What’s the Point?

Animals: Structures and Functions


Date / LEARNING GOAL / Red / Yellow / Green
Oct 16 & 17 /
  • What are the structures of the Resp. System and describe their functions?

  • How do mitochondrion function relate to Resp. System?

  • What are the 2 functions of the Resp. System?

  • What happens if our bodies are in anaerobic conditions?

  • What are the 2 types of animal gas exchange systems and give examples?

  • Compare and contrast the fish and mammalian gas exchange systems.

Oct 18 /
  • Trace the pathway of an O2/CO2 molecule through the R.S.

  • Explain how oxygen goes from the atmosphere and into the bloodstream and how carbon dioxide does the reverse.

  • Name the molecules formed during fusion of O2/CO2 to hemoglobin.

  • Explain how carbonic acid levels are used by the body to regulate breathing.

Oct 19 /
  • Compare and contrast the cause,effects and treatments of Respiratory Diseases/Disorders.

  • Understand and describe the 4 different Lung Volume measurements.

Oct 22, 23 & 24 /
  • What are the 5 main functions of the Circulatory System?

  • Compare and contrast the 3 types of circulatory systems.

  • Compare and contrast the 4 blood types and explain the issues related to donation/transfusion of the wrong blood types.

  • What roles does Rhesus factor have in blood typing?

  • Identify the 3 types of blood cells and describe their structures, functions and where they are made.

  • Sketch a typical hematocrit and indicate what % of each cell should be present.

Oct 24, 29, 30 /
  • Describe the pathway that blood takes when cycling through the body.

  • Compare and contrast the different blood vessels.

  • Identify the 2 systems that the individual sides of the heart service.

  • Name the blood vessels that do not follow the trend: Oxygenated blood in arteries, deoxygenated blood in veins.

  • Label the parts of the heart.

  • Trace the path that a blood cell takes through the heart.

Nov 1, 2, 5 /
  • What is the role of the digestive system?

  • Compare and contrast the types of Heterotrophic feeding.

  • Describe the pathway that food takes through the Digestive Sys.

  • Describe the role of Mechanical and Chemical digestion and list the organs involved in each.

  • Describe the structure and function of each Digestive Sys. organ.

  • Describe how Carbs, Proteins and Fats are broken down in the Digestive tract.