Student/Parent IB Event Calendar 2016-2017

Please check regularly for updates

Last Update: January 30, 2017

February 2017

3: (Junior Full Candidates): Candidates must have EE proposalcompleted in Managebac. Keep in mind that the research question is still not final at this point, but at least it shows the topic with which you will be writing.

17:(Junior Full Candidates): Juniors writing EEs should have two sources entered into Noodle Tools with annotations. Please refer to Managebac to see what is expected to be included in a source annotation.

23: (IB Psychology Students): Final Draft of the Psychology IA is due to day. This is arequired component that is part of the overall IB score for the course. Without this component, students will not be eligible for a score from IB and subsequently will not be eligible to receive college credit for the class.

March 2017

2:(Seniors): IB Spanish B 12 SL students must have written assignment ready to upload in class electronically.


3:(Junior full canidates): Juniors writing EEs should have four sources entered intoNoodle Tools with annotations. Please refer to Managebac to see what is expected to be included in a source annotation.

8:(Seniors): IB Spanish B and IB Spanish ab initio students will complete theirindividual oral internal assessments in the Media Center throughout the day.

15:(Juniors and Seniors): IB Business SL and HL IA due to Mrs. Nobles.

17:Junior Full Candidates): Juniors writing EEs should have six sources entered intoNoodle Tools with annotations. Please refer to Managebac to see what is expected to be included in a source annotation.

23:(Psychology Students): The final draft of the Psychology Internal Assessment is due today. This is a required assessment for IB that comprises part of the total IB score. Without completion of this element, a “no score” will be awarded and subsequently no college credit can be awarded.

30:(Juniors): All full IB candidates must have met with Mrs. Vail, media specialist in order to explain their research topic and explore media resources that are available to them through the media center.

April 2017

7:(Junior Full Candidates): 10 research notecards are due with bibliographic information included in Noodle Tools.

13:(All students testing): Exam training done each hour in IB classrooms. This must be made up if a student is absent, or they will not be allowed to test.

21:(Junior Full Candidates): 10 additional research notecards are due with bibliographic information included in Noodle Tools. (Total of 20)

28:(IB Business Management Students): Standard Level and Higher Level Paper 1 at noon. The HL exam is 2 hours and 15 minutes. The SL Exam is 1 hour and 15 minutes. All IB exams will be given in the Lecture Hall of Pueblo West High School.

May 2017

1:(IB Business Management Students): Standard Level and SENIOR Higher Level students will take Paper 2. The exam begins at 8:45AM. The HL exam is 2 hours and 15 minutes. The SL exam is 1 hour and 45 minutes. All IB exams will be given in the Lecture Hall of Pueblo West High School.

1: (IB Biology HL SENIORS): Students will take Paper 1 and Paper 2 of the IB Biology Exam. The exam begins at 12:15PM. Paper 1 is a one-hour exam. Paper 2 is 2 hours and 15 minutes. All IB exams will be given in the Lecture Hall of Pueblo West High School.

2:(IB Biology HL SENIORS): Students will take Paper 3 of the IB Biology Exam. The exam will begin at 10:30AM. It will last 1 hour and 15 minutes. All IB exams will be given in the Lecture Hall of Pueblo West High School

3:(IB English SENIORS): Seniors will take Paper 1 of the IB English exam. The exam will begin at 12:30PM. It will last two hours. All IB exams will be given in the Lecture Hall of Pueblo West High School.

4:(IB English SENIORS): Seniors will take Paper 2 of the IB English exam. The exam will begin at 9:00AM. It will last 2 hours. All IB Exams will be given in the Lecture Hall of Pueblo West High School.

4:(IB Math Studies and IB Math SL SENIORS): Seniors will take the IB Math Studies and IB Math SL Paper 1. The exam begins at 1:30PM. The exam will last 1 hour and 30 minutes. All IB exams will be given in the Lecture Hall of Pueblo West High School.

5:(Junior Full Candidates): 10 additional research notecards are due with bibliographic information included in Noodle Tools. (Total of 30)

5:(IB Math Studies and IB Math SL SENIORS): Seniors will take the IB Math Studies and the IB Math SL Paper 2. The exam begins at 10:00AM. The exam will last 1 hour and 30 minutes. All IB exams will be given in the Lecture Hall of Pueblo West High School.

