware loose stamps. / £5.00
28 / Alderney – 2014 Bayeux Tapestry £14.44 Prestige Booklet. / £10.00
29 / Andorra (Spanish) – Selection of unmounted mint bird issues. SG 300/1, 315, 323, 334 and 366. Cat £29.80 / £5.00
30 / Andorra (Spanish) – 2008 Minisheet for the Water and Sustainable Development Exhibition. MS 355 unmounted mint. Totally hideous. Cat £14.50 / £2.20
31 / Andorra (Spanish)/Olympics – 1987 Olympic mini-sheet produced in advance of the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona. SG MS 194 unmounted mint Cat £8.50 / £1.70
32 / Andorra (Spanish)/Olympics – Hagner card with issues from 1980, mostly in unmounted mint vertical pairs. SG 126/8 (1980), 172 (winter 1984), 176 (summer 1984, 229 (1992), 257 (1998) and 356 (2008). Total cat £21.25 / £3.50
33 / Andorra (French) – 1987 and 1988 Stamp Booklets SG SB1 and SG SB2 both unmounted mint. Cat £38.00. / £6.00
34 / Andorra (French) – The 1969 Europa pair unmounted mint with huge selvedge. SG F214/5. Cat £32.00. / £5.20
35 / Andorra (French) – 1972 Charles de Gaulle triptych. SG F 243a unmounted mint with huge selvedge. Cat £10.00. / £1.80
36 / Anguilla – 1972 cover. Stated to have complete set of 15 stamps on FDC / £5.00
37 / Antigua/Barbuda – SG 617-622 in a Royal Wedding (Charles) Souvenir booklet. The booklet also contains a $5 stamp surcharged an extra 50c for the South Atlantic Fund. / £2.00
38 / Ascension – 1956 part set to 1/-, SG 57-66 mint. / £5.00
39 / Ascension – 1971 44p booklet with 5/71 imprint on the back. SG SB2a cat £40. / £7.00
40 / Australia – 12 pictures of Koala Park (now closed to visitors). Vendor thinks this was produced years ago. Please take care when viewing. / £1.00
41 / Australia – Selection of 181 stamps on pages, postmarks noted. / £1.00
42 / Australia – Red Simplex album with a used collection 1973-1986. / £3.00
43 / Australia – A deeper red Simplex album with the second part of the used collection, this time 1987-1995. / £3.00
44 / Austria – 150+ stamps on card 1892 – 1957. Vendor has no idea of value / £2.00
45 / Austria – Voraralberg Embroidery stamp issued 2005 on a registered cover to Eastbourne. / £2.00
46 / Austria – 1949 UPU label sheet for airmail to USA with 1950 overprint. Unmounted mint. Not listed in SG. / £3.50
47 / Austria – 1952 Stamp Day unmounted mint. SG 1236. Cat £40. / £5.00
48 / Austria – 1954 150th Birth Anniversary of Von Rokitansky unmounted mint. SG 1254. Cat £34. / £4.50
49 / Austria – 1954 Health Service Fund unmounted mint marginal set of 6. SG 1256/61. Cat £26. / £4.00
50 / Austria – 1956 Admission to United Nations unmounted mint marginal. SG 1282. Cat £24. / £3.00
51 / Austria – 1945 SG 827 – 8 Pf Hitler Head overprinted “Osterreich” with overprint on the back as well as the front – in an unmounted mint pair. / £2.00
52 / Austria – 1948/52 Costume set of 37 values all used with circular cancellations. SG 1108/1144. Cat £34.00 / £3.50
53 / Austria – A 2-Volume Collection that has previously been picked over, but still has useful content. Worth inspection. 100’s / £5.00
54 / Austria – Horse mini-sheet SG 1645 unmounted mint. Cat £6.75. / £1.00
55 / Austria – Selection on pages, mainly pre-1960. / £1.00
56 / Austria – 1954 Health Service Fund fine used set of 6 SG 1256/1261. Cat £29.00. / £5.40
57 / Austria – 1935 Air set of 15 mounted mint. SG 763/777. Cat £120.00 / £22.00
58 / Bahamas – 2 x OHMS Envelopes from 1975 and 1977 with local postmarks. / £3.00
59 / Barbados -1939 set SG 257/261 unmounted mint. / £4.50
60 / Belgium – 1946 War Victims Relief Fund set of 6 (includes the “extra” one) unmounted mint. SG 1188/92. / £3.50
61 / Belgium – Davo album (but so old it isn’t recognizable as such) with stamps to 1945. Includes better, e.g. 87u, 99/105u, 109/116u, 1199m. E530/3. Not properly catalogued but adding up some of the better bits getting to £1,000 was easy. / £5.00
62 / Bermuda – 1935 Silver Jubilee set SG 94/7 mint. / £6.00
