Standard 1 - Knowledge of Students and Student Learning
-1. Element 1.1- Knowledge of student development (cognitive, language, social, emotional and physical)
-1. 1.1a - Describes developmental characteristics of students
-1. 1.1b - Creates developmentally appropriate lessons
-1. Element 1.2- Knowledge of current research-based knowledge (of learning and language acquisition)
-1. 1.2a - Usesstrategies to to support learning and language acquisition
-1. 1.2b - Uses current research
-1. Element 1.3 - Knowledge of and response to diverse student needs
-1. 1.3a - Meets diverse learning needs of each student
-1. 1.3b - Plans for student strengths, interests, and expectations
-1. Element 1.4 - Acquires knowledge of individual students from families
-1. 1.4 - Communications with parents, guardians and caregivers
-1. Element 1.5 -Knowledge of and response to demographic factors influencing student learning
-1. 1.5a - Incorporates the knowledge of school and community and environmental factors
-1. 1.5b - Incorporates multiple perspectives
-1. Element 1.6 - Knowledge of technology and information literacy and their impact on learning
-1. 1.6 - Understands technological literacy
Standard 2 - Knowledge of Content and Instructional Practice
-1. Element 2.1- Knowledge of the content, concepts and current research
-1. 2.1a - Understands key concepts and themes in the discipline
-1. 2.1b - Understands key disciplinary language
-1. 2.1c - Understands current developments in pedagogy and content
-1. 2.1d - Understands learning standards
-1. Element 2.2- Knowledge and understanding of engaging learners in connections, critical thinking and collaborative problem solving
-1. 2.2a - Incorporates diverse social and cultural perspectives
-1. 2.2b - Incorporates individual and collaborative critical thinking and problem solving
-1. 2.2c - Incorporates disciplinary and cross-disciplinary learning experiences
-1. Element 2.3- Uses a broad range of instructional strategies to differentiate
-1. 2.3a - Designs instruction to meet diverse learning needs of students
-1. 2.3b - Designs learning experieinces that connect to student's life experiences
-1. 2.3c - Designs self directed learning experiences
-1. Element 2.4- Establishes goals for all students that align with learning standards and are differentiated
-1. 2.4a - Aligns learning standards
-1. 2.4b - Articulates learning objectives/goals with learning standards
-1. Element 2.5- Designing relevant instruction that connects to prior knowledge
-1. 2.5a - Designs instruction using current levels of student understanding
-1. 2.5b - Designs learning experiences using prior knowledge
-1. Element 2.6- Use of materials to promote student success in meeting learning goals
-1. 2.6a - Organizes physical space
-1. 2.6b - Incorporates technology
-1. 2.6c - Organizes time
-1. 2.6d - Selects materials and resources
Standard 3 - Instructional Practice
-1. Element 3.1- Use of research-based practices to provide standards based instruction and engagement in learning
-1. 3.1a - Aligns instruction to standards
-1. 3.1b - Uses research based instruction
-1. 3.1c - Engages students
-1. Element 3.2 - communicating clearly and accurately to students to maximize learning
-1. 3.2a - Provides direction and procedure
-1. 3.2b - Uses questioning techniques
-1. 3.2c - Responds to students
-1. 3.2d - Communicates content
-1. Element 3.3 - Setting high expectations and creating challenging learning experiences
-1. 3.3a - Establishes high expectations
-1. 3.3b - Articulates measures of success
-1. 3.3c - Implements challenging learning experiences
-1. Element 3.4 - use a variety of instructional approaches to differentiate based on need
-1. 3.4a - Differentiates instruction
-1. 3.4b - Implements strategies for mastery learning outcome
-1. Element 3.5 - Engaging student sin 21st Century learning skills
-1. 3.5a - Provides opportunity for collaboration
-1. 3.5b - Provides synthesis, critical thinking, and problem solving
-1. Element 3.6 - monitoring and assessing student progress through feedback and differentiating instruction based on need
-1. 3.6a - Uses formative assessment
-1. 3.6b - Provides feedback during and after instruction
-1. 3.6c - Adjusts pacing
Standard 4 - Learning Environment
