Performa to be submitted by each faculty member for mentoring sessions
Week No. / Start date / Topics to be discussed/ Activities planned1 / 29/07/2013 / Introduction about the college
2 / 5/8/2013 / Briefing about community outreach
3 / 12/8/2013 / To discuss the problems of students regarding their study
4 / 19/8/2013 / About sexual harassment
5 / 26/8/2013 / Awareness about social issues
6 / 02/9/2013 / Briefing by the counsellor
7 / 10/9/2013 / To discuss the general problems of girls students
8 / 16/9/2013 / Interactive session on "Hobbies"
9 / 23/9/2013 / motivate students about punctuality and discipline
10 / 30/9/2013 / Interaction with alumni
11 / 07/10/2013 / Educate the students to improve their computer skills
12 / 16/9/2013 / To make them familiar with various internet sites
13 / 21/9/2013 / aware students about competitive tests
14 / 28/9/2013 / Ask them to prepare power point presentations of their interest
15 / 4/11/2013 / Ask them to prepare power point presentations of their interest
16 / 11/11/2013 / Ask them to prepare power point presentations of their interest
17 / 18/11/2013 / Interaction with some famous personality
18 / 25/11/2013 / teach students about good habbits like reading, writing etc.
19 / 2/12/2013 / discussion on personal hygiene and cleanliness
20 / 9/12/2013 / Carry out the debate sessions on social issues, political issues, corruption etc.
21 / 16/12/2013 / Carry out the debate sessions on social issues, political issues, corruption etc.
22 / 23/12/2013 / Interaction with alumni
23 / 13/1/2014 / Motivate them to help the needy people
24 / 20/1/2014 / Motivate them to keep their enviornment clean
25 / 3/2/2014 / discussion on community service
26 / 10/2/2014 / Briefing by the counsellor
27 / 17/2/2014 / Motivate them to educate atleast 3 to 4 poor children
28 / 24/2/2014 / Guide them to design their carrier according to their interest
29 / 3/3/2014 / Inculcate moral values in them
30 / /3/2013 / Counseling the students on stress management
Performa to be submitted by each faculty member for community outreach programme
( A ) List of Subject oriented community outreach programmes
Subject 1 Chemistry
S.N. / Name of the activity proposed to be carried out / Tentative dates / Duration(Maximum 6 days during the whole session) / Organisation/ NGO to be associated with
1 / Anti-pollution drives in various places with demonstrations through exhibitions / 2nd week of August / 4 day
2 / Aware the people about food adulteration / 3rd week of November / 4 day
3 / awareness campaigns regarding green chemistry / 2nd week of december / 2 day
( B ) List of Society oriented community outreach programmes
S.N. / Date / Name of the activity proposed to be carried out / No. of participants / Duration / Organisation/ NGO to be associated1 / 1st week of decembr / TO visit PGI for the interaction of students with patients / 10 / 1 day
2 / 3rd week of decembr / To visit an old age home / 10 / 1 day
Note : Separate Student wise detailed information would be kept for giving credit to students who participated in activities
( C ) Research oriented community outreach programmes
(Faculty members to identify the research projects, beneficial to the society, and Students would be associated with those research projects)
S.N. / Name of the research project to be undertaken / Tentative duration of the project / No. of volunteers required / Duration for which each volunteer is required / Organisation/ NGO to be associated (if any)1 / testing of adultrants in common food items / 2 days / 10 / 2 hrs
2 / To study the literacy skills of college class IV employes / 2 days / 10 / 2 hrs
A detailed project report would be prepared after the completion of the research projects, highlighting objectives, hypothesis, approach and results/conclusions.
( D ) Mentor specific outreach programmes
(Mentors are to creatively think and prepare a basket of projects which can not be categorized in any of the above category.)
S.N. / Name of the project to be undertaken / Tentative duration of the project / No. of volunteers required / Duration for which each volunteer is required(Total Days and Hrs/per Day) / Organisation/ NGO to be associated with
1 / To discuss general hygiene / 1 day / 20 / 2 hrs
2 / To discuss the harmful effects of certain medicines / 1 day / 20 / 2 hrs
3 / Remedial classes for school children / The whole year during the zero hour / 500 / 15 days ( one and half hour daily)
Subject wise suggested themes
•Sociology: working for various issues in Slums, Old Age Homes, Cheshire Homes, Nursing homes/ Hospitals ( Sex selective abortion issue)
•Psychology: Prisons, Old age homes, Juvenile homes, Orphanages, Drug/Alcohol rehabilitation, Victims of violence- women and children ( Psycho therapy sessions)
•Public-Administration/ Political Science: Chandigarh Municipal corporations administrative structures, especially its various wings such as waste management issue, Participation of women and minority groups and its dynamics
•Economics: Study of migrant groups, especially low income groups such as Rickshaw Pullers, Daily wage construction workers; Socio-economic profile of vendors and street shop keepers.
•Music and Fine Arts: Collaboration with Sangeet Natya kala academy, Lalit kala Academy, Dance and Painting workshops for the underprivileged students in association with the teachers.
•English/ Hindi/Punjabi: Creative writing-learning workshops with slum children, Government schools.
•Commerce, IT: Collaboration with CII, FICCI etc
•Science stream: Anti-pollution drives in various places with demonstrations through exhibitions, rally and awareness campaigns, organizing science fair etc.
•Philosophy: Empathy classes with the government and private schools to train the teachers in the art of empathetic learning.
• Physical education: Yoga, physical fitness camps and Health camps in various localities, rural areas
• History: Museum visits, museum volunteers, exhibitions/ volunteers at exhibition, conduct of heritage walks
The system will work in a triadic arrangement with NGOs, Target groups and Colleges as its constituents.
•Feedback to be taken seriously. Should be utilized.However not to be used for penalising.