Buzz for Android Karenina – January 15, 2010
Mainstream Media:
Christian Science Monitor
“But just now it's hard to see an end to the mash-up. And is there anything wrong with that?”
CanWest News Service – Canada
“More than a publishing parlour trick, Canada's Indigo Books says literary mashups are selling in the tens of thousands, with no end in sight.
‘They're genuinely fun reads,’ says Bahram Olfati, vice-president of the adult trade section. ‘There were some purists at the company who were skeptical . . . But Pride and Prejudice and Zombies took on a life of its own, and started a franchise of its own. (Our customers) couldn't be happier.’”
Quill & Quire – Canada
“What better way to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Tolstoy’s death than by breathing new life into one of his classic works? After the unexpected success of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, it has become a truth universally acknowledged that a reader in possession of a Quirk Classics book must be in want of more Quirk Classics books.”
Guardian – UK
"We are still selling these titles well and while the trope will never rival the way Twilight has reintroduced vampires to the reading public, and brought many similar titles into the bestseller lists, it's good fun while it lasts," said Jon Howells at Waterstone's. "And Android Karenina is the funniest title yet."
New York Times ArtsBeat Blog
“Literary hybrids of Jane Austen novels and zombie stories? That’s so last year. Quirk Books, which released the best-selling novels “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies” and “Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters,” has seen the future of the mashup novel, and it is Leo Tolstoy and robots.”
Entertainment Weekly
Comments from the EWannouncement
- “This can’t be anything less than pure win. Steampunk Tolstoy? Sign me up!”
- “I love this series and I really can’t wait for this. I am on board with these books because I have read the originals so I find this kind of fun.”
- “Brilliant. And Winters is brilliant. Can’t wait for this one.”
- “this. looks. hilarious!”
Baltimore Sun Read Street Blog
“Turning Austen's romance novels into high adventure kung-fu tales is great as it is; making Tolstoy's celebrated "Anna Karenina" a sci-fi love story just warms my heart.”
Quotes from Bloggers:
“Winters is a good choice for this project,since he took a similar tone with S&S&SM,but I do wonder which translation of the original Anna Karenina was used here. No matter,AK is one of those books that I've been meaning to get to and this is a perfect excuse to finally tackle that particular juggernaut. . .
It will be interesting to see if Android Karenina succeeds in bringing the steampunk genre more fully into the spotlight that it ever has been before.”
- Living Read Girl,
Just for fun, some quotes from Facebook :
“OMG - I am so excited. I love Anna Karenina...I can't wait. Can you Kindle it?”
“This sounds like fun-I enjoyed what Ben Winters did with S&S&SM and he's the perfect pick for something like this.”
“this looks hilarious!!”
“Hmmmm steampunk! Yippee!”
“The product page over at has not been updated yet. :( I want to pre-order the book already.”
“Holy crap ... I must buy.”
“You, good sir, are a genius.”