Executive Board


Minutesof a Meeting of the Executive Board held in Committee Room One, Tedder Hall, Manby Park, Louth on Monday, 6th December, 2010 at 12.30 pm.


Councillor Mrs. D.A. Stephenson (Chairman)

Councillors B.P.Burnett, C.J.Davie, D.R.Edginton, Mrs.S.D.Harrison, E.P.Mossop and J.W.Upsall.
Councillor C. Leyland and Councillor D. Clarke (Woodhall Spa Parish Council) attended the Meeting as Observers.


Ann Good / -Democracy Manager
Katie Odling / -Senior Member Services Officer
Nigel Howells / -Chief Executive
Gary Sargeant / -Business Manager, Economic Development, Property and Technical Services
Stuart Davy / -Strategic Director
Mark Humphreys / -Business Manager, Sports Facilities
Sarah Naylor / -Interim Section 151 Officer


54.Apologies for Absence:

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors A. Grist, N.D. Cooper and C.J. Webb.



55.Declarations of Interest (if any):

At this point in the Meeting, Members were invited to declare any relevant interests. No such interests were received.



56.Jubilee Park - Community Trust Proposal:

(N.B: Councillor Mossop joined the Meeting at 12:35pm).

A report was presented by the Chief Executive which considered a proposal from Woodhall Spa Parish Council (WSPC) requesting that JubileePark be transferred into their ownership. The proposal stemmed from the community’s recognition that ELDC needed to streamline its provision of core sports facilities and in acknowledging that, which the Park played an important role in supporting the local Woodhall Spa economy, it did not have a role to play in meeting the strategic community swimming provision needs of the district.

An amendment to recommendation 1 was Proposed and Seconded as follows: -

“'That Members receive, consider and agree the Business Plan for community ownership; note the position in respect of State Aid and agree to transfer Jubilee Park to Woodhall Spa Parish Council supported with a phased revenue grant over a maximum of five years of £150,836; £54,966 of 'in-kind' support over three years; and a one-off £15,000 contingency in the event of any unforeseen circumstances.”


  1. That Members receive, consider and agree the Business Plan for community ownership; note the position in respect of State Aid and agree to transfer Jubilee Park to Woodhall Spa Parish Council supported with a phased revenue grant over a maximum of five years of £150,836; £54,966 of 'in-kind' support over three years; and a one-off £15,000 contingency in the event of any unforeseen circumstances.
  1. That the proposal as part of the review of the capital programme be agreed and it be recommended to Council that £705,000 be allocated to support the refurbishment of the pool and ensure park compliance with DDA and caravan park operator license requirements as part of the asset transfer;
  1. That the Freehold transfer of Jubilee Park to Woodhall Spa Parish Council for the consideration of £1 (representing a transfer at Less Than Best Consideration) be agreed.

Reason for the decision

To enable ELDC to achieve its objectives in terms of streamlined core facility provision and increased community ownership of community facilities, delivering cost efficiencies to help the Council reduce its revenue subsidy base in future years. The proposal delivers an average £70.5k per annum revenue saving over the next five years increasing to £100k every year after year five.

Other options for consideration

Maintaining the status quo is not an option. In looking at ways to achieve significant budget savings the Council cannot afford to continue to subsidise and sustain the number of sports facilities currently operated.

The Council has previously sought to attract private sector investment and transfer of the facility to the private sector which resulted in minimal interest, none of which presented a robust option for the future of the facility.

The Council could consider offering to transfer the asset to the community without the capital investment being requested. It is highly likely though that the community would not be willing to take on responsibility for the asset with the inherent risk that the pool tank might fail.

In considering realistic options there are therefore only two available:

The Council could potentially withdraw from the facility altogether thereby closing the pool and caravan site. This would clearly be an unpopular decision and one which would undermine the Council’s current reputation particularly given the community interest in taking responsibility for the asset;

The most sensible option therefore presented within this report is to agree a phased withdrawal from the facility transferring it to Woodhall Spa Parish Council.



57.Corporate Strategy 2010/11 to 2013/14:

A report was presented by the Chairman of the Executive Board which considered the ELDC Corporate Strategy covering the period 2010/11 to 2013/14. The attached document provided the strategic overview, confirming the broad strategic aims of the organisation over the next three years, along side the principles by which the organisation will plan and develop its business over the same period. This Corporate Strategy had been written in the context of the most challenging financial environment for many years, and is the first step of a comprehensive review of current services and detailed service planning that will be informed by the financial settlement in December 2010.

The Portfolio Holder for Housing requested that in respect of recommendation 2, that a timescale for the delivery should be put in place. It was agreed that a report would be considered by the Executive Board in February 2011 and afterwards by Council in March 2011.


  1. That the content of the document, ‘ELDC Corporate Strategy 2010/11 to 2013/14’, as the strategic overview to steer the work of the Council over the next three years be noted.
  1. That it be noted that further work would take place to prepare delivery methods and outcomes following the local government financial settlement in December 2010 through the service and financial planning process.

N.B: A report would be presented to the Executive Board in February 2011 and afterwards by Council in March 2011.

  1. That the need for the organisation to be flexible in its approach to delivering the Corporate Strategy due to the unprecedented national financial environment be noted.
  1. That the ELDC Corporate Strategy 2010/11 to 2013/14 be recommended to the Council for consideration at its Meetings to be held on 15 December 2010.

Reason for the decision

The Corporate Strategy is one of a suite of corporate planning documents that make up the Policy Framework as required by the Council’s Constitution, and provides a corporate steer to all other organisational plans.

Other options for consideration




58.Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS):

(N.B: Councillor B.P. Burnett joined the Meeting at 12:50pm).

A report was presented by the Portfolio Holder for Business Support and Finance which provided an update to the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) to reflect the current financial issues that the Council was facing.


  1. That the main financial issues contained in the MTFS be noted.
  1. That the financial scenario attached at Appendix A to the report be noted.
  1. That the financial plans currently in progress to deliver a balanced budget be noted (Appendix B to the report).
  1. That a revised MTFS be submitted to the Executive Board at its Meeting to be held on 15 February 2011.
  1. That an action plan continue to be developed in order to address the future budget pressures that the Council would face.

Other options for consideration

To adopt a different approach to the Council’s financial planning.



The meeting closed at 12.55 pm.


























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