63 / Bohemia and Moravia – Mainly mint selection on pages. Cat £58.70. Best value is the back of the book material (dues/officials etc) which looks to be complete. Includes that dodgy SS character. / £5.00
64 / Bolivia – 150+ stamps from about 1900-1960 in a tired 22-ring binder. / £1.00
65 / British Honduras -1937-1969 mint lot on a number of album pages. / £12.00
66 / British Indian Ocean Territory – Early mint selection on stockcard. Mixture of m/m and u/m mint. SG 32/5, 36/9, 40, 41/4, 53/5, 56/7, 77/80 and MS110. Total cat £75.10 / £8.00
67 / British Indian Ocean Territory – Early unmounted mint selection on stockcard. SG 31, 45/6, 47/50, 106/7, 124/7, 132/5 and 172/5. Total cat £32.75 / £5.00
68 / British Indian Ocean Territory – 1968 the second set (Marine Life) fine used. SG 16/30 with the 1970 issued “a” numbers. Cat £65.00. / £9.00
69 / Canada – SG printed album with stuff in it mint and used from QV. / £5.00
70 / Canada – 1976 Montreal Olympics. All 12 sets unmounted mint. / £3.00
71 / Canada – 1978 and 1979 Souvenir collections (Year Packs) complete / £2.00
72 / Canada – 1939 Royal Visit in mint pairs and a strip of 3. Cat £17. / £1.00
73 / Canada – 1982 collection. Seems to be a 1982 yearpack with an extra item inside with 1977 and 1980 Inuit stamps. All mint. / £5.00
74 / Canada – Delivered as “1983 collection”. Actually, it appears to be an old box for a 1983 yearpack without the book and stamps in – but with a lot of different stuff inside instead. All mint. / £5.00
75 / Canada – 1994 Yearbook. The stamps are loose in an envelope – presumably as they came. I’ve not checked to see if they are all there. / £12.00
76 / Canada – Collection in a blue ring binder from earlies. / £3.00
77 / Cayman Islands – Collection on 6 pages to 1938. (* reduced price) / £3.00
78 / Chile – SG 285-289 mounted mint. Cat £9.50. / £1.00
79 / China – 2 x unmounted bird sets. SG 3600/1 and SG 3485a and 3487a. Cat £7.30. / £1.50
80 / China – 6 x 1988 unmounted mint sets. SG 3553/6, SG 3562/3, SG 3544, SG 3549/52, SG 3568a and SG 3590/1. Total cat £12.70. / £2.70
81 / China – 7 x 1988/9 unmounted mint sets. SG 3602/4, SG 3540/3, SG 3630, SG 3598/9, SG 3589, SG 3580/1 and SG 3627/9. Total cat £12.15. / £2.50
82 / China – 5 x 1989 unmounted mint sets. SG 3614/7, SG3644/7, SG 3613, SG 3618 and SG 3609a. Total cat £7.85. / £1.60
83 / China – Stockcard with 15 different stamps in blocks. Multiples of 9 or more in each case. / £5.00
84 / Crete – 1898 British Administration SG B2-5 mint. Two have no gum. Cat £50. / £2.00
85 / Cyprus – 1882 ½ piastre used. SG23 cat £75. / £15.00
86 / Denmark – 1906 Commercial cover from Copenhagen to Manchester with a pair of 10 Ore Christian XI and 4 stationary cut-outs. (The cut outs have been stuck on and successfully used as stamps!) / £4.00
87 / Eire/GB – 1972 cover which has lots going on. It may (or may not) be a forces cover, but was sent from Eire to Brighton. On the way part of it, including the majority of the stamps, has been eaten by snails and the letter re-sealed in Ireland. As they don’t have an “eaten by snails” cachet, the explanation has been hand written……………. (* reduced price) / £2.00
88 / France - Collection in New Age Album. Noted: MH Sinking Fund set, early imperfs. Mainly used collection, Some colonies,100’s. Beware loose stamps. / £5.00
89 / France – 2006 SG 4211-4223 3 set used / £1.50
90 / France – on 5 pages, mint and used. Cat £80+ / £3.00
91 / France – 1938 Clement Ader SG 612a lightly mounted mint. Cat £140.00. / £26.00
92 / France – 1939 “Radio for the Blind”. SG 631 unmounted mint. Cat £11.50. / £2.00
93 / France – 1942 Tricolour Legion pair. SG 769/770 unmounted mint. Cat £18.00. / £3.20
94 / France – 1949 Citex mini-sheetlet SG 1071a unmounted mint. Cat £100.00. / £20.00
95 / Gambia – 1963 Self Government set of 4 in unmounted mint blocks of 4. Cat £4.80. / £1.00