NEW DELHI-110064.


Issued in the favour of









Limited Tender Enquiry

Principal, I.T.I.Jail Road.Tilak Nagar. Invites Sealed Bids (Technical & Commercial) from reputed manufactures or their authorized dealers or reputed suppliers for purchase of raw material items for non engg trades like C&S, F.T, Commercial Art, COPA ,Steno (Eng ) etc for INDUSTRIAL TRAINING INSTITUTE, Jail Road. New Delhi-64.

Important dates related to this Tender enquiry is as below:

S.No. / Description / Date / Time / Remarks
1 / Pre-bid meeting for any clarification / 10/1/2014 / 10:30 AM
2 / Last date and time for Receipt of Bid / 21/1/2014 / 10:00 AM
3 / Time and date for opening of Technical Bids / 21/1/2014 / 11:00 AM
4 / Time and date for opening Commercial Bids / 21/1/2014 / 12:00 PM

All Bids must be accompanied with the Bid Security of Rs. 3,500/- (Rs Three thousand five hundred only)and must be dropped in the “Tender Box” place at Reception. However Bidders registered with DGS&D/NSIC are exempted from submitting the Bid security only for those items for which they are registered with DGS&D/NSIC.

  1. The complete Tender Document may be purchased from Cashier ITI Jail Road by the interested and eligible Tenderers on the submission of written application addressed to the Principal along with payment of tender fee Rs 200 (Non-refundable) for each tender document in cash or in the form of bank draft in favour of DDO, ITI Tilak Nagar,Jail Road . During office hours 10:00hrs. to 15:00 on all working days either in person or by post (Postal charges Rs.100/- extra non-refundable).
  2. The complete Bid Document can also be downloaded from the website .
  3. In case Bid Document is downloaded from website, the Bidder has to submit a Fee in the form of Demand draft/ banker’s cheque of Rs.200 in the favour of DDO, ITI Tilak Nagar,Jail Road , while submitting the Bid.
  4. Firms blacklisted by DTTE are not eligible for Bidding:




  1. Eligibility for Bidders:

1.1 The Bidder should be a reputed manufacturer, or their authorized dealer or reputed suppliers. If the supplier is a “Manufacturer” it must furnish the details of its organization, stating no. of personnel employed, manufacturing facilities, after sales service facilities and quality control systems. If the supplier is not a manufacturer he/she must furnish details of its organization, of personnel employed, link-ups for after sales service facilities, whether authorized dealer or not for items he/she is supplying. The bidder must clarity that how he will provide the after sales service for the items he/she is supplying during the warrantee/Guarantee period.

1.2 The bidder must furnish details of their customers, like name of customers with full address, phone, fax no., name of key contact person, order no, cost and date of supply during the last two years ending on 31/03/13 to whom they have supplied raw materials.

1.3 Bidder should not be under a declaration of ineligibility/Blacklisted for corrupt and fraudulent practices issued by any Government office /Directorate of Training & Technical Education, Delhi.

1.4 Bidder must be registered with department of Value added Tax, Govt. of Delhi for Local Sales Tax/VAT and should have Trader Identification Number (TIN).

1.5 Bidder must have PAN number.

1.6 The Bidder who intends to quote must have average financial Turnover of Rs. Five Lakhs the last 3 financial years since March 2010 i.e. 2010-11 ,2011-12 & 2012-13.

1.7 The specification of items quoted should be as per specifications of the Bidding Documents. The Bidder should not mention best quality/Good quality/superior quality etc. But give make and Brand of items quoted.

1.8 Bidder must submit Bid security (EMD) in the form of Fixed Deposit Receipt/Demand Draft/Banker’s Cheque of a nationalized /scheduled Bank in the favour of D.D.O., ITI Tilak Nagar, Jail Road for Rs. 3,500/- (Rs Three thousand five hundred only)

1.9 The validity of the Bids shall be for 120 days after the date of Technical Bid Opening. A bid valid for a shorter period will be rejected as non-responsive.

1.10 Exemption from submitted Bid Security (EMD) – Firms registered with DGS&D/NSIC are exempted from submitted the EMD only for those items for which they are registered if they submit proof for its registration validity.

1.11 Bidder must agree to all Terms & Conditions of Bid Document.


A pre Bid Meeting will be held in the Room of HOO/PPL for providing clarification, if any, regarding this Tender on 10/1/2014 at 10.30.A.M. Any prospective Tenderer can obtain any clarification in writing on this day only, after that no clarification regarding this tender will be issued.

  1. Technical Specifications:

The detailed Technical specifications, quantity required for items covered under each category are mentioned in Annexure-I

4.Cost of Bidding

4.1The Bidder shall bear all the costs associated with the preparation and submission of its Bid, and the “the Purchaser”, will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Bidding process.

