June 24, 2011

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Curriculum Committee / (213) 891-2434
(213) 891-2144

Kathleen Bimber, Vice President, DCC Chair (City), David Beaulieu, President, DAS, Yasmin Delahoussaye, Vice Chancellor Educational Services, Dr. Kim Perry, VP Academic Affairs Liaison (City)


Friday, February 11, 2011

1:00 to 3:00 pm


Child & Family Studies Building, Room 210

1.  Attendance: E. Atondo; PIERCE, J. Babb, TRADE; D. Beaulieu, DAS President, S. Berger, VALLEY; K. Bimber, DAS VP and DCC Chair, Judy Chow, WEST; Y. Delahoussaye, VC Educational Services. B. Kimble, Dean Educational Support Services; L. McKenzie, HARBOR; Said Pazirandeh, MISSION; K. Perry, VP Academic Affairs Liaison; Maria Reisch, CITY; Steve Wardinski, EAST. Guest: K. Daar, Dean ELAC; J. Berella, District IT.

2.  Welcome and Approval of the Agenda-The meeting opened at 1:10 PM. The agenda was moved seconded and approved as presented.

3.  Approval February 11, 2011 Minutes.-The minutes were moved, seconded and passed unanimously with one correction-correct Johnny’s name.

4.  DCC 2010-2011 dates- Feb. 11, Mar. 11, Apr. 8, May 13, June. 10.

5.  ECD Update and Training-J. Berella and S. Berger reviewed key features of the ECD system for the committee such as: The interaction of ECD with Protocol, the difference between ACTIVE, FUTURE< and SUSPENDED status, the rules that have been written into ECD, how to retrieve discarded ECDs, how to update the campus specific downloadable forms in section VIII, how to update outline update dates and college approval dates, how to edit department chair information, a glance at routing/re-routing, and running reports. Also discussed were how to handle errors in ECD that are related to Protocol. It was stated that all errors in Protocol need to go to the Office of Educational Support Services. Course change forms and the current process were discussed. Chairs were reminded to send Course Change requests to Harold via email.

Old Business:

1.  BR 6201.00-draft-E. Atondo and B. Kimble presented the suggested changes to BR 6201.00 to the committee for review and comments. In 6201.10 there was a question about where 60-64 units came from. B. Kimble said she would check with Eric Kim on this and get back to the committee. In The following changes were suggested:

·  6201.14- move the section on ethnic studies to after “b” and make it “c.”

·  On line 337-add Dance Studies,

·  Line 344, add physical in front of “A.”

·  It was also questioned whether the PE DDC wants to change hours to ½ lecture and 1 ½ lab.

·  Line 403-add Dance Studies.

·  Line 410 add “physical.”

·  Add in information about the Transfer Model Curriculum degrees.

The draft will be reviewed again at the March meeting.

2.  E-103 draft changes–Y. Delahoussaye presented the draft with changes suggested at the January meeting. The following changes were discussed: First bullet-add, “not to exceed three times.” Add an “s” at the end of winter intersessions. In “Content differs paragraph, first line-delete ‘and” and add a period. Add another bullet under “Non-Activity Courses,” and add the following statement: Non-degree applicable Basic Skills Courses are not repeatable. There was discussion that because our system cannot track repeatability, we should require students to always petition when they wish to repeat a course. S. Wardinski will email an example of a course where content differs each time to the committee.

3.  6701.20 draft progress update-Y. Delahoussaye/B. Kimble said this will be ready for review at the March DCC meeting.

4.  TMC update-K. Bimber encouraged DCC chairs to begin discussions with the Psychology, Speech and Sociology disciplines to determine if they wish to create a TMC degree for those subjects. K. Bimber will email the forms and instructions to all the chairs.

5.  Update on P.E./Kinesiology-J. Babb-discussion

New Business:

1.  SB 1440 Transfer Degree Resolution-S. Berger presented a draft resolution that would allow the following: 1)colleges will be able to use CSU breadth or IGETC transfer curriculum in place of our graduation requirements until 6201 can be amended. 2) waive the 20 “airing” requirement for these transfer degrees in order to meet the Fall 2011 deadline. It was moved, seconded and passed unanimously. K. Bimber will bring it to the DAS Executive committee for their review and will notice it at the March 10th DAS meeting for a vote in April.

2.  PRAP Table-S. Berger-Tabled

3.  Inactivating courses (CCC-580)-S. Berger-Tabled

4.  Adjourn-the meeting adjourned at 4:20 PM