5:(IB Environmental Systems and Societies Students): Student will take the IB Environmental Systems and Societies Paper 1. The exam will begin at 1:00PM and last 1 hour. All IB exams will be given in the Lecture Hall of Pueblo West High School.

8:IB Environmental Systems and Societies Students): Students will take the IB Environmental Systems and Societies Paper 2. The exam will begin at 10:30AM and last 2 hours. All IB exams will be given in the Lecture Hall of Pueblo West High School.

8:IB Italian ab initio SENIORS: Seniors will take Paper 1 of the IB Italian ab initio exam. The exam will begin at 1:30PM and will last 1 hour and 30 minutes. All IB exams will be given in the Lecture Hall of Pueblo West High School.

9:IB Italian ab initio SENIORS: Seniors will take Paper 2 of the IB Italian ab inito exam. The exam will begin at 10:00AM and will last 1 hour. All IB exams are given in the Lecture Hall of Pueblo West High School.

9:IB History SENIORS: Students will take IB History Paper 1 and Paper 2. The exam begins at 12:30PM. Paper 1 lasts 1 hour, and Paper 2 last 1 hour and 30 minutes. All IB exams will be given in the Lecture Hall of Pueblo West High School.

10:IB History SENIORS: Students will take the IB History Paper 3. The exam begins at 9:00AM and lasts 2 hours and 30 minutes. All IB exams will be given in the Lecture Hall of Pueblo West High School.

11:IB Chemistry Students: Students will take IB Chemistry Paper 1 and Paper 2. The exam begins at 1:00PM. Paper 1 last 45 minutes, and Paper 2 last 1 hour and 15 minutes. All IB exams are given in the Lecture Hall of Pueblo West High School.

12:IB Chemistry Students: Students will take IB Chemistry Paper 3. The exam begins at 10:00AM and lasts 1 hour. All IB exams will be given in the Lecture Hall of Pueblo West High School.

12:IB Psychology SL Students and HL SENIORS: The IB Psychology SL and HL Paper 1 will be given. The exam begins at 1:00PM and lasts 2 hours. All IB exams will be given in the Lecture Hall of Pueblo West High School.

15:IB Psychology SL Students and HL SENIORS: IB Psychology HL seniors will take Papers 2 and 3. IB Psychology SL students will take Paper 2. The exams begin at 8:30AM. The HL exams will take 3 hours. The SL exam will take 1 hour. All IB exams will be given in the Lecture Hall of Pueblo West High School.

15:IB Physics SENIORS: Students will take IB Physics Paper 1 and Paper 2. The exam begins at 1:00PM. Paper 1 lasts 45 minutes, and Paper 2 lasts 1 hour and 15 minutes. All IB exams will be given in the Lecture Hall of Pueblo West High School.

16:IB Physics SENIORS: Students will take Paper 3 of the IB Physics exam. The exam begins at 10:30 AM and lasts 1 hour. All IB exams will be given in the Lecture Hall of Pueblo West High School

16:IB Spanish B SENIORS and IB Spanish ab initio SENIORS: Seniors will take Paper 1 of the IB Spanish exam. The exam begins at 1:00PM and will last 1 hour and 30 minutes. All IB exams will be given in the Lecture Hall of Pueblo West High School.

17:IB Spanish B SENIORS and IB Spanish ab initio SENIORS: Students will take Paper 2 of the IB Spanish exam. The exam will begin at 8:30AM. The Spanish B exam will last 1 hour and 30 minutes. The Spanish ab initio exam will last 1 hour. All IB exams will be given in the Lecture Hall of Pueblo West High School.

17:IB Philosophy SL Students: Students will take Paper 1 of the IB Philosophy exam. The exam will begin at 1:00PM and last 1 hour and 45 minutes. All IB exams will be given in the Lecture Hall of Pueblo West High School.

18:IB Philosophy SL Students: Students will take Paper 2 of the IB Philosophy exam. The exam will begin at 10:30AM and last 1 hour and 30 minutes. All IB exams will be given in the Lecture Hall of Pueblo West High School

18:IB French ab initio SENIORS: Seniors will take Paper 1 of the IB French exam. The exam will begin at 1:30PM and will last 1 hour and 30 minutes. All IB exams will be given in the Lecture Hall of Pueblo West High School.

