WEB 2.0 NOTES – use the space below for notes on each tool.

All tools here (with the exception of one) are free.

All these links and more are bookmarked on the social bookmarking site You canaccess these recommended links by logging as simonbaruch and using the password simbar1. This is an account I set up for our school. You can create your own account and add this one to your network.

You can also access this document on the wiki and on the Flash Drive

School Wiki Page

School Web Site

Tool / Notes/Possible Uses/People to Tell About It
On-Line Collaboration
  • Using Google Surveys:Google Surveys.doc
  • Using Google Docs:Google docs
Google docs - above - this allows for real-time collaboration with no delay, and makes it clear which user wrote which content)
recommended as a site where you can easily access sample class blogs to get an idea of how people are using them.
Listed from easiest to hardest to use
(easiest to use, and does not require download)**

Social Bookmarks

Weebly Website Creation / You canaccess these recommended links by logging as simonbaruch and using the password simbar1. This is an account I set up for our school. You can create your own account and add this one to your network.
Check out the site for this workshop at simonbaruch.weebly.com
Tool / Notes/Possible Uses/People to Tell About It
Photo Sharing

Social Networks
(like facebook)
(specific to books)
Digital Portfolios

/ Voicethread allows teachers and students to interact with student presented media either through audio recording or through a text bubble.
Animoto is a really fun tool that allows students and teachers to create unique video slide shows quickly and easily. Here is a link to a 30 second tribute to Ms. Goldstein.
Bonus - as educators we can sign up for free accounts that allow you and your students to create Animoto presentations that are longer than the free 30 second versions
- open source photoshop
- video editing
- poster making
Making Comics

(pre-installed on macs – so I am told) / – 19.95 licence for teachers – 30 day free trial.
(Framing techniques, using as a narrative device(storyboarding)/Teach writing/dialogue using thought balloons and speech balloons/character/plot analysis/punctuation)
Interacting with cell phones

for minutes)
is a fantastic doc site that features many NOVA and Nat Geo docs. Best of all is a student is absent, the film is online.
offers educational content just like YouTube and TeacherTube but it can be accesses at school and allows students and teacher to post their work online.
- On dotSUB you can view, upload, transcribe, and translate any video into and from any language. R Translations are done by volunteers. Great site for ESL and Foreign Language Teachers to explore.
Preparing students for engaging with participatory media
MacArthur Foundation whitepaper "Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education of the 21st Century"
Audacityshould be at the top of any list of resources about recording voices and sounds. Audacityis a free, open-source, program that can be used on Mac, Windows, and Linux systems. Audacitygives you the ability to mix tracks, splice tracks, adjust the volume of tracks, create fades, and filter out background noise.
Essential Tech Links! /
  • Department of Ed. Managed ServicesThis link will bring you to a page of purchase and support links including Borough ISC links, online catalogs for Dell, Apple, Lexmark, and Datamation.
  • Department of Ed. HelpdeskSelf SupportThis link is great to submit Helpdesk tickets online and avoid the wait on the telephone...
  • Block/Unblock WebsitesHere's the link to the online form that you'll complete to get a particular site unblocked or blocked from your school. This must be sent in through an Administrative workstation (vlan2).
  • Password Reset FormYou know staff members who need to reset their Outlook passwords. Here's a new link that allows them to take care of it on their own!