4.2The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and conditions in the Bid documents. Failure to furnish all information required by the Bid documents or submission of a Bid not substantially responsive to the documents in every respect will be at the Bidder’s risk and may result in the rejection of its Bid.

5.Documents comprising the Bid:

1= Technical Bid

5.1Envelop-I of the Technical bid prepared by the bidder shall comprise of the following

Documents in a BIGGER ENVELOPE:

(i)A complete Bid form duly signed and stamped.

(ii)Trader Identification Number (TIN).

(iii)EMD in the form of Fixed Deposit Receipt/ Demand Draft of a scheduled Bank in the favour of DDO, ITI Tilak Nagar . Jail Road for Rs. 3,500/- (Rs Three thousand five hundred only).

(iv)In case the Bid Document is downloaded from Website, the Bidder has to submit a Fee in the form of demand draft/banker’s cheque of Rs.200 in the favour of DDO, ITI Tilak Nagar. Jail Road, while submitting the Bid.

(v)Profit and loss A/C or Income and expenditure account along with balance sheet of last 3 years i.e.2010-11,2011-12,2012-13.showing annual turnover of the dealer which should be Rs five lakhs on an average for last 3 years. is enclosed

(vi)Copy of Pan no of supplier/firm is to be enclosed .

(vii)Copy of Registration certificate issued by department of VAT/ Sales tax department showing the permitted items for trading and manufacturing is to be enclosed.

(viii)Copy of vat return for the last 3 years i.e.2010-11,2011-12,2012-13.showing annual turnover of the dealer duly stamped by Delhi VAT Department is to be enclosed.

(NOTE: Separate Smaller Envelope must be used for each category)

II- Commercial bid

5.2.1ENVELOPE No.-II of the Commercial Bid prepared by the Bidder shall comprise of the following documents in a Bigger envelope.

(i)A complete price detail in separate smaller envelope for each item of category quoted in technical bid.

6.Bid Validity:

6.1Bids shall remain valid for 120 days after the date of Commercial Bid opening. A Bid valid for a shorter period may be rejected as non-responsive.

7.Delivery Period:

7.1 Four Weeks from the date of receipt of supply order. The same may be fixed suitably

by the purchaser/HOO of the Institute keeping in view nature of the items to be procured and availability of material readily.

  1. Forfeiture of Bid Security:

8.1The Bid Security will be forfeited:

(i)If a Bidder withdraws its Bid during the period of Bid validity.

(ii)In the case of successful Bidder, if the Bidder fails to sign the contract or fails to submit the Performance Security.

9.Extension of validity of Bids:

9.1In exceptional circumstances, the purchaser may solicit the Bidder’s consent to an extension of the period of validity of 60 days. The request and the responses there to shall be made in writing. The validity of EMD provided shall also be suitably extended. A Bidder may refuse the request without forfeiting its Bid security. A bidder granting the request will not be permitted to modify its Bid.

10. Bid Rejection:

The bid will be rejected under any one or more of the following cases: -

10.1 Non-production of original document for verification, if required.

10.2 Non-submission of requisite Bid Security (EMD).

10.3 Non-submission of Sales Tax Clearance Certificate and Annual return.

10.4 Not meeting the Technical Specification.

10.5 If Bidder found indulging in malpractice of pooling of Bid..

10.6 If not found eligible as per requisite criteria.

10.7 If the column found blank and quoted rates are not as per criteria.

10.8 If the Technical Bid and /or Commercial bid is not signed and stamped.

11 Evaluation and Comparison of Tenders:

The purchaser will evaluate and compare the total Tender Price for each item for Tenders, which have been determined to be substantially responsive as per the clause 1.

The purchaser’s price evaluation of a Tender will be as below:

  1. Unit Rate plus Excise duty, if any, plus
  2. Sales Tax/VAT.
  3. Total cost per unit.

12 Purchaser’s right to accept any Tender and to reject any or all Tenders:

The purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject any Tender, and to annul the Tender process and reject all Tenders at any time Prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Tenderer or Tenderers of any obligation to inform the affected Tenderer or Tenderers of the grounds for the purchaser’s action.

13 Notification of contract and placement of supply order:

13.1 Prior to the expiration of the period of Tender validity, the purchaser will notify the successful Tenderers in writing that its Tender has been accepted.

13.2 The notification of award will constitute the formation of the contract.

14 Signing of contract

Within 7 days, the successful Tenderer shall sign and date the contract and submit it to the purchaser.

15Performance Security

15.1 Within 07 days of notification of the award, the successful Tenderer shall furnish the Performance Security in the form of Bank Guarantee/Demand Draft amounting to 10% of the contract value valid for 15 months.