19:(Junior Full Candidates): There is an organizational plan for your EE posted in Noodle Tools. It could be an outline, mind map, etc. You should also have a brief explanation as to how you are choosing to organize your material. Is it organized chronologically, by cause and effect, by themes, etc. You should also email your supervisor and request an appoint to go over your plan, your sources, and your notecards in order to start writing and complete your preliminary reflection on Managebac by May 31st.

19:IB French ab initio SENIORS: Seniors will take Paper 2 of the IB French ab initio Exam. The exam will begin at 8:00AM and last 1 hour. All IB exams will be given in the Lecture Hall of Pueblo West High School.

31:(Junior Full Candidates): All candidates must have met with their supervisor andcompleted the first reflection section on Managebac regarding the meeting. If necessary, the research question on the EE proposal on Managebac should be updated with a revised question.

June 2017

9: (Senior Full Candidates): All candidates will have posted on Managebac 3-4 pages of writing on the body of the paper. This cannot be the Abstract, the Introduction, or the conclusion, but it should include a working/rough draft Works Cited or Bibliography listing the sources that have now been used in your paper.

July 2017

5:Notification to seniors May 2017 of diploma status and test scores.

9:(Senior Full Candiates): All candidates will have posted on Managebac an additional 3-4 pages of writing on the body of the paper. This cannot be the abstract, the introduction, or the conclusion, but should include a working/rough draft Works Cited or Bibliography with the sources that have been used in the paper. An email should also be sent to your supervisor to advise them that you now have 6-8 pages of writing done. You also need to request a meeting time with them that must happen before the end of the school year in order to complete your interim reflection on Managebac.

August 2017

9:(Senior Full Canidates): All candidates will have posted on Managebac an additional 3-4 pages of writing on the body of the paper. This cannot be the abstract, the introduction, or the conclusion but should include a working/rough draft Works Cited or Bibliography all of the sources that have been used in your paper to this point. An email should also be sent to your supervisor to advise them that you now have 10-12 pages of writing done.

September 2017

9:(Senior Full Candidates): All candidates have met with their EE supervisor for theinterim reflection. The reflection of this meeting should be posted on Managebac by midnight.

20:(Full Candidates): IB Global Gathering Luncheon held in Mrs. Eastep’s room during third lunch.

October 2017

2:(Juniors/Seniors/Parents): Payment due for any exams being taken in May 2017.

9:(Senior Full Candidates): All candidates will have posted on Managebac the full body of their EE including the introduction and the conclusion. You should also have attached a working/rough draft Works Cited or Bibliography with all sources that have been used in your paper at this point.

11:(Parents): IB Informational Meeting open to rising freshmen, current freshmen and sophomores and their parents.

24:(Seniors): Interactive Oral Assessment #1 for IB Spanish B SL students during class.

November 2017

9:(Senior Full Candidates): A full first draft of your paper including the abstract, the introduction, the body, the conclusion, and Works Cited or Bibliography should be posted to Managebac for your supervisor to see. You should also email your supervisor requesting a meeting to go over the first draft of your paper

13-16:(Seniors): TOK IAs (Presentations)

16:(Seniors): Spanish B SL: Interactive Oral Assessment (Internal Assessment #2): Done in class.

December 2017

9:(Senior Full Candidates): A revised draft of your entire EE should be re-posted to Managebac and submitted to for similarity review. You should email your supervisor informing him/her that you have done this and request another meeting with your supervisor to make any additional revisions.

11:(Seniors): TOK essays due to Mr. Garner (1 copy on Turnitin and one printed copy to Mr. Garner.)

13:(Seniors): Spanish B SL: Interactive Oral Assessment #3. Done in class.

January 2018

9: (Senior Full Candidates): By this date, please schedule an appointment with Mrs. Eastep to review your similarity matches on Turnitin.

23:(Senior Full Candidates): A second draft of the entire EE is posted in Managebac for similarity review. Once submitted, email Mrs. Eastep to verify that you are cleared to schedule the viva voce with your EE supervisor. The viva voce is due on February 6th

25:(Full Candidate JUNIORS): EE Extravaganza Meeting: This is the required orientation meeting to introduce juniors to the elements required over the next year for the Extended Essay. We will meet in the Pueblo West High School Lecture Hall. This is considered an in-school field trip for all full candidate JUNIORS.

26:(Full Candidate JUNIORS): EE Extravaganza Research Day at CSU-P Media Center.

February 2018

6:(Senior Full Candidates): Viva voce is completed with your supervisor and reflection is entered in Managebac.