Editorial: Ivory Coast Gets a New Chance
The New York Times
12 April 2011

In his bid to cling to power, former President Laurent Gbagbo unleashed unconscionable violence on his people and brought Ivory Coast to the brink of civil war. When he was finally captured on Monday, photographs showed him as a pathetic, depleted figure. He should now be tried for his crimes. Mr. Gbagbo brought this on himself, and other strongmen and thugs should take heed.

After Mr. Gbagbo refused to concede November’s presidential election, he had ample opportunity to reach a diplomatic solution. Prime Minister Raila Odinga of Kenya tried to negotiate a deal that would have allowed Mr. Gbagbo to turn over power to Alassane Ouattara, his internationally recognized successor, avoid war crimes prosecution and ensure that his allies had a role in the new government.

Instead, he went to battle against Mr. Ouattara. He was captured after a siege of his residence by French and United Nations troops.

Mr. Ouattara doesn’t have time to savor his victory — or gloat. He must quickly unify the country, restore its banking system, resume exporting the all-important cocoa crop. Thousands of displaced people need assistance.

He should consider offering some cabinet positions to Gbagbo political allies if they promise to work for the common good and amnesty to Gbagbo-associated military units if they lay down their arms. United Nations and French peacekeeping forces will be needed to help maintain security during this transition period.

Allies of both Mr. Gbagbo and Mr. Ouattara are accused of committing atrocities in the fighting. All credible incidents must be investigated and perpetrators brought to justice.

Force should never be the first option against leaders who refuse to honor election results. Mr. Gbagbo left no other choice and now, finally, Ivory Coast has a chance at a better future.

A version of this editorial appeared in print on April 13, 2011, on page A24 of the New York edition.
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