15.2 Failure of the successful Tenderer to furnish the Performance Security shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of the EMD.


17.1The inspection of the Goods shall be carried out to check whether the Goods are in conformity with the technical specifications attached to the contract.

16.2The final inspection of the ordered goods shall be carried out by the Technical Expert Committee duly constituted by the Principal of the institute.

17Penalty for late deliveries/ defaulters:

If the supplier fails to deliver any or all of the goods or to perform the services within four weeks period, the purchaser shall, without prejudice to its other remedies under the contract, deduct from the contract price, as a liquidated damages, as detailed below:

18.1The suitable amount as judged at the Institute level will be deducted from the performance security / E.M.D.

18.2The supplier may be blacklisted from the further tenders of the Directorate.


The Supplier’s request for payment shall be made to the individual Principal in writing,

accompanied by an invoice/Bill describing, as appropriate, the Goods delivered, rate and amount alongwith challan.

19Termination for Default

The purchaser may, without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of contract, by written notice of default sent to the supplier, terminate the contract in whole or in part:

(a)If the supplier fails to execute the supply order by the date specified in the order or within any extension thereof granted by the purchaser.

(b) If the supplier fails to perform any other obligation(s) under the contract.

(c)If the supplier, in the judgment of the purchaser has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in executing the contract.

20Resolution of disputes:

21.1 The Purchaser and the supplier shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in connection with the contract.

20.2 Any dispute is subject to the jurisdiction of Delhi courts only.

21Special Instructions:

Following Firms or any other firm operating from their location/ownership/ associates are Not Allowed to collect or participate in the tender document:

