Chinese Law units

Enrolment Form

Personal Details

Murdoch Student Number
(if known)
Title: / Surname:
Given Name:
Gender: / Date of Birth:
Residential Address: / Postal Address (if different):
State: / Postcode: / State: / Postcode:
Daytime Phone:

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Enrolment Options (please tick one)Cost

Doing Business in China / $2,750.00
Chinese Contract Law / $2,750.00
Chinese Commercial Law / $2,750.00
Chinese Trade and Shipping Law / $2,750.00

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Payment Details

Cheque enclosed (Please make cheques payable to Murdoch University)
Credit Card payment: / Bankcard / MasterCard / Visa

Please destroy section below immediately following payment

Name on Card:
Card Number: / Expiry date / /
Signature / Date: / / / /
Please see over for Course Details and complete the Declaration

Course Details

This is a non-award course. It does not attract an official Murdoch University qualification or testamur. This course cannot be credited toward any subsequent degree or studies at Murdoch University unless otherwise stated in advertising.

Places in this course are limited and admission is at the discretion of the Course Coordinator.

The course fees include GST, tuition and relevant course materials.

Should you need to cancel your enrolment, please notify Dr Steve Shaw in writing within five working days prior to the course commencing. The fee will be refunded in full back to the payee. After the course has commenced refunds will only be given in exceptional circumstances (eg. Serious illness) and may be subject to an administrative charge of$1375.00 (inc. GST) per unit (50% of fee per unit).

Please sign below to acknowledge that you have read and understood these terms and conditions.

Signature: / Date: / / / /

For security reasons, never email or fax credit card details. Please return completed form and any relevant attachments to:

Dr Steve Shaw

Chinese Law Program Director

School of Law

Murdoch University

90 South Street


(Or email to )

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