A BRAVE approach to culture as a foundational way of thinking
[Note this is a compilation of the various culture-related discussions across the chapters of The New Leader’s 100-Day Action Plan.]
In many respects, leadership is an exercise in building culture. However you define it, culture is the glue that holds organizations together. It may be the only truly sustainable competitive advantage and the root cause of every merger’s success or failure. This book focuses on pivotal events like joining a new organization or merging teams as opportunities to accelerate culture change and results. They are about creating and bridging gaps: gaps between a leader and his or her new team, gaps between an aspirational state and the current reality.
You must consider culture throughout your 100-Day Plan. Especially when you:
o Prepare for interviews (to answer cultural fit questions),
o Complete your due diligence (to mitigate organizational, role and personal landmines),
o Choose your onboarding approach (by comparing the business’ need for change to the culture’s readiness for change)
o Converge into the organizational culture
o Evolve the organization’s culture
Cultural elements are particularly critical to get right in a post-merger integration. 70% of those surveyed in the Post Merger Integration Conference acknowledged that too little effort is paid to culture during integrations, with 92% claiming that greater cultural understanding would have substantially benefited mergers in their experience[1]. And, respondents assigned blame for cultural difficulties to “poor leadership of the integration effort” as opposed to “wrong choice of target” by a factor of 5 to 1! The message: Culture is critical and leadership matters.
Take culture into account as a crucial consideration in everything you do. To help, you can find all the thoughts and tools on culture in this book pulled together in one document at www.onboardingtools.com. (Tool 1A.10).
(From Chapter 1 – Position Yourself for Success)
The greater the cultural differences, the more difficult the adaptation or change will be. There’s real power in understanding the most important cultural differences and then building a plan to bridge those gaps over time.
Some define culture simply as “The way we do things around here”. Others conduct complex analyses to define it more scientifically. Instead, blend both schools of thought into an implementable approach that defines culture as an organization’s behaviors, relationships, attitudes, values and the environment (BRAVE). The BRAVE framework is relatively easy to apply, yet offers a relatively robust way to identify, engage and change a culture. It makes culture real, tangible, identifiable and easy to talk about. It’s helpful to tackle the BRAVE components from the outside in with five questions:
BRAVE Framework
Environment Where to play? (Context)
Values What matters and why? (Purpose)
Attitudes How to win? (Choices)
Relationships How to connect? (Communication)
Behaviors What impact? (Implementation)
When evaluating each element of culture, think of it on a sliding scale (say 1-5), rather than in absolute terms. The specific dimensions within each cultural component may vary from situation to situation. You may find the components and dimensions below particularly useful.
Environment is where the organization decides to play in the context of the situation it faces. The dimensions you’ll want to consider here are:
Ø Is the impetus for growth found in opportunities to capture or problems to solve?
Ø Are the growth enablers more human, interpersonal and societal or technological, mechanical and scientific?
Ø Are the main barriers more external hurdles or internal capabilities?
Values are what matters to the organization and its people and why. The dimensions you’ll want to consider here are:
Ø What’s the organization’s purpose: mission (why), vision (what) and values (how) and is it interpreted as intended and evolving or written and set?
Ø Is the approach to risk more about risking more to gain more over time or protecting what is now?
Ø Is the approach to learning more open and shared or more directed?
Attitudes are how the organization chooses to win across strategy, posture and approach. The dimensions you’ll want to consider here are:
Ø Is the fundamental strategy premium price, innovation and high service or low price, minimum viable product, and self-service? Is there a bias to creating ideas and pushing them out to the market or doing things in response to customers’ needs?
Ø Do people strive to be more proactive or reactive?
Relationships are about how the organization connects. The dimensions you’ll want to consider here are:
Ø Is power and decision-making more diffused and debated or controlled to the point of being monarchical?
Ø Do people communicate more informally, verbally and face-to-face or more formally, directed and written?
Ø Do people identify with the overall organization or with their particular unit or sub-group
Behaviors are how the organization acts when deploying its plans. The dimensions you’ll want to consider here are:
Ø Do working units of people act as independent individuals or as an inter-dependent teams?
Ø Is discipline more fluid and flexible or structured?
Ø Do people have a bias to creating surprising breakthroughs – big leaps or making reliable, repeatable steady progress?
Culture is an essential consideration in many of the tasks and tools you will deploy in your 100-Day Plan and beyond.
Netflix Reinvents Itself Again
Netflix received 34 Emmy Award nominations in 2015 for shows it created. Yet, a few short years before, it was purely a distribution channel, producing no content. This strategy shift represents a complete reinvention to take advantage of changing circumstances and opportunities.
It’s the second time Netflix reinvented itself. A decade ago the growth of streaming videos threatened its video-by-mail delivery system. So it chose to keep the cannibals in the family, cut the heart out of its existing business model and moved into streaming.
In some ways this is not surprising since its origins lay in cutting the heart out of Blockbuster’s video store business model. The question is what allows an organization like Netflix to reinvent itself and continue to grow while an organization like Blockbuster can’t get out of its own way.
The difference is culture. Blockbuster was more set in its ways, focused on protecting what it had and working to build reliable, repeatable processes in a structured, disciplined way. Its decision-making was tightly controlled and communication was so formal and directed as to leave little room for discussion.
On the other hand Netflix people talk about their culture like this: “Instead of a culture of process adherence, we have a culture of creativity and self-discipline, freedom and responsibility.”[2] Certainly they try to avoid “irrevocable disasters”, but, “mostly though, rapid recovery is the right model.”
