You should start collecting information about your topic NOW and prepare it with your partner(s) along the following guidelines:

1.  You will be given a schedule with all the dates for the presentations of the mini-lectures. 3 schooldays before you have to give your mini-lecture, you should show the teacher a copy of the mindmap of your mini-lecture in order for him to correct your mistakes.

2.  On the day of your mini-lecture, give the students a handout of this mindmap with a list of maximum 20 UNKNOWN and USEFUL vocabulary words that you are going to use in your presentation. If you have used more unknown or difficult words in your mini-lecture, try to simplify it by using synonyms. Avoid technical terms.

3.  You will be allowed to use your mindmap and a list of key-words or key-phrases (=expressions), BUT you will not be allowed to read a text in the form of linear notes.

4.  All the lecturers should be equally involved in the presentation of the mini-lecture. Each lecturer should be able to speak uninterruptedly for 10/15 minutes, depending on the number of lecturers (there may be groups of two or three lecturers). IMPORTANT: The absence of one of the lecturers on the day of the mini-lecture will be no reason to postpone it, unless arrangements have been made to ensure that another group can deliver their mini-lecture.

5.  To prepare your mini-lecture, use material in English! Do not translate from the French.

6.  Mention your sources. Failure to do so may be considered as PLAGIARISM.

7.  For your presentation, you are encouraged to use any relevant document(ation) on paper (photographs, illustrations, maps, etc) or audio- and video-tape, a PowerPoint presentation, DivX, etc.

8.  After your mini-lecture you will have to hand in the paper on which you based your mini-lecture. You can also ask your teacher to correct this paper a minimum of three schooldays before your mini-lecture is scheduled. This written paper will be assessed too (see point 11 below).

9.  You should divide your mini-lecture into (3 or more) smaller parts to allow for the following :

After having delivered the first part of your mini-lecture, stop and …

· Ask students to work 5 minutes in pairs or groups of 3 or 4, so as to be able to make an oral summary of the main points of your mini-lecture and/or ask questions about unclear points that need clarifying

· Ask a member of one or two groups to give you feed-back (make sure to ask a student from a different group after each stop!) If no one can give you feed-back, you may want to ask them questions or set them other tasks.

· Go on with your mini-lecture, stop after the second part and repeat the procedure above, and so on.

10.  A model lecture will be given by the teacher to show you how to present your own mini-lecture.

11.  You will be tested on these mini-lectures and the new vocabulary with a series of questions. The oral presentation and the written text of the mini-lectures will also be assessed. Click here to see all the different criteria assessed.

Good work!