1. / Name & Designation of the Officer2. / Date of visit
3. / Name of the society & management & Address
4. / Name & Address of (Mandal & Dist) of the college to which attached hostel proposed
5. / Register No. & date of the society
6. / Whether the society is running any other Educational Institutions? If so the details.
7. / The following documents should be enclosed
i) Application form prescribed in Appendix:49 under rule 397 of A.P. Integrated Education Rules
ii) Society Registration copy under A.P. Society Registration Act
iii) Bye Law copy of the society
iv) i.e. LOI(Letter of Intent and PP & PA(Provisional Permission and provisional Affiliation order)of the college issued by the BIE
v) Latest affiliation orders issued by the BIE
vi) Correspondent ship approval orders of the DIE
vii) Strength particulars of the last 3 years
of the college (Gender wise)
viii) Pass percentage for the last 3 years
ix) Registered lease(for minimum period
of 5 years) / sale deed of the
proposed hostel building
x) Approved building plan approved by
local Panchayat / Municipality /
xi) Sanitary certificate
xii) Fire Safety Certificate
xiii) Building soundness certificate issued
by Structural Engineer of any Govt.
Junior college, Department for
occupancy of the building for the
hostel purpose certifying that it can 3
KV / M3 as live
8. / Nature of building : RCC building / sheds details shall be furnished
a) When the building is constructed:
b) Whether the building is own / rented on lease:
9. / a) Shape of the plot:
b) Furnish the photo album of the C.A.H. building with: inside and out side the rooms, kitchen, dining room, toilets and bath rooms etc.:
10. / Floor that is proposed for hostel(Ground floor / first floor / second floor etc)::
11. / Whether the proposed hostel is for Boys / Girls / Both::
12. / Room wise details of plinth area and the purpose for which each of the room allotted:
13. / Details of number of rooms earmarked for dormitory with dimensions and plinth area and floor in which the dormitory located (ground / first / second floor etc.)
14. / Total plinth area available in the dormitory:
15. / No. of students accommodated in the available plinth area @40 Sft per student as prescribed U/R 376 of Integrated Educational rules:
16. / No. of students the management proposed to accommodate in the hostel:
As per guidelines of national building code of India.
a) Water closets(Toilets) should be provided 1 per 8 pupil(Male):
b) 1 per 6 pupil (Female ) Urinals should be provided:
c) 1 per 20 pupil (Female)
17. / No. of toilets required for the proposed No. hostlers as per NBC:
18. / No. of toilets with dimensions and plinth area available:
19. / No. of students for which the available toilets are adequate:
20. / No. of urinals required for the proposed No. hostlers as per NBC
21. / No. of urinals blocks available:
22. / No. of students for which the available urinals are adequate:
23. / No. of wash basins available:
24. / Whether running water facility is provided to toilets and urinals:
25. / Nature of water source other than drinking
A. purpose (Well / hand pump / Tube well (Bore) / Municipal / Panchayat tap with storage tank)
a) Pumping with electric motor:
b) Overhead storage tank capacity:
c) Underground storage tank / sump capacity.
25) B. Nature of drinking water source (Well / hand pump / Tube well (Bore) / Municipal / Panchayat tap with storage
d) Pumping with electric motor:
e) Overhead storage tank capacity:
c) Underground storage tank / sump capacity.
25) C .As per NBC water supply required for each boarder is 136 Ltrs whether the capacity of the storage water tank
is sufficient for the proposed No. of hostlers?
26. / Dimensions and plinth area of kitchen :
27. / a) Dimensions of plinth area of Dining hall:
b) No. of students that can dine at time in the dining hall:
c) Man power for the kitchen:
d) Person appointed as cook:
e) Experience of cook:
f) Whether kitchen store facility available:
g) Whether sufficient utensils available:
28. / Dimensions and plinth area of reading Library room:
29. / a) Dimensions and plinth area of first aid room:
30. / Dimensions and plinth area of games room details of games and sports material available
31. / Is there any playground available in the campus of hostel if so the dimensions:
32. / Is there a administrator / warden room
33. / Dimensions and plinth area of other rooms available and their purpose:
34. / As per NBC(National Building Code) the lighting required in writing room 300 illumination lux; Stair case 100 illumination lux: is the lighting is in accordance to the above in the room and in the Stair case?
35. / As per the NBC width of Stair case shall be 1.5 mts wide, upto 24 mts height o0f building width of the present stair case. Is it in accordance to the Code?
36. / As per the NBC every dormitory room shall have two door ways of 1.5 mts wide and 2.00 mts height. Are the dormitory rooms provided two door ways with above specifications?
37. / As per NBC every dormitory room shall be provided with cross ventilation. are they provided?
38. / Provision to close the hostel during night time to prevent to ingress of any unauthorized person(Rule 378 of A.P.,IE.R)
39. / Whether there is compound wall to protect premises:
40. / Security arrangements made for safety during the day and night times
41. / Particulars of warden / staff appointed (Separate sheet may be enclosed)
a) Whether Security Guard appointed:
b) Whether he is a Ex-service man:
c) His experience qualification and out sourcing agency from where the security guard is deployed:
42. / Are the following registers are opened
i) Admission Register of the hostel:
ii) Attendance Register:
iii) Visitors Book / Gate Book:
iv) Medical Register :
v) Order Book:
vi) Hostel account Books:
Are the rules of the hostel are displayed at prominent place in the hostel?)Please a enclose a copy)
43. / Specific recommendations of the inspecting Officer.
44. / Photograph of the hostel which depict
1. Rooms / Dormitories
2. Toilets
3. Compound wall
4. Kitchen(with equipment)
5. Drinking facility(with furniture)
6. Dirking water facility
7. Library facility
8. Furniture like chairs, tables, Gas, mattresses etc.
Signature of the Regional Inspection Officer