1. M/s Impex Sales India

2. M/s Sachdeva Sales Corporation

3. M/s Sameer traders

4. M/s India Tools House

5. M/s Usha & Co.



sno. / Particulars of items with specification / Quantity proposed to be purchased this year / Unit rate / vat% / remarks
1 / Ivory Sheet 400 GSM 20" * 30" / 100 / nos
2 / Catrage Sheet 72lbs / 100 / nos
3 / Handmade sheet / 50 / nos
4 / Celligine / 50 / nos
5 / Pastel Paper (Mix colors) / 100 / nos
6 / Black water proof ink (camel) / 20 / nos
7 / Pencil 4B (camel)(packetof 10 pcs) / 4 / pkt
8 / PENCIL 6B (camel) (packetof 10 pcs) / 4 / pkt
9 / Plastic Color Plate(CAMEL) for mixing different 12 Shade) / 20 / nos
10 / Ground Brush (50 mm) / 20 / nos
11 / Round painting Brush(camel) ( 0no, 2nos , 4 no, 6 no. , 8 no.) / 100 / NOS
12 / Mount Board / 40 / nos
13 / Cello Tape (1/2 ") / 20 / nos
14 / Color Chalk Box (Non Dust) / 5 / box
15 / Cotton Roll / 500 / grm
16 / White long cloth (90 cm width) / 150 / mtr
17 / gateway sheet (A-3 size) / 100 / nos
18 / Water colour effect pencil (steadler pencil(packet containing 48 pieces) / 5 / pkt
19 / drawing pencil (natraj) (packet of 10 pcs) / 20 / pkt
20 / water color (camel) (box containing 6 shades of 15ml) / 20 / box
21 / shirt collar pasting (42" width) / 10 / mtr
22 / dye color (red, blue, yellow, green) / 400 / gm
23 / tracing paper (20"x26") / 50 / sheet
24 / emb. Skien's lanch (25pcs box) / 4 / box
25 / Pant fixed hook / 1 / box
26 / zink powder / 1 / pkt
27 / foam 6 mm (roll of 10 mtr) / 5 / roll
28 / scale 24" Plastic / 21 / nos
29 / sewing machine oil(singer/usha) / 28 / ltr
30 / titch button (555 make) / 5 / pkt
31 / SHORTHAND PENCIL (apsara) (packet of 10 pices) / 20 / pkt
32 / SHORTHAND Note book (bittoo)/Neel gagan 200 pages ) / 20 / dzn
33 / Sharpner (621 natraj) Plastic / 20 / nos
34 / Scale(12") natraj Plastic Big / 20 / nos
35 / Cutter with plastic handle(Natraj) / 20 / nos
36 / correcting fluid pen 07 ml (infinity) camelin/luxor / 20 / nos
37 / Cloth Duster (standard size) / 12 / nos
38 / Pen (Ball pen )Reynold/Cello / 20 / nos
39 / Stapler kangaro (pocket size) / 20 / nos
40 / File folder (Plastic Legal size) / 20 / nos
41 / white board duster / 6 / nos
42 / DMP stencil (for Computer) / 60 / nos
43 / Box file medium size A-4 / 20 / nos
44 / All Pins /Gem clips (globe) (100 gm ) / 4 / pkt
45 / water jug (flora) ( 2 ltr plastic) / 4 / nos
46 / scissor (usha) (8 " Link) / 2 / nos
47 / dustbin (flora) ( 10 Ltr Plastic) / 4 / nos
48 / glue stick/Luxor (cello/fevistick/Luxor) / 20 / nos
49 / CD Plain moserbear/sony / 40 / nos
50 / ruled rigister(class mate) 144 pages classmate/delta / 10 / nos
51 / Pocker (standard size) / 2 / nos
52 / paper highlighter (stick/Luxor) / 20 / nos
53 / Cello Tape/brown tape with dispenser / 12 / nos
54 / outward mail register (4 no. neelgagan) / 1 / no
55 / inward mail register (4 no. neelgagan) / 1 / no
56 / postal expenditure register (neelgagan) / 1 / no
57 / Peon Book (192 pages neelgagan) / 1 / no
58 / visitors register(class mate/delta) 288pg / 1 / no
59 / Paper weight (glass/plastic / 2 / dzn
60 / drawing pins(globe) (big top) / 7 / pkt
61 / stapler pin size no-10 kangaroo / 20 / nos
62 / Long cloth (90 cm width) / 200 / mtr
63 / Popline cloth (white)(90 cm width) / 100 / mtr
64 / Nursary print cloth (90 cm width) small print / 200 / mtr
65 / Satin rebbin 1/4 " red / yellow/green / 200 / mtr
66 / satin rebbin 1/2"red / yellow/green / 200 / mtr
67 / Emb guchi anchor / 200 / no
68 / Thread real white(300 m Polyster)Modi/Amito / 400 / no
69 / Fancy button (1 hole) / 300 / no
70 / Pant button (4 hole black color) / 200 / no
71 / Bobbin case wih bobbin ( for usha machine) / 40 / no
72 / Machine belt (standard size) / 40 / no
73 / Needle clamp ( for usha machine) / 40 / no
74 / Paisting (hard)(42" inch width) / 10 / mtr
75 / Lattha paisting (42" inch width) / 10 / mtr
76 / YELLOW DUSTER (standard size) / 50 / NOS
77 / WHITE DUSTER (standard size) / 80 / NOS
78 / FLASH DRIVE 16GB Kingston / 2 / NOS
81 / PERMANENT MARKER luxor/camlin / 20 / NOS
83 / Pencil H.B (camel) (Pkt of 10 pices) / 30 / pkt
85 / eraser (apsara) (33x17x11.5 mm) / 245 / nos
86 / Fevicol (SH) adhesive / 3 / kg
87 / Tailor chalk (deepak) (12pc packet) / 40 / pkt
88 / brown paper (27"*40") / 7 / ream
89 / Machine Needle (14,16, 18 nos) / 60 / pkt
90 / Hand needle ( 7, 9nos) / 34 / pkt
91 / blouse hook (555) / 23 / pkt
92 / shirt button (4 holes white color) 18 line / 402 / pkt
93 / Paper pasiting (42" inch width) / 27 / mtr
94 / A4 SIZE PHOTOCOPIER PAPER Century/jk/modi xerox 75 gsm / 50 / REAM
95 / Poster color (camel packet containing 12 shade of 15 ml) / 50 / pkt
96 / cleaning Liquid (colin) (500 ml) / 24 / bottle
97 / Fabric color (camel 15ml)(12 shade) / 28 / nos
98 / CD-R 700 MB SONY /MOSERBAER(box of 10 PCS) / 24 / box
99 / Sketch Pen set (stick/Luxor) (packet containg of 12 shades) / 24 / pkt
100 / Popline cloth (colourful)(90 cm width) / 200 / mtr
101 / Thread colourful reel (300 m Polyster)Modi /Amito / 600 / no




Tender No…………………


The Principal

ITI Tilak Nagar,

Jail Road, New Delhi.

Gentlemen and/or Ladies :

Having examined the Tender Documents including addenda Nos. NIL, the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the undersigned, offer to supply and deliver………………………. (Description of Goods and Services) in conformity with the said Tender documents in accordance with the schedule of prices attached herewith and made part of this Tender.

We undertake, if our Tender as accepted, to deliver the goods in accordance with the delivery schedule specified in the schedule of requirements.

We agreed to all Terms and conditions of this Tender for a period of……………… (number) days after the date fixed for Tender opening and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period.

Until a formal contract is prepared and executed, this Tender, together with your written acceptance thereof and your notification of award, shall constitute a binding contract between us.