Current Student Questionnaire
*This is a general template for the questionnaire. It will be personalized for each program before use.
Graduate Council – Graduate Program Review
As a current graduate student at SIUE, you are receiving a questionnaire to help the Graduate Council evaluate the course of study in which you are enrolled. This is review process which assesses the quality of all the graduate programs, and your responses are critical to the viability and future development of your program.
The graduate programs at SIUE are under continuing review by the Graduate Council through the programs Committee. The questions below are not intended to limit your responses to this evaluation. Please add anything you wish. Specific comments are most helpful. If the space provided is not adequate please include additional pages and number your additional remarks accordingly.
Every response you return on the questionnaire(s) will be considered carefully by the Review Committee of the Graduate Council. Your opinions and comments are valuable and your efforts are very much appreciated. We appreciate your input to enable the University to maintain and enhance the quality of its graduate education. Thank you.
1. Name of Graduate Program: (Please Check ONE)
2. In what ways do you plan to apply the knowledge gained through your graduate degree? RANK THE RESPONSES WITH "1" BEING THE MOST IMPORTANT. RANK ONLY THOSE WHICH APPLY.
Continue on toward the doctorate /Seek employment in the private sector /
Seek employment in the public sector /
Seek a promotion or career advancement /
Teach at the secondary or elementary school level /
Teach at the community college level /
Other (Specify):
3. Are you a full-time or part-time student?
Full-Time: ○ Part-Time: ○
4. Rate the quality of the following?
Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / N/ARequired Courses / / / / /
Elective Courses / / / / /
Quality of the Faculty / / / / /
Quality of the Instruction / / / / /
Standards of Academic Work / / / / /
Lab/Studio Facilities / / / / /
Computer Facilities / / / / /
Library Collections / / / / /
Library Services / / / / /
Quality of Fellow Students / / / / /
5. Rate the Rigor of the following:
Very Rigorous / Rigorous / Somewhat Rigorous / Not Very Rigorous / N/ARequired Courses / / / / /
Elective Courses / / / / /
Thesis/Final Project / / / / /
Exit Examination / / / / /
6. Please indicate how much you are being taught about the following areas in your discipline:
A Great Deal / Some / NotMuch / None
Theories/concepts/models of the discipline / / / /
The major issues in the discipline / / / /
The methods/techniques of the discipline / / / /
The ability to effectively communicate the knowledge of the discipline / / / /
How to think analytically / / / /
How to apply the knowledge of your discipline to problems / / / /
The values/ethics/best practices of the discipline / / / /
7. What were the major factors in your decision to enroll in your graduate program at SIUE? RANK THE RESPONSES WITH "1" BEING THE MOST IMPORTANT. RANK ONLY THOSE WHICH APPLY.
Reputation of the program /Reputation of the faculty /
Recruitment to the program /
Further need for promotion or career advancement /
Value of the degree title /
Character of the student body /
Recommendation(s) of friends or faculty members(s) /
Impression made by alumni of the program /
Familiarity with SIUE based on prior experience /
Proximity of SIUE to home /
Cost of attending SIUE as compared with other schools /
Availability of an assistantship or other financial assistance /
Failure to gain admission to another school /
Other (Specify):
8. Are sufficient graduate courses offered in your area of concentration or emphasis (electives)?
Yes: ○ No: ○
If No, what course(s) or area(s) of study should be offered? ______
9. Is there an appropriate balance between courses required by the department and available electives?
Yes: ○ No, Too Many Electives: ○ No, Too Many Required Courses: ○
10. In your opinion, which two or three courses were most beneficial?
Why? ______
11. In your opinion, which two or three courses were least beneficial?
Why? ______
12. What problems, if any, have you experienced concerning advisement during the course of your graduate study?
NoProblems / Some
Problems / Many
Overall planning of the graduate program, including major papers, exams, etc. / / /
Advisement as to future course offerings / / /
Advisement as to degree requirements / / /
Advisement as to certification requirements / / /
Opportunity to meet with advisor or advisory committee / / /
Inadequate advisement in your area of specialization or emphasis / / /
Other (Specify): ______
13. To what extent would you be willing to recommend your program to prospective graduate students who are interested in pursuing a degree in the same area of study?
○Would Recommend Without Reservation
○Would Recommend With Reservation
○Would Definitely Not Recommend
○Would Not Comment Either Way
14. Rate the overall QUALITY, UTILITY, and RIGOR of your graduate program.
QUALITY: / Poor / Fair / Good / ExcellentUTILITY: / Of No Use / Somewhat Useful / Very Useful / Most Useful
RIGOR: / Not Rigorous / Somewhat Rigorous / Very Rigorous / Most Rigorous
15. What area(s) or aspect(s) of your graduate program do you consider to be the strongest? ______
16. What area(s) or aspect(s) of your graduate program need to be improved?
17. Please comment on any issue(s) or area(s) concerning your graduate studies that you think were not adequately covered in this questionnaire.