-1. Element 4.1- Creating respectful, safe, supportive and inclusive environment
-1. 4.1a - Interactions with students
-1. 4.1b - Supports student diversity
-1. 4.1c - Reinforces positive interactions among students
-1. Element 4.2 - Creating a challenging and stimulating learning environment
-1. 4.2a - Establishes high expectations for achievement
-1. 4.2b - Promotes student curiosity and enthusiasm
-1. 4.2c - Promotes student pride in work and accomplishments
-1. Element 4.3 - Management of the classroom
-1. 4.3a - Establishes expectations for student behavior
-1. 4.3b - Establishes routines, procedures and transitions
-1. 4.3c - Establishes instructional groups
-1. Element 4.4 - Organization and use of resources
-1. 4.4a - Organizes the physical environment
-1. 4.4b - Manages volunteers and/or paraprofessionals
-1. 4.4c - Establishes classroom safety
Standard 5 - Assessment for Learning
-1. Element 5.1- Use of a a range of assessment tools for measuring student learning and growth
-1. 5.1a - Uses assessments to establish learning goals and inform instruction
-1. 5.1b - Measures and records student achievement
-1. 5.1c - Aligns assessments to learning goals
-1. 5.1d - Implements accommodations and modifications
-1. Element 5.2 - Analyzing assessement data and using it to differentiate instruction
-1. 5.2a - Analyzes assessment data
-1. 5.2b - Uses assessment data to set goals and provide feedback to students
-1. 5.2c - Engages students in self assessment
-1. Element 5.3 - Communication of the specific components of the assessment system
-1. 5.3 - Assesses and interprets assessments
-1. Element 5.4 - Reflecting on and evaluating the effectiveness of assessment system
-1. 5.4a - Understands assessment measures and grading procedures
-1. 5.4b - Establishes an assessment system
-1. Element 5.5 - preparing students to understand assessment process and criteria for evaluation
-1. 5.5a - Communicates purposes and criteria
-1. 5.5b - Provides preparation and practice
Standard 6 - Professional Responsibilities and Collaboration
-1. Element 6.1- Upholding professional standards of practice and policy regarding students rights and teacher responsibilities
-1. 6.1a - Demonstrates ethical, professional behavior
-1. 6.1b - Advocates for students
-1. 6.1c - Demonstrates ethical use of information and information technology
-1. 6.1d - Completes training to comply with state and local requirements
-1. Element 6.2 - Collaboration with colleagues to develop and sustain a common culture of high expectations for student learning
-1. 6.2a - Supports the school as an organization with a vision and mission
-1. 6.2b - Participates on an instructional team
-1. 6.2c - Collaborates with the larger community
-1. Element 6.3 - Communication and collaboration with families
-1. 6.3a - Engages families
-1. 6.3b - Communicates student performance
-1. Element 6.4 - Performing non-instructional duties according to district expectations
-1. 6.4a - Maintains records
-1. 6.4b - Manages time and attendance
-1. 6.4c - Maintains classroom and school resources
-1. 6.4d - Participates in school and district events
-1. Element 6.5 - Complying with relevant laws and policies pertaining to students' rights and teachers' responsibilities
-1. 6.5a - Communicates policies
-1. 6.5b - Maintains confidentiality
-1. 6.5c - Reports concerns
-1. 6.5d - Adheres to policies and contractual obligations
-1. 6.5e - Accesses resources
Standard 7 - Professional Growth
-1. Element 7.1- Reflection on practice to improve instructional effectiveness and guide professional growth
-1. 7.1a - Reflects on evidence of student learning
-1. 7.1b - Reflects on biases
-1. 7.1.c - Plans professional growth
-1. Element 7.2 - Set goals for engaging in ongoing professional development needed for continuous improvement in teaching competencies
-1. 7.2a - Sets goals
-1. 7.2b - Engages in professional growth
-1. Element 7.3 - Communicate and collaborate with students, colleagues and other professionals to improve practice
-1. 7.3a - Gives and receives constructive feedback
-1. 7.3b - Collaborates
-1. Element 7.4 - Remain current I knowledge of content and pedagogy by utilizing professional resources
-1. 7.4a - Accesses professional memberships and resources
7.4b - Expands knowledge base