Army versus Navy
As Boris Groysberg et al describe in "Which of These People Is Your Future CEO?"[3] the US Navy and Air Force are strong on process and light on flexibility, while the Army and Marines are lighter on process and stronger on flexibility.They argue these differences stem from the equipment with which the different services deploy.A small mistake on a ship can have devastating impact, as can not reacting to a changing situation in ground warfare. So the Navy has built a culture based on command and control to minimize mistakes while the Army has built one designed to push decisions down and out to encourage initiative.
Not surprisingly, when you look at the way the Army approaches behaviors, relationships, attitudes, values and the environment, you get a markedly different picture than you do with the Navy. As you can see by the spider chart below, the Army is more fluid, flexible, informal and collaborative than the Navy on almost every dimension. It’s not that one is better than the other. It’s just that they are different, appropriately so, given their different missions and circumstances.
Figure 1.1
This chart is based on Tool 1.1, which can help you map your culture. Like all the tools in this book, it is printed at the end of the chapter and included in the downloadable tools at www.onboardingtools.com. Most find it easier and more elegant to write in those than in the book. Plus, you’ll find other tools and more in depth discussions around a number of ideas on that site. The website is an important resource to accompany this book. Use it.
(From Chapter 2: Leverage the Fuzzy Front End)
1) Determine your leadership approach given the context and culture you face
Step one is to identify the need for change and the readiness for change. The context you’re facing determines how fast you should move. (Need for change.) The current culture determines how fast and effectively you can move. (Readiness for change.) The key question is: How significantly and how fast does the organization need to change given its business environment, history and recent performance?
Look at The Culture to Determine the Readiness for Change
Now that you have determined the organization’s need for change, it is time to assess the organization’s cultural readiness to accept, embrace and adapt to change. Readiness to change requires a combination of self-awareness, will, and skill. Members of the organization must understand the need for change, have the desire to change, and have the ability to change.
Your first look at this will be derived from the cultural assessment you did during your due diligence (or should do now). When working with merging or newly re-organized teams, remember to assess the readiness for change for the combined or new organization, starting with the new leadership team.
Look well beyond the professed culture: It’s not that people lie about their preferences. It’s just that value statements and creeds are often aspirational. You must understand the norms of behaviors, relationships, attitudes, values, and the work environment that people default to “when the boss is not around”.
Determine Your Leadership Approach
At this point you, you’ve assessed if cultural change is needed and if the team is ready. Now you are ready to choose how to best engage with the existing culture by assimilating, converging and evolving or shocking the organization (ACES).
After the decision to take the job in the first place, this may be the most important decision you make in your first 100-days. It is difficult, if not impossible, to recover from a wrong cultural engagement choice. Your choice is dependent upon the environment you’re walking into and the existing culture’s readiness for change. Tool 2.03 will help you with determine your correct approach.
Assimilate when your analysis indicates that urgent change is not required to deliver the expected results, and yet the readiness for change exists as reflected in a cohesive team in place. You can figure out the minor changes you need to make over time together with your team and your stakeholders. This is a wonderful, but rare situation.
In most cases you’ll want to converge and evolve.
Converge & Evolve slowly when your analysis indicates that urgent change is not required but slight adjustments will be needed over time to fully deliver the expected results yet the culture is not ready to change to support the required adjustments. First become part of the organization and then slowly start to implement the changes that are required. Often a way to start this change is with a series of carefully thought through step changes, deployed over time.
Converge & Evolve quickly when your analysis indicates that significant changes are required immediately to deliver expected results and the culture is ready for change. You may be the catalyst that helps the organization wake up to the urgent need for change. Quickly is the word, too slow and failure will catch you.
Shock when significant changes must be made immediately to deliver the expected results and when culture is not ready to change. In this scenario, you have a truly challenging situation. You must shock the system for it to survive, you must do it immediately, and the going will be tough. Know that this is extraordinarily risky and that you may end up as a dead hero, paving the way for your successor to complete a transformation you couldn’t survive yourself.
Figure 2.1 Context and Culture
When leading teams about to be merged or re-organized, Converge & Evolve is almost always the better approach. Pure Assimilation will be too slow, and the benefits of synergies may never be realized. If you deploy a Shock approach, you will miss the opportunity to clarify roles and enroll new players in the definition of future state. Remember – no one will pay attention to anything to do with strategy or execution until they know what their own role will be in the new organization.
It is critical to get this right. Think this through early, use your best preliminary assessment to decide your leadership approach, test your hypothesis during your Fuzzy Front End and then re-assess your choice just before Day One.
(From Chapter 7 – Strengthen the Organization)
Of all the tools in your toolbox, putting people in the right roles is one of the most powerful. It is also the most explosive. As you seek to evolve (or shock!) the culture, these moves will be the most decisive and will have the greatest impact.
Often, team members of a culture or organization that is beginning to evolve will watch and wait to see if there are any consequences for not evolving with the new culture. They will pay particular attention to the team members who say things like, “All that meeting and report stuff is fine, but if it means I have to change what I do, forget it!” The moment somebody is terminated or moved or promoted, those who have been resisting the change often develop a completely different view of things. There is no single way to impact culture more quickly than changes to the organization.
(From Chapter 8 – Keep Building)
You have reached the 100-day mark. You put a plan in place, leveraged your Fuzzy Front End to learn quickly, refined your plan, and developed solid relationships with all of your key stakeholders. You engaged the culture and made a strong early impression by delivering a clear message to your new audiences (up, down and across). Your team is energized by its co-created Burning Imperative. You have established a milestone management process to drive accountability and are beginning to deliver early wins. Your team is in place.