Class Objective:Available on my school website.

Class/Teacher Information:Available on my school website.

Student Materials:

Students will be expected to obtain the following materials and BRING TO CLASS EVERYDAY, on time: 3-ring binder (suggest at least 1.5”), loose leaf paper and/or notebook, pencil/pen.

Classroom Procedures:


  • If there is homework/lab report/assignment that is to be handed in, students will hand in the homework at the beginning of class in the appropriate location.
  • If there is a laboratory exercise, all students will be expected to be dressed appropriately as stated in the laboratory safety contract. Those not dressed appropriately will not participate in the exercise.


  • Classroom participation will be expected in all aspects of the class and can affect the students’ grade.
  • Positive interaction between the students and teacher as well as the students among themselves will be upheld.
  • Laboratory exercises will require participation by all members and will enhance the learning experience.

“At The Bell” Problems (ATBs):

  • Each day there will be an ATB problem for the students to complete upon entering the classroom.
  • These will be completed on the appropriate ATB worksheet and will be collected and graded on a regular basis.
  • If a student is absent, he/she is responsible to get the ATB from the missed class(es).


  • Students will be given homework and should complete to the best of their ability. If a student is having issues, they must email the teacher prior to the due date. Many laboratory activities will need to be finished as homework.
  • Homework is not OPTIONAL and failure to complete homework assignments will have a dramatic effect on the students’ grade.
  • Any “homework” can be collected and graded as an assessment without prior announcement.
  • Any homework not completed on time can be handed in late for 50% credit.


  • Quizzes may be announced or unannounced.Tests will always be announced.
  • If a student misses a quiz due to absence, they are allowed to make-up the quiz at an appropriate time upon the students return. Make-up deadlines will vary based on a discussion with the student and the teacher.
  • Tests may include a study guide for the students. The study guide will be provided in the form of a list of topics. No actual study questions/worksheets will be provided unless students come to office hours or other arranged time to receive such materials.
  • Retakes may be made available to the students for certain quizzes. The retake policy can be found on my teacher website. Not every quiz will be allowed to be retaken.


  • If class is missed, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to find out what you missed (ATB, homework, quiz, test, lab, notes, etc.).
  • Any work that was due on the missed date will be due upon entering the next class you are attending.
  • If you miss a laboratory exercise, it is your responsibility to set up a time with the teacher to make-up the lab. Failure to do so will result in the grade of a zero.

Grading Policy:

  • The grading scale will be the same as mentioned in the student handbook.
  • Additional notes on grading policy can be found on my school website.


  • All and any misconduct will first be handled “in-house”.
  • Cheating and/or plagiarism will result in a student grade of zero and referral to the administration. NO EXCEPTIONS.
  • Misconduct in the lab will not be tolerated and will result in a grade of zero, possible suspension from lab activity and any other appropriate measures as stated in the student handbook.


Please let your parent(s)/guardian(s) read this. They must sign and date as well as provide an email address below to show your cooperation and understanding of all items listed above for CPA CHEMISTRY.

Parent Email Address: ______


Student Name Parent/Guardian SignatureDate