Nobby State School P&C Meeting Minutes 16th April 2013
Present Melissa W, Kylie S, Kylie E, Kathy N, Matt S, Richard B, Tim Y, Wendy N, Vicki G,
Meeting Opened 6:13pm
Apologies Nil
Previous Minutes Distributed
Business arising from previous minutes Nil
Motion moved by Melissa W to accept previous minutes seconded Vicki G
Correspondence In
See attachment
Correspondence Out
See attachment
Principle Report
- Discussion on parent teacher interviews
Majority agreed the current format is the best which is two interviews per year after report cards are given out.
- Literacy and Numeracy Week (August 19th – 22nd)
A full week of fun and activities which will include reader’s cup, book fair, another author visit and a trip to Empire theatre
- Qbuild account has $12000 available to spend on the school Tim is hoping to get the front walk way fixed and replace vinyl in the kitchen
- We have a new year three student Darcy
- The school currently has $30000 in the bank
A motion was moved by Tim Y to accept the Principle Report Seconded Vicki G
Treasurer Report
Kylie is still in the transition phase with her new position. She has set up all the programs on the donated accounting program we received. She will be double checking all this with her accountant to make sure all is in order.
- Current Bank Statement
- $7452.68 Closing Balance
- 2 x cheques to bank from donations
A motion was moved by Kylie E to have the following accounts paid. Seconded Kylie S
- Book Club $40.50
- Ice Creams $99.00
- Clifton Courier $14.85
Accepted by the majority to pay these accounts
Statement received from Food works is incorrect and will need to be changed before we will purchase the order. Vicki G is doing this
Uniform Report
- We have a selection of reject hats that have been printed incorrectly. We did not have to pay for these. It was decided we need to get rid of these so they will be given away as long as the Nobby logo is blacked out and they do not return to school. Any left overs will be thrown out.
- There is a clothing pool and second hand uniforms will go on sale for families to purchase at a discounted rate.
Agenda item for November P&C meeting
- We need to check the stock value as there is a difference between the audit report and the current stock at that time. Tis will need to be amended at the next audit.
Motion moved by Kathy N to accept the Uniform Report- seconded Melissa W
General Business
- Literacy Week- Vicki G has found a great grant through Cabruary Chocolate to receive funding to go towards getting another author for literacy week. We are able to apply for this as we have held a chocolate drive recently. This was agreed by the majority- Vicki G to go ahead with this grant
Tim Y will be getting a speaker for NAIDOC which is on the 12th July
Fundraising Report
- Most of the soft drink has been sorted with only a couple flavours to be purchased
- Kylie E was able to get 70 kgs of sausage’s donated =)
- Kathy N will be looking into getting cheap bread
- We need people to loan eskies-Matt S and Kylie S offered theirs
- Vicki G will be checking with Clifton Ice to see if we can get this donated
- It was decided by the majority to purchase four trays to have for fundraising events
- Tim Y and Terri will be organising the roster for the day. We need volunteers from 8.30am to 4.30pm. We will also need a contact list sent out to everyone volunteering so we can all be in contact on the day in case something comes up
- There will be a note sent out in the newsletter asking for people to offer their time to babysit if volunteers need this on the day
- We have a lot of left over drinks in the shed that are out of date. We are looking at options to get rid of these and we need to prevent this from happening again
Mother’s Day
- Invites, posters and Flyers are out
- Venue is booked- Rudd’s pub 12th May 2013
- 11am arrive 11.30 lunch is served
- Face painting available with a cent sale and auction to follow
- A decision was made to try another framing company to get hand sewn pictures framed as possible auction items
- A list of jobs will be sent out we are still looking for someone to do the cent sale and Auction and a few other positions
- We will be using the schools Facebook page to advertise fundraising events
Pie Drive
- We would like the delivery the end of term 2
- Melissa W will be organising this
- There is a banking competitions which the school will be participating in
- Kylie will be making up certificates to send out to business to thank them for their support
- The raiders pack and broncos jersey will be used for father’s day
- Melissa W will be sending a sympathy card to Jackie Love on the loss of her mother over the school holidays
- Melissa W will also be doing up a formal invite for Joan Nash to invite her to the mother’s day luncheon as our guest of honour
Meeting closed 7.30pm
Next Meeting 7th May 2013 6pm
Sectary Sign / President Sign